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Oh my aching back. . .

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I went to the chiropractor today for an exam. They were just doing range of motion exercises and pressing on my back gently in a test for pain. It did not hurt at all at the time. But this evening I'm in major pain all down my spine. I go in again in two days for an adjustment and I'll tell them about it. I wonder if they triggered something in my fibromyalgia but it isn't my normal kind of pain. I just took two Aleve and plan an epsom salt bath for later.

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Do you go often? If you're new to chiropractics, it can be pretty darn uncomfortable for a day or two after an adjustment, even without your extra health issues.





I go monthly and have gone for years. This is not in reaction to an adjustment but just an exam. I think they pressed some trigger point by accident or something. I am extremely easy to injure. I got very badly injured in a massage once. This is pretty painful - the two Aleve have done nothing to relieve the pain and I took them over an hour ago.

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Can you go back today or tomorrow rather than wait? I imagine they would make room for you if you are in pain?

I guess it could make it worse- but also could make it better.


I just woke up. I was able to sleep - the pain is less when I'm lying down. I'm going to call in a few minutes to see if my chiropractor is there today. If he is, then yes, I'm going in today even if I have to beg. I will not see the other chiros in the practice there. They just do not have the experience that my Dr. (the senior partner) has.

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:grouphug: praying that you'll feel better very soon.


It makes me a bit nervous of seeing a chiro.. I was thinking of making an appointment to deal with my constant neck pain (repetitive strain injury). :confused:


This actually did not happen as part of a normal chiropractic adjustment. It happened as part of a physical therapy type of exam to see if there is progress in range of motion and stuff like that. Since I've been functionally disabled from my fibromyalgia, they check on that on occasion. I actually think that he triggered something with my muscles and now they won't relax. I might need to get a muscle relaxer. This is something due to my condition and doesn't happen to normal people.

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It's easing just a little with magnesium. I plan to keep taking it until I'm having to run to the bathroom. My Dr. is in today and I have an appointment with him this afternoon too.


That's good. I hope you get some (more) relief.


This actually did not happen as part of a normal chiropractic adjustment. It happened as part of a physical therapy type of exam to see if there is progress in range of motion and stuff like that. Since I've been functionally disabled from my fibromyalgia, they check on that on occasion. I actually think that he triggered something with my muscles and now they won't relax. I might need to get a muscle relaxer. This is something due to my condition and doesn't happen to normal people.


Ah.. that's okay.. maybe I will be brave and fix an appointment..

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I think Kidshappen has this problem with the chiro flaring up her fibro. Maybe a pm to her would garner you some ideas. (fair warning...I may be wrong on who it is LOL :D)


I know that she has fibro so it may be her. I just got back so I'll try to PM her in a bit. I'm not sure if I'm better or not. He did not do a normal adjustment on me today but did some stuff to activate my central nervous system. It hurt! But my muscles did seem to ease up some. I am super sore though all down my back and on one hip. I'm hoping that it will slowly go away but am a bit scared that it will continue to hurt and will just flare up again.

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