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What are your favorite flowers to grow?

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I'm choosing flower seeds for spring (and thinking about summer). A few I've had good luck with, and who's seeds we harvested last year:

Bells of Ireland

Bachelor Buttons


Pride of Gibraltar

Snap Dragons


I'm looking for something new, I have full sun to shade, and live in So. Cal..


Has anyone grow Carnations?




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From seed? Purple Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susans, white daisies are easy and beautiful. Cut them and they keep on coming.


But, honestly, my favorite bouquet of all time is roses (root stock, but you can find easy growing ones that bloom 3-4 times and are super fragrant, but you need to do some searching - too many have little fragrance these days), lavender and mint. Oh my. But, I don't advise mint outside of a potted plant because it is crazy invasive.


And peonies. Again, not from seed, but rock more and more the older they get (like us ;)).

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From seed? Purple Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susans, white daisies are easy and beautiful. Cut them and they keep on coming.


But, honestly, my favorite bouquet of all time is roses (root stock, but you can find easy growing ones that bloom 3-4 times and are super fragrant, but you need to do some searching - too many have little fragrance these days), lavender and mint. Oh my. But, I don't advise mint outside of a potted plant because it is crazy invasive.


And peonies. Again, not from seed, but rock more and more the older they get (like us ;)).


Where can I find a really good quality mint? I always get them dug up from someones yard, and the flavor is never as good as I wish it was. Am I better of to start from seed?


We inherited several rose bushes! We don't know what they look like yet because they were trimmed down right before we moved in. I just bought rose food, we're very excited. :)


Off to check out flower recs.


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Zinnias, morning glories, poppies, sweet peas, and moonflowers are all super easy to grow from seed and all lovely!


I just planted morning glories, poppies and sweet peas! I just added the moonflowers to my cart.

Still can't choose which Zinnia to order. :)



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I've had great luck with zinnias. I love the green ones. Shasta daisies are fantastic too. I love my irises, roses, and peonies. This year I want to add more of each. And I adore violas and pansies. I used to have tulips and daffodils, and would like to again.


I'm crazy for Violas. I just found BLACK ones!! I have to find these!!



Have you grown these from seed? Are they easy?

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I love peonies and any flower that starts from a bulb. I dug up my iris bulbs and cut them up (following instructions in a gardening book) and tripled my iris population. That really gave me a boost because it was both fun and free!



I love my irises too. My grandmother always grew them and I think of her and my mother when I see them bloom.

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I just planted morning glories, poppies and sweet peas! I just added the moonflowers to my cart.

Still can't choose which Zinnia to order. :)





this year I am going to grow the lime green variety mixed in with the hot pinks.


The yellows are gorgeous. My dd's have won best of shows at the fair with their yellow zinnias.

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I love peonies and any flower that starts from a bulb. I dug up my iris bulbs and cut them up (following instructions in a gardening book) and tripled my iris population. That really gave me a boost because it was both fun and free!


I don't know why, but Peonies intimidate me. They look temperamental. I want to try them, they're dreamy..

I think I'll keep my eye's open for the peachy pink color:






I just pulled out all of my paper whites, it's so exciting to see all the "babies".

I put them in last minute, so a lot of them didn't bloom. Now I know, it's worth putting them in no matter what because they'll still reproduce.

I'm getting tired of doing Gladdys every year. I'll have to explore bulbs again.

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I love daisies. Every summer I dream of big thick bouquets fresh out of the garden. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, it's never panned out! I bought an old silver pitcher and everything. :tongue_smilie:


I have to admit that I love these flowers partly because of their name - "Michelmas" - it sort of rolls off of your tongue. That and because Elizabeth Goudge often had Michelmas daisies in her wonderful books.:)

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I don't know why, but Peonies intimidate me. They look temperamental.


They are easy! Mine stayed alive for 15 years and were there when we moved into our former home, and still alive when we moved out. No special treatment except for great admiration by me -- plus these were tall, so I staked them in the spring. The flowers were huge and heavy.

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I love my irises too. My grandmother always grew them and I think of her and my mother when I see them bloom.


I think of my Grandma when I see Azaleas, she grew them under her hose faucet.

It was like she found the perfect spot for that plant, and it bloomed profusely.


I'm also tempted to get the lime green Zinnias. Pink and green will look awesome together.

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They are easy! Mine stayed alive for 15 years and were there when we moved into our former home, and still alive when we moved out. No special treatment except for great admiration by me -- plus these were tall, so I staked them in the spring. The flowers were huge and heavy.


Okay, I'm on the hunt for peach peonies! I found this helpful: http://www.thegardenhelper.com/peony.html

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You have a green thumb when it comes to those things, though.


Is this the neighbor who used to ask you for Big Favors all the time when you were Really Sick -- until you scared her away?


No, this is the neighbor who called me and asked to hold her baby while she changed the sheets. I went over mystified to do so and left still mystified since she had a playpen, a bouncy seat, and a myriad of other places where she could have set the baby - including the floor! Fortunately she either figured it out or never changed the sheets again because she never asked me again!

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The blackberries are horrible invaders sent as stealth invaders over the fence by my neighbors!


If we buy this house, I have the perfect place to grow blackberries. Our last one was full of thorns, I think I'll look into thornless next time.

I wish I had blackberries coming over my fence! Right now there's just a bunch of grapefruit I can't quite reach. :D


My mom does the blue Hydrangeas. Those are another flower I'm intimidated by. But.. I still have some picked out I'd like to try: http://www.fiftyflowers.com/product/Antique-Green-Purple-Dutch-Hydrangea_205.htm


Are they a pain?

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No, this is the neighbor who called me and asked to hold her baby while she changed the sheets. I went over mystified to do so and left still mystified since she had a playpen, a bouncy seat, and a myriad of other places where she could have set the baby - including the floor! Fortunately she either figured it out or never changed the sheets again because she never asked me again!
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I really love Dahlias though they are a bulb. I dig mine up (Indiana here...maybe they survive in warmer areas) in the winter and re-use them.


There are so many varieties though (height and flower varies) that I find myself getting new all the time as well. They are beautiful to me and great for cutting.


I like the daisy of any sort too but I think it's because they remind me of my grandmother. Peonies, too, remind me of a different grandmother. I have peonies. They are beautiful but the blooms don't last long. They like full sun here. The peonies I have actually came from my grandmother's peonies and she is long gone now so I love having them.

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I'm loosening the soil in front of the house, and noticed a few Margolds coming up. :001_smile: I love that Marigolds are unstoppable. And, the Leo in me feels warm and happy to see them.


I forgot about Sunflowers! I try these every year with so-so luck. I plant 3 packets and get 2 maybe 3 flowers. :tongue_smilie:


I'm adding Cinnamon Sun, and Moonshadow to my cart. I'll have to add one of these tall ones too, because they're so much fun! Maybe Sunzilla.


I bought a few packets of Poppies, and a whole bunch of the seeds blew into the grass...

I don't get discouraged easily in the garden though. I'll be happy if they come up anywhere.

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I really love Dahlias though they are a bulb. I dig mine up (Indiana here...maybe they survive in warmer areas) in the winter and re-use them.


There are so many varieties though (height and flower varies) that I find myself getting new all the time as well. They are beautiful to me and great for cutting.


I like the daisy of any sort too but I think it's because they remind me of my grandmother. Peonies, too, remind me of a different grandmother. I have peonies. They are beautiful but the blooms don't last long. They like full sun here. The peonies I have actually came from my grandmother's peonies and she is long gone now so I love having them.


I like flowers that are specifically good for cutting. I've never tried Dahlias, but I've always wanted to do this type: http://www.dahlia.org/guide/


The peonies do look like they'd get gooey, (does that make sense?). You're so lucky to have some of your grandmas plants!!

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From seed:


Painted tongue. The craziest colors in one plant that I've ever see. They're almost metallic. I love them. But! They only like about 1/2 day of sun and want to be properly watered, or they'll up and die on you.




Freesia are made for California. Pretty smelling. Not easy to force but are well worth the bother.


Casa Blanca white lilies. Even better smelling than freesia. Not too tough to grow if you plant them at the proper depth. Then keep the baby rabbits and other critters away. I believe the bulbs are not truly dormant or something like that. Can't remember.


Have fun! I am excited that our snow is going to melt this week. It'll be nice to see the grass again.


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I had the most gorgeous sweet peas in CA, haven't had luck with them since we moved.


My Sweet Peas are about 5" now, I'm growing them against a tall wooden fence. So far so good. Sometimes I feel like everyone knows a secret about Sweet Peas but me. I've never gotten them to grow. :001_smile:

This is my year!!

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One flower that I would love to have but have no idea if you can even grow on purpose are lily of the valley. They look so delicate.


Great ground cover; loves shade; poisonous if eaten; spreads and can become invasive. Google it and you'll find tons of gardening sites that discuss how and where to grow it, and under which conditions it will thrive.


I wanted to use it as a ground cover for years, but it would have gotten walked on and crushed by the kids in years gone by.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Great ground cover; loves shade; poisonous if eaten. Google it and you'll find tons of gardening sites that discuss how and where to grow it, and under which conditions it will thrive.


Great. You just had to go and add to my 'to do' list, didn't you:D (Actually I'll enjoy looking this up. I had kind of forgotten that I had wanted to grow this flower until Helena started this thread.)

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One flower that I would love to have but have no idea if you can even grow on purpose are lily of the valley. They look so delicate.


YES!!! The girls and I were in awe the first time we saw them growing (in NYC of all places). I'll have to see how they grow in CA.

I wonder if you could grow them in pots, so they don't take over?

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Peonies don't grow in SoCal, do they????


California poppies are really pretty and easy.


I really enjoy growing antique roses.




I don't know?? Do they?? Maybe I'll just have to buy myself the bouquets. :D

Are antique roses a color, or are they like an heirloom type plant? I'm just beginning my rose journey.

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I don't know?? Do they?? Maybe I'll just have to buy myself the bouquets. :D

Are antique roses a color, or are they like an heirloom type plant? I'm just beginning my rose journey.


Sort of like "heirloom". Antique is a highly imprecise terms (and not really used ordinarily used by us Old Rose/Heritage Rose growers.


Old roses (in California) would include Tea Roses (not to be confused Hybrid Tea roses), Bourbons, Noisettes, and Chinas. I also grow some Hybrid Teas from the 19th of very early 20th Century. These are very different than modern roses one typically sees about. much more beautiful (to my taste) and oh so fragrant.


Roses with soul!



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If you want to go on a rose journey, we should talk.




I'd like that! I'm in South OC. My mom (when she finally started the rose garden of her dreams), went to Rogers Gardens in Newport, (not sure if you've heard of that place). So, beyond going to an upscale nursery I don't know where to start.

Do you do mail order, or is there a specialty nursery in the area? Are there websites I should go read?

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I'd like that! I'm in South OC. My mom (when she finally started the rose garden of her dreams), went to Rogers Gardens in Newport, (not sure if you've heard of that place). So, beyond going to an upscale nursery I don't know where to start.

Do you do mail order, or is there a specialty nursery in the area? Are there websites I should go read?


Unfortunately no nurseries, even upscale ones, stock heritage roses, almost without exception. It is very sad.


To get these roses one needs to order from speciality rose growers like Vintage Gardens. Then the roses come as own root "bands". These are small and need to be nurtured in pots before they are planted. It puts one "behind" grafted roses one gets at nurseries in terms of time. But the difference in the quality of "roses" is simply not comparable. Modern roses are garishly colored, often scentless, of a ugly "exhibition form", and just not romantic or beautiful in the way heritage roses surely are.


Poke around on this website:







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