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XPost ~ Apologia Physical Science - My class website for you

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I built a class website this year for my tutorial kids that has flashcards, links, and videos posted for each of the modules. I don't think it requires you to be registered with the host (Engrade - a free gradebook site we use for the tutorial). I have a lot of smaller "lessons" and on-line quizzes for the flashcards and modules, but I cannot attach those to the class website due to the way it is set-up.


Anyway ~ It's not great or anything, but for all the time invested in getting it all together this year, I wanted it to be used as much as possible by anyone who needs it. The Weekly Homework schedule is primarily the reading schedule we use for the year (we do a lot more than listed) and of course you can ignore that.


Look for each module resources on the left hand side bar.


If you are looking for additional activities for teaching at a tutorial or at home, I have a completely different website at Google sites that has links for activities, many of which I have been slowly moving from my computer to the website (llisted by modules) If you have interest in looking at that ~ just message me.


I reformatted all the Module Study Guides to a doc form (that is in order of the Module reading). I usually have some students with various learning disabilities and some use text readers and require doc copies to have their software read it to them, and they can type in the answers. I also added things that I thought helpful or formatted in a more visual way. I hope to get all those loaded on the website over the summer.




Email me if you need anything ~ Debbie


And yes, I know this is not helpful for this year, but you may find it helpful for next year. Since I have a wide range of kids, I try to include things are all of them (reinforcements of basic ideas and interesting things for my stronger students).


This summer, I'm setting one up for my Apologia General Science class as well. That one will be located at http://wikis.engrade.com/nctgs when I get it up and running.

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I have one doing General Science this year through our homeschool co-op. However, next year, my other child will be taking General and oldest will be taking Physical Science. So, I hope to use both your websites. Thanks for sharing all your hard work.



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