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How long after ...... (female content)

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How long after one has a 7-10 day late period (which followed a positive pregnancy test) can one test again to verify that the pregnancy (if there was one) has ended? I.e., how long do the pregnancy hormones that cause a positive test hang out? TIA.

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I don't know the exact answer, but once I got a positive test and a few days later, I took it again, mainly bc I was still a bit shocked. The second time, it was negative and I began bleeding a day or two later. So I suppose it really depends on how high the hormones were to begin with and how far and fast they may have dropped. Do you have other symptoms of mc?


I have also experienced a postive test that was very faint when my hormones weren't multiplying fast enough...resulted in mc.

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Thanks much. I don't know what "other signs" of miscarriage there are this early, other than bleeding. In the "old days" I might have just thought this was a late period, you know? (Not a miscarriage.) I had two positive pregnancy tests last Saturday, started bleeding on Tuesday (enough to imagine that it's probably over) and still am bleeding a little bit. Part of me wants to take another test to "prove" it's over -- but I don't know if it's too soon.



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Thank you for the hugs. I have the option of having an ultrasound in a few weeks if I need to, for now I think things are what they are, and I'm just interested in taking a pregnancy test to verify what I suspect. But I don't want to waste emotional energy and money if it's too soon.

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It's possible for things to continue on fine this way. Or if not, pg hormones can hang around for up to 6 weeks. The longest I have had it take was 3 weeks. But I was told that a home hpt shouldn't be considered accurate for 6 weeks. A blood test would be better.

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I bought these, just so that I could take one whenever I wanted without feeling guilty.


Yep, I buy these in bulk, too! I used my last one last Saturday, and have more on the way. :-)


I can't imagine the pregnancy is still there -- it seemed/seems like a regular period. If it is, I would only be about 5.5 weeks. If I get queasy, or don't start in another month again, I'll go have an ultrasound.

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With my m/c it took six weeks to get my hcg down to where a pg test would pick it up. (I was 14 weeks pg when I m/c).


Not to give you false hope, but with Ana (my last baby) I bled quite a bit throughout the whole first trimester. Three times I was bleeding and passing clots and cramping to the point I was convinced I had m/c. It turns out the placenta was over the cervix and it didn't take much to set me to bleeding. It's really hard not really knowing. :grouphug:

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Some pregnancies continue despite early bleeding, so it might be worth it to check it or have the doctor take a look. Do take care!




My sister miscarried early (heavy bleeding, no doubt it was a miscarriage) only to find herself shocked and still pregnant weeks later with a surviving twin. Nathan is 21 now. You never know.



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