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I made cookies with coconut oil

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Yes, I used it on toast the other day, and it was perfect. Everyone gets annoyed around here waiting for butter to soften for toast, so this is the perfect solution.


I also make popcorn with it.


I like it on cinnamon toast, and it also males yummy cinnamon rolls.


Unfortunately, I became allergic to cinnamon. :(


But, I can still eat Enjoy Life chocolate chips!!! :001_smile::):001_smile:

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Yes, I used it on toast the other day, and it was perfect. Everyone gets annoyed around here waiting for butter to soften for toast, so this is the perfect solution.


I also make popcorn with it.


Yes, it was actually superior to butter on popcorn!


Then, I became allergic to corn. :(


Noticing a trend here? :(. :(

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Wow! Do you use the same ratio of coconut oil to butter? And where do you buy it?


Yes. I am making Snickerdoodles with it right now. I'll let you know how they turn out.


I bought it at Kroger in the oil section. You can buy it at Walmart too.

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It should be the softness of shortening. Are you refrigerating it?


No. It's been on the counter. It's the texture of candle wax. I used it for grilled cheese and it was fine but I'm not sure how to bake with it. I know you don't melt butter before cooking so I'm hesitant to do that with this as well.

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No. It's been on the counter. It's the texture of candle wax. I used it for grilled cheese and it was fine but I'm not sure how to bake with it. I know you don't melt butter before cooking so I'm hesitant to do that with this as well.


You'll probably find as you start using it that it gets softer. Don't melt it first. It melts a lot faster than butter and will get soft just by mixing it.


Grilled cheese, huh? I may rarely need to use butter again. :)

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It should be the softness of shortening. Are you refrigerating it?


It really depends on how warm your house is. In summer, mine melts (I have gallon buckets of expeller pressed and virgin coconut oil in my pantry). In winter, the virgin oil is very hard, the expeller is slightly less so.


My palm oil is the softness of shortening all the time, but the coconut oil varies greatly :)

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do the cookies have a slight coconut flavor?


I'm just now using more coconut oil and am LOVING it. I didn't know Walmart sold it. I need to compare prices.


My favorite is a veggie sautee of thinly sliced onions and red bell pepper along with shredded zucchini. SO GOOD, but the coconut oil gives it a slight Carribean flavor, which I *LOVE*. I do detect the coconut flavor when I use it. I'm a HUGE coconut fan, though, just wondering if it changes the flavor of cookies or other baked items like scones.:bigear:

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I do detect the coconut flavor when I use it. I'm a HUGE coconut fan, though, just wondering if it changes the flavor of cookies or other baked items like scones.:bigear:


I don't notice the coconut flavor all the time, but my dh does. He does not like it in his meals, so I use expeller pressed (has no coconut flavor) for anything that's a main dish, sauteeing, frying, etc. I'll use the virgin coconut oil in baking.

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