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If not Elemental Science, then what??


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My daughter is in 1st.


I am finding a need for a science plan of some kind because science ends up falling by the wayside for us since we only go to the library once every few weeks and I can't seem to anticipate what animals, plants, etc. I will need to get books about.


I think Elemental Science is what I am looking for. It seems like it will provide a frame from which to work and it will give me specific titles to find at the library.


But, for those of you who don't use Elemental Science (and are happy about your choice), what do you use instead??


And, if you use Elemental Science for 1st grade, why do you like it?


I want to be as well informed as possible before I make a decision.


Thanks. :D

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I too am considering Elemental Science for next year; it looks great! But I have not used it yet and have no personal experience with it.


I can recommend McRuffy Science to you. It definitely is a manageable program that lets you get science *done*. It's scheduled for twice a week and comes with most of the supplies. I'd estimate that we do some type of experiment maybe once every two weeks, on average. Actually, it's often more like a demonstration. We're just at kindergarten level, so I'm sure it gets more advanced as it goes.


There's nothing very flashy about McRuffy Science, and I can't honestly say that I "love" it (that's because of me, not the program) . . . but my daughter likes it pretty well and it does introduce a nice variety of science facts and concepts. More than anything, it helps us get science DONE. ;)

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We're planning to use EleSci for 1st grade next year, too, and I was worried that science would fall by the wayside, too! I decided I would get the Early Years Intro. to Science and work through it until the fall. I really like it. I like that it was designed to work with the WTM schedules and The Handbook of Nature Study. My daughter enjoys the experiments and the reader recommendations. She can read about whatever we're studying in science as part of her reading lessons and it makes her feel like she's reading "real" books - which she is. The plan allows me to order books from the library system ahead of time so they're waiting at my home library. All in all, it's a great fit for us - inexpensive, e-book format, and solid science!

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I am using Elemental Science Biology for 1st grade...I like it because it is well planned out, easy for me to use, and follows WTM recommendations...My sons enjoy the books that are used and really enjoy science...We have been happy with it...


It cost me $67 dollars to buy the curriculum download and all of the books I needed, and I bought the books new...I am happy with the price as well...

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We are using Elemental Science for Earth Science and Astronomy and my boys love it!


We did for first grade 10 weeks of the Human Body from Usborne http://www.bookskidslove.com/tenterrificweeks.htm and they really ejoyed that too. Along with that we did My Body http://www.amazon.com/Body-Science-Books-Patty-Carratello/dp/1557342113/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297105335&sr=8-1 and made a life size model of them.

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We use RSO and supplement with Elemental Science Biology. They felt like a really great mesh. We also use a lot of Bill Nye videos, Bindi the Jungle Girl videos, Magic School Bus videos, and library books on various interests. :) For me, Elemental Science would not be enough in and of itself.

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We're going to use BFSU because I like the way the different threads of science are taught together. I think it will help the kids form connections, because the real world is not packaged up in neat cellophane bags of "biology" and "physics," without actually spoon feeding to the point of predigesting it. I'll supplement with whatever we can get from the library and any books or kits I've come across online that are too spiffy not to have. I expect to go through the book twice, so I can keep the kids together, but I'll use different supplements so they don't get bored. Anything else that looks spiffy but doesn't really fit with the curriculum can go in their Christmas stockings, right? :D



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We're going to use BFSU because I like the way the different threads of science are taught together. I think it will help the kids form connections, because the real world is not packaged up in neat cellophane bags of "biology" and "physics," without actually spoon feeding to the point of predigesting it. I'll supplement with whatever we can get from the library and any books or kits I've come across online that are too spiffy not to have. I expect to go through the book twice, so I can keep the kids together, but I'll use different supplements so they don't get bored. Anything else that looks spiffy but doesn't really fit with the curriculum can go in their Christmas stockings, right? :D



What is BFSU?

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We ended up with RSO Life.


I have Elemental Science, but I just took her book recommendations and kinda did our own thing. I tried BFSU and think it's great, but couldn't bring myself to keep with it. RSO Life is fun and easy. We supplement with books, DE streaming science videos and games.

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I'm using BFSU because I like the idea of all the disciplines being taught together. They really are interrelated so this makes sense to me. But, to make it more user friendly and open-and-go, I'm using it alongside Real Science Odyssey. This means I'm buying all three Level 1 RSO books at the same time but I figure it will probably take us at least 3 or 4 years to get through it all. At that point my kids will only be 8/9 years old and 6/7 years old so we may just start it all over again using the same resources just beefed up with different supplemental reading.


I'm also drooling over the Magic School Bus sciences kits, all the Let's Read and Find Out books and a variety of other extras.

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