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Weird, I had heard of a Catholic group that is patterned like Classical Conversations

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I looked into it. I love their sample pages. However, unless you can attend one of their learning centers, you can't buy the materials. I emailed them and was told that they will have their materials available in a year. It will be an online enrollment.


This one is similar and available now. http://catholicschoolhouse.blogspot.com/p/academics.html


I'm thinking about it.

Hope that helped!

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What's that about imitation being a sincere form of flattery?


cycles and everything...


oh well, it really was just a matter of time...


we live in a free market society

For sure!


I'm happy that someone's coming out with a Catholic CC. I was pondering coming up with my own thing, but I don't have the time!

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I'm not Catholic and am a Director with CC; I am quite pleased to see more of these types of educational mentoring/tutorial programs coming about for us homeschoolers. The fellowshipping amongst the children and parents is great and the quality of materials used is wonderful.

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oh well, it really was just a matter of time...


we live in a free market society


Since CC's SOF excludes Catholics, it's hardly surprising that someone came up with something similar for themselves. These programs aren't really competing since CC didn't want Catholic customers anyway.

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What's that about imitation being a sincere form of flattery?


cycles and everything...


oh well, it really was just a matter of time...


we live in a free market society


Memorization in a group setting has been a hallmark of Catholic education for centuries, so yes, it is flattering that CC imitated that! :D


Seriously, no one, certainly no modern group, can lay claim to the idea. CC popularized it in the homeschool world in an organized setting, and now there will be a Catholic version - that's great. I think it would be awesome if someone started a secular version as well.

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A secular version, would be extremely easy, especially if it were for someone who likes.... say... SOTW. CC material really can be used by anyone. If not trying to go through CC, then taking out the "Christian" parts to make it secular would be... a piece of cake.

And, seriously.... the 4 year cycle would be good. It's hard to pick a curriculum.. if you want to pick one... and do a 3 year cycle.

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Out of curiousity, what specifically excludes Catholics?


This has been discussed numerous times before on the board, but there are things in the CC statement of faith that don't mesh with Catholic doctrine. A forum search for "Catholic" and "classical conversations" will yield several long threads. :)


Among other issues, the CC statement of faith says, "The infallible Word of God, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is a complete and unified witness to God's redemptive acts culminating in the incarnation of the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ."


Catholics believe that there are 72 books in the Bible. I'm not sure why CC would include a specific number of books, if they aren't attempting to exclude those who disagree.


There are several other things, but that's the most obvious, in my opinion.

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What's that about imitation being a sincere form of flattery?


cycles and everything...


oh well, it really was just a matter of time...


we live in a free market society


This model is not exclusive to CC, nor is most of the material that CC uses. We attend CC and love it. I'm even a tutor. Most of CC's materials are gleaned from other sources. The classical model is age old. Companies market it in slightly different forms, but it is all basically imitation of what came before. Who owns knowledge, after all?


I'm glad that the families in the new organization can benefit from it, just like we have benefited from CC. :001_smile:

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Here is a thread from the 4Real Learning forums on some of the problems Catholic families have had with VP materials.


I have never personally seen any of the VP materials as I try to avoid Protestant publishers as a general rule-of-thumb. But I have no reason to doubt the ladies over at 4Real when they say they find VP problematic.

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Well, being Protestant, I don't have an issue with a "protestant group" BUT if you want to think that you're providing a service that is for Protestants and Catholics, then some of their choices aren't the greatest. BTW, you NEVER go over the VP backs of the cards in class.... So, it's really just the front. But, VP is very reformed... and though I agree with some of it... I am NOT reformed in many areas....

I think it's awesome that there are different programs out there. I also think that memory with context is best... But, that's another thread... BTW, I've looked at the samples for both of these, and they look good. BUT, I would NEVER go with a program that has anyone other than "local" in charge.... EVER again :)

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I didn't have time to post this before, but a lot of the memory works is what my dad did in Catholic school in the 50's. When I read the WTM for the first time, I repeatedly put the book down, called him, and asked, "Did you do ______ in Catholic school?" (memory work, latin, copy work, dictation, etc......) The answer was always yes.

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Since CC's SOF excludes Catholics, it's hardly surprising that someone came up with something similar for themselves. These programs aren't really competing since CC didn't want Catholic customers anyway.


As a CC Director, this is just my understanding so keep that in mind when you read; CC doesn't exclude anyone, they have their SOF but won't deny anyone the opportunity to be involved in the group. There happens to be a CC Community here in MD that has a handful of Mormon families as part of it. The only rule I am aware of with CC is that if you are not a Christian that lives by their SOF than you can't be a Tutor or Director but can certainly be a member family.


So Catholics can certainly be member families of any CC Community as far as I can tell. I have a Catholic family in my community and they love being part of the community.

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As a CC Director, this is just my understanding so keep that in mind when you read; CC doesn't exclude anyone, they have their SOF but won't deny anyone the opportunity to be involved in the group. There happens to be a CC Community here in MD that has a handful of Mormon families as part of it. The only rule I am aware of with CC is that if you are not a Christian that lives by their SOF than you can't be a Tutor or Director but can certainly be a member family.


So Catholics can certainly be member families of any CC Community as far as I can tell. I have a Catholic family in my community and they love being part of the community.


This is still exclusionary to an extent...aka Catholics and others are considered "less than". They may learn under a Protestant the agrees with the SOF, but they may not teach (because they may corrupt others?)

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This is still exclusionary to an extent...aka Catholics and others are considered "less than". They may learn under a Protestant the agrees with the SOF, but they may not teach (because they may corrupt others?)


I see and understand why those not agreeing with their SOF would feel excluded by the exclusion from tutoring or being a Director.


Let me ask this though, does anyone know if this Catholic Tutorial has any sort of exclusion like the afore mentioned one with CC?


Again though, as I mentioned back on page 1, I am all for these groups regardless of their religious or secular views. Groups getting together to home educate children and fellowship are a good thing.


HAHA, remeinds me of old Hillary with, "It takes a village..." which is why I homeschool thing that I read somewhere once.

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As a CC Director, this is just my understanding so keep that in mind when you read; CC doesn't exclude anyone, they have their SOF but won't deny anyone the opportunity to be involved in the group. There happens to be a CC Community here in MD that has a handful of Mormon families as part of it. The only rule I am aware of with CC is that if you are not a Christian that lives by their SOF than you can't be a Tutor or Director but can certainly be a member family.


So Catholics can certainly be member families of any CC Community as far as I can tell. I have a Catholic family in my community and they love being part of the community.


She didn't say that CC excludes anyone. She said that their SOF does, and that is true. Writing a SOF that names "66 books" or makes a point to state something about salvation through belief alone is narrowing it to a point of expressly excluding Catholics. Many Catholics will of course still join, but some won't be able to, because they don't join and/or financially support organizations with SOFs that expressly exclude them.

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