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All this heart talk...

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Those who have had heart trouble, what does it feel like? I've had occasional twinges/tighness in my chest. At the top of my left book. The hypocondriac in me worries. But it feels very surface-y. Not deep at all. Like it's the muscle. I'm going to the Dr tomorrow for a physical, but is this something I should worry about?

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I had something similar and had EKG's, an echo and even wore a portable monitor for 24 hours. My heart looked good and healthy in every respect. The pangs turned out to be anxiety...which was made worse because I was worrying about dropping dead of a heart attack. I can be a bit of a hypochondriac myself. :blush:


Get it checked out. It'll feel good if they find nothing wrong. And ask your doc about anxiety and panic attacks as well.

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I'm currently wearing a loop monitor, the type you push a button to record an "event." I had been coughing so hard (while on prescription meds, no less) that I would hyperventilate. Doctor wanted to rule out anything funky (EKG was clear) so I get this thing for 10 more days. Now I'm super-aware of every twinge :rolleyes: The coughing was almost gone, then yesterday I coughed long & hard and ended up with a major anxiety attack while driving.


Spent this morning googling about perimenopausal anxiety :eek:

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I would have sworn I was having some kind of heart trouble several months back. Massive chest pain and pressure, shortness of breath, dizziness. Turned out to be anxiety. A few months on Celexa and I was fine. (And yes, you aren't supposed to go on and off those things, but my doc is okay with it since my issues seem to be something like SAD.)

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I have an irregular heart beat, and mitral valve prolapse that has a habit of getting 'stuck' occassionally. It has sent me to the doctor many times, and landed me in the ER once.


For me, it can range from a tiny flutter (very common in most people, but many can't feel it) to a pounding racing. I can actually feel it in my pulse if I check my wrist or neck. If it gets particularly racey, I get light headed and short of breath. It will often also trigger a panic attack and I'll begin to feel claustrophobic. I also have occassional chest pain, but nothing major. So far, the symptoms haven't been bad enough to deal with the side effects of the meds that are meant to help it.

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I was hooked up to heart monitors when I was pg with oldest because they thought I had cardiomyopathy. I became so aware of every little twinge during that time that I am still so aware today. I constantly feel flutters and twinges and its so hard not to worry that one of them is something serious. I guess many are just normal so don't stress yourself out too much.:grouphug:

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Guest momk2000

I started having PVCs a couple of years ago, and have had a lot of testing (Holter, Echo, Stress Test). Cardio. couldn't find a thing wrong, so I figure it may just be perimenopause (d/t other changes I have also been experiencing). He wanted to give me a beta blocker so I wouldn't feel the PVCs so much, but I already have really low blood pressure and get lightheaded on my own without the help of side effects and don't really think I need the meds. I have started taking fish oil though and it seems to be helping to some extent with the PVCs and some other issues as well.

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Those who have had heart trouble, what does it feel like? I've had occasional twinges/tighness in my chest. At the top of my left book. The hypocondriac in me worries. But it feels very surface-y. Not deep at all. Like it's the muscle. I'm going to the Dr tomorrow for a physical, but is this something I should worry about?


Tell your doctor about it, but if it feels like it's in the muscle, it probably is. I've had chest wall pain a lot over the years. For me, it's often referred from my back. Next time you get it, try feeling around your upper back for a knot and see what happens if you press on it--if it relieves the pain at all.

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Chiming in with the others in regard to stress... I have a very "healthy" heart, but stress causes me to feel quite differently.


I also heard, back in college that if the pains come into the book area that you mention, and in resting times, and not in "pushing" times (as in, you are not pushing yourself physically, under physical stress) then it is likely to be stress related.


That said, please keep your Dr. informed!

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I have at least 40% irregular heart beats (some skipped, some extra beats, mostly PVC's... Premature ventricular contractions), mitral valve prolapse, and atrial septal defect. Not sure if it matters much, but I tend to also have low blood pressure (today it was 107/59 at the doctor office) but also I may end up with high blood pressure (135/90). And usually I only have about 40-50 bpm.


My symptoms mainly are:

Feel heart racing/pounding and chest tightness.

I also get light headed and short of breath on exertion often. But I also have asthma so don't know which condition is causing these symptoms at various times.


I take aspirin daily and take cardizem. Since on both of these I have had very little symptoms.

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