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Would you have a package delivered to a hotel where you will be for only two days?

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Dh is going to be in Chicago for business for two nights in April and I'm thinking of having an Amazon package delivered to his hotel to save on postage costs.

He's only going to be there for two nights, so I'll probably have it delivered a bit early to make sure that it arrives on time.

Has anyone done this before? Did the package find its intended recipient?

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Some hotels charge for this service, so definitely ask them about it beforehand.


How does shipping to the hotel save on shipping?


Not the OP, but she lives in Africa. I assume it is to save on international shipping, since her hubby will be in the USA.

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Not the OP, but she lives in Africa. I assume it is to save on international shipping, since her hubby will be in the USA.



Oh! Of course! I need to pay more attention. Thanks for pointing it out. I was scratching my head wondering why Chicago was cheaper than any other city in the country.


I hope it works out for OP. I would think if she got 2-day shipping, Amazon would deliver on time. They're good about that (unless there is a huge storm or something).

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Not the OP, but she lives in Africa. I assume it is to save on international shipping, since her hubby will be in the USA.


Tap is right.

We also have high import taxes and duties (24% total) on books. If dh brings it in his luggage, it will be under the duty-free limit that he can bring back.

The items I want will cost less than half of what they would if I had them shipped here directly.

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Some hotels charge for this service, so definitely ask them about it beforehand.



:iagree: I used to travel a lot teaching at conventions and we often had things shipped to the hotel. We had to be sure they were there the day of arrival and most of the time it was fine (the company I worked for used UPS). Occasionally there would be a late box, so it would be good to have a back up plan in case it doesn't arrive before he checks out. Oh, and sometimes we would actually go pick up a box at the UPS hub to have it in time. Just warning you of the possibilities.


The company would always check with the hotel b/c some of the charged a *huge* package receiving fee. This was mainly hotels near large convention facilities because the fees charged at the convention center to received shipments can be rather large as well. That made people want to ship to the hotel instead of the convention center to try to save money.

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