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Beachbody fans....roll call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just did my first day of Asylum!!!!! Speed and Agility. I really, really liked it! It pushed me, but was never impossible. I like how Shawn says, "The real work starts when you're tired!" Makes me work harder, longer. But, boy, no more Mr. Nice Guy! He's a tough coach in this one!!!

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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Jennifer - Great job!!! I'm on Day 5 (tomorrow) on Insanity. I will likely do two rounds of Insanity (mixing in 2-3 days/week of P90X) before doing Asylum but I can't wait. It looks like fun. I really want to increase my agility. Have you seen any of Cary Potts you tube videos doing Asylum? She makes it look so easy!

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just complete 3rd month Turbo Jam Totally Rip/1st month of Chalean


I haven't been weighing because of my body composition. I am petite and gain everything in my big old butt/thigh. I started out with a size 10 pants and now am back into a size 6 which was my goal. I still have some more "fat" to loose but I am seeing definition in my abs and my back side is almost cellulite free:hurray:


I love both programs. When I finish my first round of Chalean. I want to do a Chalean/Turbo Fire.


My dh does P90X and it looks like a great program but the Tony trainer just gets on my nerves. His style just doesn't work for me. I love Chalean Johnson style. Its like working out with a friend.


And my goal is to never stop exercise again. I loose the same inches over and over again between working out and quiting working out. My diet stays the same but exercise is my big time fat looser. I will keep up with my workouts this time.:001_smile:

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Day 21 of P90X


Yoga X kicks my butt and I have to do it twice during this "recovery" week. :glare:


I'm really enjoying it so far. It makes me feel strong which is something I've never experienced before.


I'm struggling with the diet side of the program though and am concerned that my results are going to stink because of it. I am at my goal weight so losing is not why I'm doing this, but I gained 2.5 lbs in the past week and that's pretty frustrating. Gotta get back on the wagon.

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mmasmommy - It is very common to gain weight w/ P90X. Your muscles are likely retainingg a few pounds of fluid as part of the healing process. Also, make sure you weigh yourself first thing in the AM and naked. Also, don't weigh yourself during the 2nd half of your menstrual cycle. Now, at my age, I just gained 3lbs in fluid due to PMS. So, if you're sure you're not eating way more calories than you need to be, the culprit is fluid. THE SCALE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. THE SCALE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND (repeating that as much for me as for you.) Also, you're gaining muscle and losing fat so you may say no net weight loss or even a weight gain. But muscle is more dense than fat. A 140lb woman w/ 17% body fat will be ALOT slimmer than a 140lb w/ 38% body fat. Go by inches, how your clothes fit, and how you feel.


Also, I've been monitoring my resting heart rate. It was in the mid 70s (still good) before P90X. After 1 round of P90X I was upper 60s (now in excellent range). After my 2 round of P90x, it's now in the low 60s. (50s is elite level). Dr. Oz did a show the other day (saw it while in the dentist office) and he said one single indicator for heart health is your resting heart rate.


I say this b/c you know what my weight change has been? I went up 4lbs during Round 1. I then went down 3lbs (so net 1lb gained). I was also eating more since I didn't change my eating habits b/c added recovery drink each day (210cal) and a protein bar (270cal). After my 2nd round, and watching what I eat more carefully and for the past 2 weeks really watching my calories, I'm down to 138.5lb. I've been at that 140lb brick wall for 4yrs since my last child was born. So I'm only 2lbs lighter than before I started but I have very nice arms, lost inches on my waist, can see the beginning of abs, lost inches on my thighs, my butt is 2inches HIGHER than it was. And I'm a whole heck of a lot healthier! I did a walk the other day that used to leave me breathless due to this huge hill at the start. I didn't even alter my breathing nor my heart rate.




And after battling insomnia for years, when doing P90X and now INsanity, I sleep like a baby. 8-)

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It is very common to gain weight w/ P90X.



Thanks for this timely reminder!!!! I started p90x a couple of weeks ago, but have only done 2 or 3 days of it per week since I was focusing on prepping for a race. Now that the race is over, I'm starting again in earnest--and since I still have 20 pounds to lose, this is a GREAT reminder.



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mmasmommy - It is very common to gain weight w/ P90X. Your muscles are likely retainingg a few pounds of fluid as part of the healing process. Also, make sure you weigh yourself first thing in the AM and naked. Also, don't weigh yourself during the 2nd half of your menstrual cycle. Now, at my age, I just gained 3lbs in fluid due to PMS. So, if you're sure you're not eating way more calories than you need to be, the culprit is fluid. THE SCALE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. THE SCALE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND (repeating that as much for me as for you.) Also, you're gaining muscle and losing fat so you may say no net weight loss or even a weight gain. But muscle is more dense than fat. A 140lb woman w/ 17% body fat will be ALOT slimmer than a 140lb w/ 38% body fat. Go by inches, how your clothes fit, and how you feel.


Also, I've been monitoring my resting heart rate. It was in the mid 70s (still good) before P90X. After 1 round of P90X I was upper 60s (now in excellent range). After my 2 round of P90x, it's now in the low 60s. (50s is elite level). Dr. Oz did a show the other day (saw it while in the dentist office) and he said one single indicator for heart health is your resting heart rate.


I say this b/c you know what my weight change has been? I went up 4lbs during Round 1. I then went down 3lbs (so net 1lb gained). I was also eating more since I didn't change my eating habits b/c added recovery drink each day (210cal) and a protein bar (270cal). After my 2nd round, and watching what I eat more carefully and for the past 2 weeks really watching my calories, I'm down to 138.5lb. I've been at that 140lb brick wall for 4yrs since my last child was born. So I'm only 2lbs lighter than before I started but I have very nice arms, lost inches on my waist, can see the beginning of abs, lost inches on my thighs, my butt is 2inches HIGHER than it was. And I'm a whole heck of a lot healthier! I did a walk the other day that used to leave me breathless due to this huge hill at the start. I didn't even alter my breathing nor my heart rate.




And after battling insomnia for years, when doing P90X and now INsanity, I sleep like a baby. 8-)


Thank you! I needed to hear this today. I have allowed myself a few too many treats but my calories haven't been completely out of line and I was really frustrated with the weight gain. I think I'm going to avoid the scale and see what the measurements say in 9 days. I don't notice much of a change yet but a lot of what I read said women don't see noticeable results until 60-120 days. Did you find this to be true in Round 1?

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EVery one's body is different. I think the fewer pounds you have to lose, the less you. It seems to be women with a lot of weight to lose, will drop 10lbs the first few weeks. I was also more muscular than most women b/c of shoveling 3 cu. yds. of topsoil at my new house and running so I don't think I saw much different at 30days. I saw more definition in my back by 60days and A LOT more definition in my back by 90days. I also lost that little fat pocket women tend to get right below your bra on the back. Unfortunately, I also lost several inches in my boobs. :001_huh:

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EVery one's body is different. I think the fewer pounds you have to lose, the less you. It seems to be women with a lot of weight to lose, will drop 10lbs the first few weeks. I was also more muscular than most women b/c of shoveling 3 cu. yds. of topsoil at my new house and running so I don't think I saw much different at 30days. I saw more definition in my back by 60days and A LOT more definition in my back by 90days. I also lost that little fat pocket women tend to get right below your bra on the back. Unfortunately, I also lost several inches in my boobs. :001_huh:


Girl, I know you are shy but I think you might want to post your pictures so that these ladies believe you. Also, so that we can ooohhh and aaahhhh about how great your muscles are.


Thanks for reviving this thread. I need to get to my Max Interval Circuit going! I am going to be introducing Core Synergistics to my neighbor. I haven't done that one in a while so I may be in a world of hurt. Sphinx pushups are the devil!

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:lol: I sent you photos....did you get them?


I agree about those Sphinx pushups. For some reason, my left side is always ahead of my right side coming up. Again, I think it's one of those exercises where you think it's in your arms but it's really all about the core.

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:lol: I sent you photos....did you get them?


I agree about those Sphinx pushups. For some reason, my left side is always ahead of my right side coming up. Again, I think it's one of those exercises where you think it's in your arms but it's really all about the core.


I did. I am still a little groggy right now. Love the shoes.

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I *just* started this program, and it is my first by Beachbody. I sure hope it "works." My butt is definitely droopy, and I have terribly cellulite on my thighs. Although I have no weight to lose, I would like to be more toned.


DianeW - can I ask you a question? How do you hybrid BBL and Turbo Jam? Did you do one complete program before the other? I haven't one the Cardio Ashe (spelling?) yet, but I have read some reviews that it is "weak." What do you (or anyone else???) think about subbing the BumBum for the Cardio Ashe?


Can someone also tell me about Turbo Jam? Is it "jumpy?" :D Yes, I know I keep mentioning this, but I just can. not. do. jumpy. At least not a ton. I know I could never do Insanity - isn't it a bunch of those plyometrics? Is that even what the jumpy stuff is called???

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I *just* started this program, and it is my first by Beachbody. I sure hope it "works." My butt is definitely droopy, and I have terribly cellulite on my thighs. Although I have no weight to lose, I would like to be more toned.


DianeW - can I ask you a question? How do you hybrid BBL and Turbo Jam? Did you do one complete program before the other? I haven't one the Cardio Ashe (spelling?) yet, but I have read some reviews that it is "weak." What do you (or anyone else???) think about subbing the BumBum for the Cardio Ashe?


Can someone also tell me about Turbo Jam? Is it "jumpy?" :D Yes, I know I keep mentioning this, but I just can. not. do. jumpy. At least not a ton. I know I could never do Insanity - isn't it a bunch of those plyometrics? Is that even what the jumpy stuff is called???



TJ - not too much and where there is jumping, you do not have to. The instructor is perky. There is also Yoga Booty Ballet. That might be more your style.



Here is a taste

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I *just* started this program, and it is my first by Beachbody. I sure hope it "works." My butt is definitely droopy, and I have terribly cellulite on my thighs. Although I have no weight to lose, I would like to be more toned.


DianeW - can I ask you a question? How do you hybrid BBL and Turbo Jam? Did you do one complete program before the other? I haven't one the Cardio Ashe (spelling?) yet, but I have read some reviews that it is "weak." What do you (or anyone else???) think about subbing the BumBum for the Cardio Ashe?


Can someone also tell me about Turbo Jam? Is it "jumpy?" :D Yes, I know I keep mentioning this, but I just can. not. do. jumpy. At least not a ton. I know I could never do Insanity - isn't it a bunch of those plyometrics? Is that even what the jumpy stuff is called???



Turbo Jam can be jumpy but there are 2 of the cast that show a low impact version. I have been doing the low impact the past month do to tendon injury (over pronation). I do wear 2 lb gloves to compensate for not being able to the jump. I can give a estimated calorie burn. I did the cardio party with gloves 2 nights ago. I weight 131 and burned 700 calories according to my heart rate monitor. But I really modify the moves to compensate for not jumping. When she does jacks I can't (per doctors orders) have both feet off the floor so i do my version of Jacks, Jump rope. You just really need to put a 100 percent exertion with the moves you can do and will get great results. No pyometrics. The music is very motivating to me. The moves are not to complicated. She does keep the count with the music so its just easy to follow IMO. Oh the instructor is bubbly in the TJ videos but more serious in her Chalean. The instructor is polar opposite of say Jillian. She is more like your girl friend working out and encouraging. She doesn't do the drill Sergeant. She may get on your nerves if you prefer a more stern no nonsense instructor


I was also looking at the BBB. But since starting Chalean I have rear definition and lift and bye bye cellulite:D

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Turbo Jam can be jumpy but there are 2 of the cast that show a low impact version. I have been doing the low impact the past month do to tendon injury (over pronation). I do wear 2 lb gloves to compensate for not being able to the jump. I can give a estimated calorie burn. I did the cardio party with gloves 2 nights ago. I weight 131 and burned 700 calories according to my heart rate monitor. But I really modify the moves to compensate for not jumping. When she does jacks I can't (per doctors orders) have both feet off the floor so i do my version of Jacks, Jump rope. You just really need to put a 100 percent exertion with the moves you can do and will get great results. No pyometrics. The music is very motivating to me. The moves are not to complicated. She does keep the count with the music so its just easy to follow IMO. Oh the instructor is bubbly in the TJ videos but more serious in her Chalean. The instructor is polar opposite of say Jillian. She is more like your girl friend working out and encouraging. She doesn't do the drill Sergeant. She may get on your nerves if you prefer a more stern no nonsense instructor


I was also looking at the BBB. But since starting Chalean I have rear definition and lift and bye bye cellulite:D


It helps a lot. I think I will stick with the straight BBL as is for awhile. I had also wondered about the Chalean Extreme. I like the time aspect (30 - 40 minutes per day, from what I understand???). I have done Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones and Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training. I have enjoyed it but feel like I have plateaued. Would Chalean Extreme be a good next step up from these two that I have been doing? That part about "bye bye cellulite" is hard to ignore! I am hoping BBL will have at least some impact on that.


Thanks for answering my questions.

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TJ - not too much and where there is jumping, you do not have to. The instructor is perky. There is also Yoga Booty Ballet. That might be more your style.


I don't think that's "me." But, thank you for the suggestion. I am going to stick with the BBL for the time being and try not to get overly zealous/ahead of myself. I hope I see improvement.

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TJ - not too much and where there is jumping, you do not have to. The instructor is perky. There is also Yoga Booty Ballet. That might be more your style.


I don't think that's "me." But, thank you for the suggestion. I am going to stick with the BBL for the time being and try not to get overly zealous/ahead of myself. I hope I see improvement.


LOL. It's not "me" either.

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OK, y'all are sucking me in!!


I am 40 and at a great weight and size. I used to be quite strong from hiking and country living, but have not exercised in probably 6 years (wait a minute... that is when we got a computer, lol!!)


My goal would be to regain my strength and muscle tone, increase aerobic activity (I have totally lost my stamina!), increase my energy levels and do something just for *me* that I can be proud of.


Which program do I start with?


Thanks! I am totally intrigued!

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The only program I've been doing is walking. I have gone down a size. I tried on bathing suits today and one of them made my 5 yr. old say "Wow!" you look so pretty. Guess what? I went with the modest suit. :tongue_smilie: Why did I do that?? Now I wish I bought the "Wow!" suit. :001_smile: But, I don't know if dh would let me leave the house. :lol:

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OK, y'all are sucking me in!!


I am 40 and at a great weight and size. I used to be quite strong from hiking and country living, but have not exercised in probably 6 years (wait a minute... that is when we got a computer, lol!!)


My goal would be to regain my strength and muscle tone, increase aerobic activity (I have totally lost my stamina!), increase my energy levels and do something just for *me* that I can be proud of.


Which program do I start with?


Thanks! I am totally intrigued!


P90X or Chalean Extreme ...

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OK, y'all are sucking me in!!


I am 40 and at a great weight and size. I used to be quite strong from hiking and country living, but have not exercised in probably 6 years (wait a minute... that is when we got a computer, lol!!)


My goal would be to regain my strength and muscle tone, increase aerobic activity (I have totally lost my stamina!), increase my energy levels and do something just for *me* that I can be proud of.


Which program do I start with?


Thanks! I am totally intrigued!


If strength and toning is your goal I'd check out P90X or Power90. I've only done P90X and am still in Phase 1 so others may have better suggestions. For me the program has made me feel strong, which is something I've never been. I am really enjoying it.

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Hey Everyone! How on earth did I miss this thread since MARCH??? So "Hi, My name is HL and I'm a P90x addict..."(imagining everyone saying "Hi HL!")


So I'm on my fourth consecutive round of P90x. I will finish up one solid year of the program on 7/20. I LOVE IT!! I started it last year after coming off another military move across country. The boys were maxing out on the average age for childwatch at the local gyms, so I wanted to bring my workout home. I had been running 5k's on the treadmill and doing a very light weight routine at the gym and I thought "Hey, I'm fit. How hard can it be?" Oh my... was I in for a RUDE awakening! I did not really need to lose weight (I'm 5'9" and at the start of this last year weighed in at 148-150) but I have lost some. I am currently 140-142lbs. and have gained muscle and definition that I did not think my body was capable of having. I literally thought, "Nope, I do not have those kinds of genes..." I plan on continuing this program into the future. I have plans to purchase the new P90x when it comes out late this year, but really I think this program can continue to work as long as you continue to operate above and outside of your comfort zone. Really... it's that good!


Anyway... just wanted to poke in and share that their is another BB gal among you. I check in at BB's website all the time... I'm NavyWifeTwinMom over there. Friend me if you'd like (I am not a coach... just hopelessly addicted to the X :))



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P90X or Chalean Extreme ...


If strength and toning is your goal I'd check out P90X or Power90. I've only done P90X and am still in Phase 1 so others may have better suggestions. For me the program has made me feel strong, which is something I've never been. I am really enjoying it.


OK! Off to check out the website. Is that where you all purchased?

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I was thinking about P90X and Insanity today. These programs are tough. I hear folks saying "oh I can't do that, it's too hard." Well, if it was easy, why waste the $120 each on the programs? These programs are designed to be hard. You won't master them in one round. P90X is how I worked out in my early 30s. There wasn't the thought that it was just for 90days. It was a lifestyle. The 90days for P90X and 60days for Insanity etc are marketing ploys. It's to give people a time frame. "You only have to suffer for 90days." Knowing that by the time 90 days comes around, most are addicted. :001_smile: Don't think of this as 90days or 20lbs or 50lbs.....b/c once those benchmarks come around, it's easy to stop and before you know it, you're back where you started. Think of it as a lifestyle change. Sure, do think of it as a short term goal. OK I can do this for 90days and then I'll continue to do X,Y,Z. And let's face it, for $110, if you do 5 rounds, that's pretty darn cheap. My local Y cost $55/month plus gas to get there, and time to get there. Also, think about what in your life being fit helps you to accomplish. I was relatively fit when I started and didn't have much weight to lose but I want the cardiovascular endurance. I need to be able to bike w/ my kids w/ DD on the back. I need to hike w/ her in the back pack carrier. Also, Dh can say, "We need to move the boards out of the garage," and I can do it all by myself. He was shocked I was able to do it b/c they were very long and heavy boards. No problem for a P90exer!! :001_smile:



HappyGrrl - I'd check out P90X or Chalean Extreme and watch the sample videos. Also youtube search folks doing those videos. I love Tony. I've watched snippets of Chalean and I think she'd drive me insane. Another poster felt the very opposite. A big part of this is connecting w/ the trainer - they make you want to come back every day and push play.

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My goal would be to regain my strength and muscle tone, increase aerobic activity (I have totally lost my stamina!), increase my energy levels and do something just for *me* that I can be proud of.


Which program do I start with?


Thanks! I am totally intrigued!


I've not done all the programs, but I have done P90X, Insanity and now Asylum. Definitely check out P90X. There are so many videos on line and you'll get a great idea of what they're like. It will definitely make you feel strong!!!


Hey Everyone! How on earth did I miss this thread since MARCH??? So "Hi, My name is HL and I'm a P90x addict..."(imagining everyone saying "Hi HL!")


So I'm on my fourth consecutive round of P90x. I will finish up one solid year of the program on 7/20. I LOVE IT!! I started it last year after coming off another military move across country. The boys were maxing out on the average age for childwatch at the local gyms, so I wanted to bring my workout home. I had been running 5k's on the treadmill and doing a very light weight routine at the gym and I thought "Hey, I'm fit. How hard can it be?" Oh my... was I in for a RUDE awakening! I did not really need to lose weight (I'm 5'9" and at the start of this last year weighed in at 148-150) but I have lost some. I am currently 140-142lbs. and have gained muscle and definition that I did not think my body was capable of having. I literally thought, "Nope, I do not have those kinds of genes..." I plan on continuing this program into the future. I have plans to purchase the new P90x when it comes out late this year, but really I think this program can continue to work as long as you continue to operate above and outside of your comfort zone. Really... it's that good!


Anyway... just wanted to poke in and share that their is another BB gal among you. I check in at BB's website all the time... I'm NavyWifeTwinMom over there. Friend me if you'd like (I am not a coach... just hopelessly addicted to the X :))




Hi HL!! My name is Jennifer and I'm addicted to Beachbody workouts. And, I totally agree with you that these programs continue to push you out of your comfort zone - no matter how many times you go through them!


I was thinking about P90X and Insanity today. These programs are tough. I hear folks saying "oh I can't do that, it's too hard." Well, if it was easy, why waste the $120 each on the programs? These programs are designed to be hard. You won't master them in one round. P90X is how I worked out in my early 30s. There wasn't the thought that it was just for 90days. It was a lifestyle. The 90days for P90X and 60days for Insanity etc are marketing ploys. It's to give people a time frame. "You only have to suffer for 90days." Knowing that by the time 90 days comes around, most are addicted. :001_smile: Don't think of this as 90days or 20lbs or 50lbs.....b/c once those benchmarks come around, it's easy to stop and before you know it, you're back where you started. Think of it as a lifestyle change. Sure, do think of it as a short term goal. OK I can do this for 90days and then I'll continue to do X,Y,Z. And let's face it, for $110, if you do 5 rounds, that's pretty darn cheap. My local Y cost $55/month plus gas to get there, and time to get there. Also, think about what in your life being fit helps you to accomplish. I was relatively fit when I started and didn't have much weight to lose but I want the cardiovascular endurance. I need to be able to bike w/ my kids w/ DD on the back. I need to hike w/ her in the back pack carrier. Also, Dh can say, "We need to move the boards out of the garage," and I can do it all by myself. He was shocked I was able to do it b/c they were very long and heavy boards. No problem for a P90exer!! :001_smile:


. A big part of this is connecting w/ the trainer - they make you want to come back every day and push play.


Love this! So true. The work isn't done when you finish the program!! And I agree with you about the trainer too.


I just finished the second day of Asylum. I'm going to be VERY sore tomorrow!!! It was strength. OUCH!!!! But, I LOVE it!!!!

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OK, y'all are sucking me in!!


I am 40 and at a great weight and size. I used to be quite strong from hiking and country living, but have not exercised in probably 6 years (wait a minute... that is when we got a computer, lol!!)


My goal would be to regain my strength and muscle tone, increase aerobic activity (I have totally lost my stamina!), increase my energy levels and do something just for *me* that I can be proud of.


Which program do I start with?


Thanks! I am totally intrigued!


I am 41 and started with Turbo Jam in March and added Chalean in May. I workout 6 days a week. The Turbo Jam is cardio kick boxing. I like it because she actually uses real songs I know not aerobic instrumental stuff.


I do Chalean and I just finish the first month. I could barely do a modified (girl) push up on my knees. I can now do 15 military (on toes ) push ups, with great form and a little more sloppy. I am so excited doing spider man push ups and triceps push ups. I know its funny but I couldn't even do push ups in PE class years ago. The program works for me. I do a hybrid of Turbo Jam/Chalean.



From seeing my dh workout with the P90X. I would call Chalean a beginner/intermediate muscle workout.


The P90X is advance but it shows modifications.

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I've not done all the programs, but I have done P90X, Insanity and now Asylum. Definitely check out P90X. There are so many videos on line and you'll get a great idea of what they're like. It will definitely make you feel strong!!!




Hi HL!! My name is Jennifer and I'm addicted to Beachbody workouts. And, I totally agree with you that these programs continue to push you out of your comfort zone - no matter how many times you go through them!




Love this! So true. The work isn't done when you finish the program!! And I agree with you about the trainer too.


I just finished the second day of Asylum. I'm going to be VERY sore tomorrow!!! It was strength. OUCH!!!! But, I LOVE it!!!!


I am doing the hybrid of Insanity/Asylum. I've got Strength and Max Interval Circuit on the schedule. Yes, they have that scheduled! I should have looked over the calendar before deciding to commit to the hybrid. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks for the plug!

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Hey Everyone! How on earth did I miss this thread since MARCH??? So "Hi, My name is HL and I'm a P90x addict..."(imagining everyone saying "Hi HL!")


So I'm on my fourth consecutive round of P90x. I will finish up one solid year of the program on 7/20. I LOVE IT!! I started it last year after coming off another military move across country. The boys were maxing out on the average age for childwatch at the local gyms, so I wanted to bring my workout home. I had been running 5k's on the treadmill and doing a very light weight routine at the gym and I thought "Hey, I'm fit. How hard can it be?" Oh my... was I in for a RUDE awakening! I did not really need to lose weight (I'm 5'9" and at the start of this last year weighed in at 148-150) but I have lost some. I am currently 140-142lbs. and have gained muscle and definition that I did not think my body was capable of having. I literally thought, "Nope, I do not have those kinds of genes..." I plan on continuing this program into the future. I have plans to purchase the new P90x when it comes out late this year, but really I think this program can continue to work as long as you continue to operate above and outside of your comfort zone. Really... it's that good!


Anyway... just wanted to poke in and share that their is another BB gal among you. I check in at BB's website all the time... I'm NavyWifeTwinMom over there. Friend me if you'd like (I am not a coach... just hopelessly addicted to the X :))




Ha! Small world. You are TBB buddies with a former neighbor of mine, SamuraiMom. Our families went to the same TKD studio.

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I am doing the hybrid of Insanity/Asylum. I've got Strength and Max Interval Circuit on the schedule. Yes, they have that scheduled! I should have looked over the calendar before deciding to commit to the hybrid. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks for the plug!


On the same day??? I thought the hybrid of Insanity/Asylum was one workout a day! Holy cow those two workouts would really do me in!! Good luck with that!

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On the same day??? I thought the hybrid of Insanity/Asylum was one workout a day! Holy cow those two workouts would really do me in!! Good luck with that!


Yeah, the killer is the schedule had me doing MIC just yesterday. Not all days are doubles but I am now in the second half and apparently, that is when Shaun T is trying to kill you.

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OH, now I am totally stoked!! Thank ya'll! I was checking this out early this year when the threads were going, and thought you were nuts. Now, all the sudden. I wanna be an addict too! :D


Is there a good reason to wait until the new stuff comes out? (I don't know what you are talking about, actually, but gathered that there's a new PX90)

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OH, now I am totally stoked!! Thank ya'll! I was checking this out early this year when the threads were going, and thought you were nuts. Now, all the sudden. I wanna be an addict too! :D


Is there a good reason to wait until the new stuff comes out? (I don't know what you are talking about, actually, but gathered that there's a new PX90)


P90X2 is coming out later this year. Not release date that I've seen though. If you're excited and ready to do it I'd jump in now. Check out the beachbody.com community too.


I am mmasmommy there too if anyone wants to buddy request me. :D



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OH, now I am totally stoked!! Thank ya'll! I was checking this out early this year when the threads were going, and thought you were nuts. Now, all the sudden. I wanna be an addict too! :D


Is there a good reason to wait until the new stuff comes out? (I don't know what you are talking about, actually, but gathered that there's a new PX90)


Happygrrl - absolutely DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT wait for the new one. The new one is for P90X grads. I've seen snippets and I am afraid!!!! Definitely start w/ P90X. even if you have to modify it alot, just keep doing round after round rather than buying Power 90 and then feeling the need to upgrade.

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Happygrrl - absolutely DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT wait for the new one. The new one is for P90X grads. I've seen snippets and I am afraid!!!! Definitely start w/ P90X. even if you have to modify it alot, just keep doing round after round rather than buying Power 90 and then feeling the need to upgrade.


Thank you!!! I really want to start while my motivation is high, so I am happy to hear your words of wisdom on the matter! I know my brain probably thinks I can do more than my body actually can... after all I still think I am in my 20's and am shocked to find myself out of breath with a quick jog.


I am sooo ready for this!!

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WEll, wait until you're in your 40s like me! :001_smile: Seriously, P90X is challenging and you make it as challenging as you want by increasing your weights and reps etc.


Ha ha, I am!!! Turned 40 this year :). See how behind my brain is? 2 full decades!

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Happygrrl - absolutely DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT wait for the new one. The new one is for P90X grads. I've seen snippets and I am afraid!!!! Definitely start w/ P90X. even if you have to modify it alot, just keep doing round after round rather than buying Power 90 and then feeling the need to upgrade.


Thanks, I didn't know 2 was for graduates. I haven't seen any snippets though, do they have them on beachbody.com?

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There was a quick peak of the set. I think it was posted on the P90X facebook page. Tony does a pull up and then pulls his body HORIZONTAL to the ground. The wall is filled w/ different weighted medicine balls. He does push ups w/ each foot and hand on a medicine ball. YIKES! P90x on steroids!

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There was a quick peak of the set. I think it was posted on the P90X facebook page. Tony does a pull up and then pulls his body HORIZONTAL to the ground. The wall is filled w/ different weighted medicine balls. He does push ups w/ each foot and hand on a medicine ball. YIKES! P90x on steroids!


Holy cow! I think I'll be sticking with the regular version for a while!!

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Capt. Uhura` I think that clip you are referencing was actually from his "One on One" series. (Impressive tho' eh?) The P90X2 clips are in a studio much like the original studio's look and there are two or three people behind him doing the normal/modified moves as well. It looks like there is some additional equipment that you can choose to use, but on his FB page he was quick to assure that they are "optional" only. Still, I do think P90X2 is for the P90X grad. who is looking to mix it up a bit... Which I will be wanting to do come November! (Again, HOPELESSLY addicted to this thing :lol:)


If you want more info., The P90X FB page has a tab at the top for P90X2. You can put yourself on the 'waiting list' and get periodic updates as it moves toward availability.


Cheers and Keep Bringin' It Ladies!

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Capt. Uhura` I think that clip you are referencing was actually from his "One on One" series. (Impressive tho' eh?) The P90X2 clips are in a studio much like the original studio's look and there are two or three people behind him doing the normal/modified moves as well. It looks like there is some additional equipment that you can choose to use, but on his FB page he was quick to assure that they are "optional" only. Still, I do think P90X2 is for the P90X grad. who is looking to mix it up a bit... Which I will be wanting to do come November! (Again, HOPELESSLY addicted to this thing :lol:)


If you want more info., The P90X FB page has a tab at the top for P90X2. You can put yourself on the 'waiting list' and get periodic updates as it moves toward availability.


Cheers and Keep Bringin' It Ladies!


I'm going to sign up for that!!! Oh - I bet you could quit any time you wanted! Right? :lol:


Asylum again today - Back to Core. I didn't find this one very hard. Maybe I'll be sore tomorrow though!


Oh - and LG - I looked at the hybrid of Asylum and Insanity!! There are a number of days you're working out for 2 hours! How has that been for you? Do you like this hybrid? Or should I just do another month of Asylum? So far, I REALLY like it!! I love how no-nonsense he is. No more Mr. Nice Guy Trainer!!!! It really makes me push it harder!


Here's a question for you all - I'm becoming very strong. I have muscles I've never felt before. I love that. But, it's all covered by fat. It's all in the typical area - the belly and hips. I'm not fat, by any means, but I'd love to actually be able to SEE the definition I've been working so hard to accomplish. KWIM? Any ideas? FWIW - I eat very well, so I don't think that's it.

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I'm going to sign up for that!!! Oh - I bet you could quit any time you wanted! Right? :lol:


Asylum again today - Back to Core. I didn't find this one very hard. Maybe I'll be sore tomorrow though!


Oh - and LG - I looked at the hybrid of Asylum and Insanity!! There are a number of days you're working out for 2 hours! How has that been for you? Do you like this hybrid? Or should I just do another month of Asylum? So far, I REALLY like it!! I love how no-nonsense he is. No more Mr. Nice Guy Trainer!!!! It really makes me push it harder!


Here's a question for you all - I'm becoming very strong. I have muscles I've never felt before. I love that. But, it's all covered by fat. It's all in the typical area - the belly and hips. I'm not fat, by any means, but I'd love to actually be able to SEE the definition I've been working so hard to accomplish. KWIM? Any ideas? FWIW - I eat very well, so I don't think that's it.


I would say a P90X/Insanity hybrid for more definition and loss of body fat. Back to Core didn't make me sore but it did feel good for my back.


I am currently undertaking the world's SLOWEST hybrid. My problem is that I have to many competing routines going on. I am helping my neighbors get fit, so I do their workouts. Then there are the combat sports. It's not that I do MMA, one class several times a week. It's several different disciplines - the kickboxing, the BJJ, the submission wrestling. Plus there is the running. ACK!


I wasn't able to do Strength and MIC as planned. I had to go the ER and then I was drugged. Still am drugged today but managed to do Strength and maybe I will saunter off to kickboxing with a friend. I am afraid if I did MIC, I would trip and fall down the stairs. Where I workout is at the top of the stairs in my house.


I prefer the hybrid of Insanity/Asylum because I LOVE Insanity. I love the way my taught my legs feel after doing Insanity.

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Wait, WHAT????? Are you okay? I can't believe that you were in the ER and came home to work out!!!! No wonder you like Insanity so much!!! :lol:


No, I didn't work out that day! I just have to continue my medication. I had an allergic reaction to something. I thought it was my new thyroid med. My mouth and tongue were swelling (not huge but I didn't want to wait around until it did).

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No, I didn't work out that day! I just have to continue my medication. I had an allergic reaction to something. I thought it was my new thyroid med. My mouth and tongue were swelling (not huge but I didn't want to wait around until it did).


Oh no, I hope you're feeling better!!!

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I'll have to see if I can find it. I thought he said to Mason "Let's give the folks a sneak peek at the new set for MC2 and and a peek at some new moves." One on ONe was him testing out various workouts for MC2. I'm counting down the days until it comes out!



Capt. Uhura` I think that clip you are referencing was actually from his "One on One" series. (Impressive tho' eh?) The P90X2 clips are in a studio much like the original studio's look and there are two or three people behind him doing the normal/modified moves as well. It looks like there is some additional equipment that you can choose to use, but on his FB page he was quick to assure that they are "optional" only. Still, I do think P90X2 is for the P90X grad. who is looking to mix it up a bit... Which I will be wanting to do come November! (Again, HOPELESSLY addicted to this thing :lol:)


If you want more info., The P90X FB page has a tab at the top for P90X2. You can put yourself on the 'waiting list' and get periodic updates as it moves toward availability.


Cheers and Keep Bringin' It Ladies!

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