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For those of you who use a cup....

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I'm having a lot of problems with super-heavy flow every other month or so as I'm deep into my peri-menopausal journey. I'm stuck at home for 1-2 days at the beginning. We've been to the dr. and my options now are ablation (which is not an option for us) and a hysterectomy.


Having chosen not to do elective surgery just yet, I'm thinking about a Diva cup (or equivalent). I'm heavy, have never used tampons because they 'bug' me, and wonder if a cup will really be able to 'hold'. I'm so tired of the accidents, ruining clothing that I can't seem to get clean, having towels over any surface I sit on, just in case, and being stuck at home if I need to get out. I'll wear 2 pads if we NEED to go out, just in case.


Do any of you who have super-heavy flows use a cup? Or those of you who had trouble with using tampons..were you able to transition to a cup?

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I'm in the same place...it stinks!


3 months ago, I went to the Dr. and the first thing that flies out of her mouth is D&C, then ablation, then IUD. :001_huh: I was ready to :auto:...


It took some convincing on my part, but I finally got her to prescribe BC -- the lowest dose possible.


So far, so good...I go back next week for a follow-up.


I've never used a cup -- so I can't help you there. (Last month was the first time I have been able to use tampons since pre-pregnancy days.)

I bought the Kotex brand...


Have you tried different absorbencies?? (If they're too big, then they will feel "dry" and irritate you...)

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I've never liked how tampons feels, even using the 'teenager' ones. I'm not sure if it's how I'm built, but I've never been able to successfully use them and not be irritated by how they feel..and sometimes hurt. Thus I've always been a pad -user. I'm not a big fan of going back on BC at my age. Besides, when I first was on it when we first got married, I gained 30 lbs in that six months..and got off it immediately and haven't used it since.

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I mentioned this on another thread, but it's been so helpful that I'm going to risk going on peoples nerves. I have had a wonderful turn around in slowing down my heavy bleeding by taking chasteberry/ vitex. It naturally balances the hormones. My sister also uses it with great results. You don't even have to take it all the time.. just during my period helps me too.

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I have a heavy flow and use a cup. I have learned how to make it work best for me. I think that the manufacturer claims that the average woman only needs to empty the cup 2-3/day. However, I find that on my heaviest days that I need to empty it every 3 or 4 hours. If I go any longer, I will leak. After using it for few cycles, I was able to "feel" when it needed to be emptied. I was getting up once during the night as well. However, a friend, who also has a heavy flow and uses one, suggested that I just use an overnight pad for backup. This works for her. I haven't tried this suggestion yet because I am breastfeeding and am enjoying a nice break from my cycles.


On another note, my sister had an ablation. It only gave her temporary relief and now is having cycles as bad, if not worse, than before.

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I've never liked how tampons feels, even using the 'teenager' ones. I'm not sure if it's how I'm built, but I've never been able to successfully use them and not be irritated by how they feel..and sometimes hurt. Thus I've always been a pad -user. I'm not a big fan of going back on BC at my age. Besides, when I first was on it when we first got married, I gained 30 lbs in that six months..and got off it immediately and haven't used it since.


I wasn't a fan at my age either -- I'll be 42 in September. But it just seemed better than the alternatives...they were all a lot more "permanent". My plan is to ease off the BC next cycle. I'm hoping that this "reset" combined with some dietary changes will do the trick.


Honestly, I was concerned about gaining weight...but I haven't gained a pound in 3 months. I think it has something to do w/ finding the right dose for YOUR body.


I don't know...just a thought. :grouphug:

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I mentioned this on another thread, but it's been so helpful that I'm going to risk going on peoples nerves. I have had a wonderful turn around in slowing down my heavy bleeding by taking chasteberry/ vitex. It naturally balances the hormones. My sister also uses it with great results. You don't even have to take it all the time.. just during my period helps me too.


What is and where do you get chasteberry/vitex? Is this a natural remedy? Is Vitex the brand name? I would definitely be interested.

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Darcy, I'm a Diva cup user and love it (keep in mind, I never had a problem with tampons once I started using them). My cycles have gotten heavier over time, but honestly I hardly realize it, except for maybe having to empty the cup more frequently. Like the other cup-user posted above, on heavy days I have to empty more than the standard recommendation (sometimes every couple of hours). I leak faaaar less with the cup than with tampons! And I can't feel a thing when it's in (although, as mentioned above, it is possible to tell by feel if it needs to be emptied). And to me, it's NO messier than tampons. HTH.

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I haven't had success with tampons since having children. I don't know why. I'm using a Diva cup and I'm quite happy with it. It took a few months to get used to using it and having it inserted correctly. In the beginning I always wore a pad with it, just in case.


I think that for someone like you, you would need to empty the cup more often than I do. I only have to empty it the recommended 2-3 times a day.

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I've never liked how tampons feels, even using the 'teenager' ones. I'm not sure if it's how I'm built, but I've never been able to successfully use them and not be irritated by how they feel..and sometimes hurt. Thus I've always been a pad -user. I'm not a big fan of going back on BC at my age. Besides, when I first was on it when we first got married, I gained 30 lbs in that six months..and got off it immediately and haven't used it since.


That was me! So I am now a proud Diva cup user. I will say that I can still feel my cup, which most people say you shouldn't, but I must just be super sensitive to it. As for heavy period I would say use a pad as a back up and then just empty it more often. I love the freedom the Diva has given me to do things and feel secure.

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I have a super heavy flow and when all was normal I LOVED my Diva cup. It was the only way I was able to leave the house for much of my 9 day cycle. However I now have Endometriosis and the pressure that is put on the inside walls from the Diva is to painful. I can no longer wear it. :( If you have pelvic pain then it might not be a good fit.

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That was me! So I am now a proud Diva cup user. I will say that I can still feel my cup, which most people say you shouldn't, but I must just be super sensitive to it.


I can feel mine too. Either I'm really sensitive, which may be the case, I can't stand things on my head and have other minor clothing sensitivity issues, or I'm still not getting it in "just right".

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I have used a Diva cup for years now. I have both sizes. I bought the larger one because the questionnaire suggested it, but I am a small build and it was just too large. I bought the smaller one and prefer it for most days but use the larger one at least one day when needed or I am going out and concerned about it.


I now hate the alternatives and will never go back. Cramping is lessened, etc....



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What is and where do you get chasteberry/vitex? Is this a natural remedy? Is Vitex the brand name? I would definitely be interested.


It's an herb sold by itself in most health food places. I order mine from puritanspride and often get one free. It has two names either vitex or chastberry, the same herb. On heavy days I take two about every 4 hrs, by the end of the day my bleeding has slowed way down. It works like a miracle for me. My sister too!


From what I've read into it, it should naturally balance hormones.


Another too good to believe story about it. I have a good friend who would bleed for up to 6 wks after childbirth. I gave her a bottle after her last baby and she only bled for 10 day- 2wks! She also took red raspberry leaf in capsule form. That should also be very good for the uterus.


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The cup has absolutely changed my heaviest days. It had gotten to the point of a pad/t-pon combo both needing to be changed every hour or so. With the cup I can usually eek out at least a few hours before it is completely filled and starts to leak, unless there's been a really large clot. On my not so heavy days I may only empty it once or twice a day. I do still use a backup pad/liner on heavy days, but seldom get much leakage other than spotting anymore since you do get a feel for when you need to change it.

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Days 1 & 2 tend to be super-heavy for me, and then it gets significantly lighter. (Though I've had a nice long break since the birth of #5. :D) The cup is the only thing I've used that has helped during that time. (I do use a back-up pad, especially at night.) Like others, I need to empty more often than usual. I tried the Keeper first, but had leakage issues no matter what I did (same with 'Instead'). When I read that some women are better shaped for the Keeper, and some for the Diva, I thought I'd give the Diva cup a try. So glad I did; it's wonderful! Takes a bit of practice & mess to get used to, but is definitely worth it. :)

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It is a God send. I was super heavy post DD3 that I couldn't leave the house for fear of messes. I got a diva cup and my life changed. Those first few months I had to empty it probably every 2-3 hours, and I'd get up in the middle of the night to empty it, but that was so much better than leaking through super tampons and an overnight pad in an hour.


I read this online that the diva cup can make your cycles lighter. I don't know if it is just chance or if the dc really does do that, but my cycles have gotten a lot lighter over time.

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I tried the cup. I was diligent for a few months. I ended up realizing that I hated it. Very uncomfortable (yes, it was used correctly and done with all the instructions, etc.). I keep wanting to try the disposable ones, but haven't yet. Other than the discomfort, I did notice that cramping was less. Hope that helps.

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