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Sonlight P4/5 or K


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So I need advice. For my younger son I want him to have a good fun year. This year we have loosely preschooled him and really did a lot of letting him lead us. He is 4 now but has a December birthday so will not be 5 in August when we start school. However, he can count to 20 and recognize those numbers on paper. He can write all of his alphabet by himself and is writing words some short words on his own but for longer words he asks us to spell them and he writes them. He knows all his letter sounds and can read although not very good yet. He is still beginning reading like 3 letter words and not all of them yet. We will continue working on his reading with Funnix through this spring and summer. He has done the horizons workbooks and will finish them this spring too. Considering all of this which core would be better for him? Is it too early to decide? We normally buy curriculum for next year with tax money so I need to figure out what to do if I can. For those of you who have used these cores could we do the p4/5 and add in the readers K or would that be enough to help him progress to the next level? Also the workbooks with the prek would they be too little for him? Right now he loves school and I don't want to mess up.

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My daughter sounds like she is about the same level of reading as your son and a bit further ahead in math. We are also doing Horizons PreK now loosely.


We decided to go with P4/5 because it seemed to be what most people chose for Kindergarten year. A lot of people on the sonlight boards used sonlight K for first grade. They say the reading is a bit heavy for a kindergartner. We will be using Horizons K for math along with Singapore essentials K (which seems to be equal to horizons prek... for at least book 1) We're just going to keep working on reading and using Horizons and Abeka phonics.

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I'd go with 4/5. We've been reading through a lot of the 4/5 titles this year and they are perfect for a 5yo in my opinion. My dd will be 5 at the end of the month and can sit with me for hours at a time being read to if that makes a difference. I'm planning on getting the K set when she turns 6 next year. I haven't seen any of the readers so I can't comment on that.

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I would do p4/5 with readers k. The 'core' is basically read alouds. I am doing core k with a new 6 year old who reads on a 4th grade level (or higher). I'm still finding many of the core k titles to be a little over her head. I know that at least one of the p4/5 sonlight books is considered a second grade book by veritas press.


You can also try to check out some books from both of the cores from the library. That will give you a better idea of which is a better fit. I found about five of the core k books in our library and read them over the summer.


Edited to add... I think the workbooks are fine for a four or five year old. They definitely won't be too babyish.

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I agree with P 4/5 and even P 3/4(these are great). Sonlight K is definitely IMO for 1st grade.


:iagree: We did P4/5 for Kindy and Core K for 1st grade. Just started Core 1 and my ds will be 7 next month. Perfect choices so far for my accelerated learner.

Edited by Dinsfamily
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:iagree: Agreeing, and I wanted to add that the Sonlight cores don't depend on reading ability. The core is just books for the parent to read. I used Core K last year for a 1st and a K, and it was just okay for the K and absolutely fabulous for our 1st grader. In fact, I didn't want to leave the younger girl always just being okay, so I'm doing Core 1 in about 2 months with a 2nd and 3rd grader. I'm adding some books from our library and even adding SOTW1 just in case I need more material for our 3rd grader, but I'm excited to start!

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