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If someone makes my 2yo scream one more time my head is going to explode.

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IME, half the problem is the instigator, but the other half is the screamer. Maybe it's time to have a serious discussion with the 2yo about how to handle it when someone does something you don't like. Then, it's time for a serious discussion with the older kids about how to respond when someone tells you (in a nice voice) that they don't like what you're doing. Then, intervene until they get it right.


Or, if they've already had those discussions and interventions ad nauseum, it's time for everyone to go to bed early.


Parenting is hard work.

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I'm right there with you.


I nearly posted, "Would someone please give my 4 year old a tranquilizer!" just an hour or so ago. He's always moving, always noisy. And DH and I are sick, and my 19 month old is cranky, and he keeps provoking her. So, when she finally fell asleep, I just wanted him to be quiet and still...for once.

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I can so relate. Schmooey has entered a rather whiny and clingy phase lately. Until now, he's been so very cute, that even on "naughty" days, it's been hard not to pick him up and squish him. He's mastered the art of "Sowwy, Mommy!" with a winning smile that melts my heart. :D


Lately he's not been quite so cute, and Abbie seems determined to bend him to her will. It's not going so well. I am ready to send them both FedEx to my parents. Emma can go along for good measure and then I will have a NAP.

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A favourite phrase when ds was that age was "You broke him, you fix him!".


He is older, but the screaming continues. Dh is trying to watch earthquake coverage on TV, the kids get loud, he turns it up, they get louder, he turns it up and tells them off, I scream, "OUT! OUT! Get OUT of my house!" at the top of my voice and they scram for the back door. It seems to have been like this for days, the noise just won't stop, and my head is definitely ready to explode!

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