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Valentine's Traditions for the Family

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I am looking for some ideas I can start with my children this year and keep as a 'family tradition'. Particulary, ideas that tie in to 'we love because God first loved us' and sharing Christ's love with others.


I am totally stumped when it comes to making Valentine's Day special for our family. I am trying to find an alternative to the 'here's a card and a box of candy and a teddy bear' way of doing things.


I would LOVE to hear what you guys do or any ideas you may have!!!!


Thanks in advance.

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Dd9 has totally taken over our Valentine's day celebration. She is making a big Valentines banner to hang over our stairs. She's baking mini chocolate cakes in her easy bake oven (I offered to help her bake a big cake in the real oven but she prefers this). She's making dinner for us (with my help). She found some heart shaped pasta at the store on special and will use jarred sauce for a spaghetti dinner. She's cut out one heart for each us to write a special note to each member of the family. I'm not sure what else she has in mind. . . :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub:

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I do a treasure hunt for my kids (each a separate one) and at the end is a little box of candy. My kids love it.


It's also the only other time of the year (one being Christmas) that I make sugar cookies with the kids. We deliver these to older couples in our church who need a little extra love.


I also make homemade valentines for each of my kids and write down as many things I can think of that I love about them...even down to silly little things that make me smile. I think it's a good exercise for ME...for some of them I have to think harder than for others! :D

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Dd9 has totally taken over our Valentine's day celebration. She is making a big Valentines banner to hang over our stairs. She's baking mini chocolate cakes in her easy bake oven (I offered to help her bake a big cake in the real oven but she prefers this). She's making dinner for us (with my help). She found some heart shaped pasta at the store on special and will use jarred sauce for a spaghetti dinner. She's cut out one heart for each us to write a special note to each member of the family. I'm not sure what else she has in mind. . . :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub:


This is sweet! I'm going to share the idea of making hearts with my dd7. She loves holidays and wants to celebrate everything. Two weeks ago we were at the 99 cent store and I commented how busy it was. She was convinced it was because everyone was preparing for Valentine's Day. :lol:

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We use an idea from our friends. Each family member writes something they love about each other family member on individual paper hearts. All of a person's hearts are hung from a string. The strings hang over the dining table.


We usually have a special family dinner too.


This year, we are having friends over to decorate cupcakes and are taking some to our neighbors.

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My dd is still pretty young, and our homeschooling consists of weekly themes, so this week our theme will be love, though I'd imagine you could adopt any of the activities for use on the actual day. We're going to read a few poems and stories about love, probably bake a heart-shaped cake, and I was planning to cut out hearts from construction paper, hide them around the house, and let her find them.


Also, cheesecake. I always make some kind of cheesecake for Valentine's day.

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Super ideas!


Unsinkable - where do you get the personalized chocolate hearts? Can you just go into the Veterans' hospital and pass out the Valentine's? Even with young children?


Narrow4life - ice cream is never a bad idea!


The independently owned chocolate stores around here all do it. I would call around and see if any near you do it. There were years when I'd I just get their names and years when I'd put different stuff on it (like nicknames or hockey numbers :D)


The candy store I got to makes the hearts in many different sizes and in milk, dark or orange chocolate. SOOOOOOO yummy!


As for the VA, my DH likes to take the Valentines to them (he was in the AF). He just takes them to this man who is like an activities director. DH takes the kids, too b/c the activities director makes a big deal out of and thanks the kids so much. But they have never really passed them out to the patients.


I would think that a nursing home might let the kids pass them out personally, depending on visiting restrictions.



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My dd is still pretty young, and our homeschooling consists of weekly themes, so this week our theme will be love, though I'd imagine you could adopt any of the activities for use on the actual day. We're going to read a few poems and stories about love, probably bake a heart-shaped cake, and I was planning to cut out hearts from construction paper, hide them around the house, and let her find them.


Also, cheesecake. I always make some kind of cheesecake for Valentine's day.


"Wove, twue wove!"

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Guest sarah16

My husband and I always went out for fondue on Valentine's day pre-kiddos, so we now celebrate with chocolate fondue at home with the kiddos. I think it's going to be a fun tradition. I'm excited to take them to the fondue restaurant when they're a little older.

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All such good ideas - now where to start?


Here is another idea I got from a good friend.


Love this idea in "Homelife" magazine-- "Be My (Secret) Valentine" -- the game goes like this: "A week before Valentine's Day," (we started last night), "draw names within your family to select secret valentines. During the week,... do special, anonymous things for your valentine-- buy a favorite soft drink, candy, or snack. Send your valentine an anonymous card; put a note in the car, sack lunch, or under his or her pillow. Do a household chore for this person-wash the car, fix or replace something of his or hers that is broken. On Valentine's Day, get the entire family together and have each one guess the identity of his or her secret valentine."


Sounds fun!!

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Good thread! I was wanting to do something special this year too, we've not celebrated previously.

I'm going to have the kids make at least one 'coupon' for each sibling. Something like 'help w/one chore' or 'play a game' or 'do a chore for free' kind of stuff. I'm going to put in stuff like 'free hug' 'extra story w/mom' stuff like that.


Oh, of course this means I/we still need to make boxes or something...I like the pocket dealy pictured above, very cute!


I bought each a little something and hope to make pancakes for breakfast (we never do that during the week) and maybe just maybe we'll take the day off to just hang out, window shop, reconnect :)

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This post inspired me to think of something better we could start doing. Here is what I got:


Make red and white popcorn balls (a little popcorn, food coloring, and caramel). Give them to neighbors (or anyone else) with a card that explains red=Christ's blood, white=how God sees us, and that God loved us so much...and we wanted to share His love with them on Valentine's day.

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pink, heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast. Since I rarely make pancakes, these are a big hit. (I also do green, shamrock-shaped ones on St. Patrick's Day.


For dessert for dinner: chocolate cake with peppermint icing in a heart shape (one square pan;when done, set the cake so that it's shaped like a diamond on a large cookie sheet, one circular pan: cut circular pan in half and put each half along the two top edges of the diamond)


Some years: a letter to each son about how special he is to us; it's really a love letter from us to each child

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I don't do much. I continue the tradition started by my mom. I get them each one of the very smallest heart shaped boxes of chocolates. I think it costs about 1.99 and has 4 pieces of candy. My mom used to get one for each of us and put it next to our breakfast. Even when she had NO money she bough one for us to share..we had 4 kids in the family and we all got one piece of candy. It was such a big treat and we wondered how she afforded it. So, I get a box for each of my two kids and feel really happy in that moment that I have 4$ to spend on my two kids. I don't ever take that for granted.


'Cause nothing says 'mommy loves you' like candy for breakfast! :lol:


If I get my act together I also make brownies but that's mostly if valentines day is on a weekend.

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