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Now it is our turn...

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While the clean up after the cyclone is happening in Queensland, the storm clean up in Victoria, and floods are still happening in NSW..... WA got off relatively lightly from its recent cyclone......but now we have bushfires here that have destroyed 60 homes already, right on the edge of the city, 45 minutes drive east from me but also north and south. And the fires are still going. Very sad.

What is it this season?

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While the clean up after the cyclone is happening in Queensland, the storm clean up in Victoria, and floods are still happening in NSW..... WA got off relatively lightly from its recent cyclone......but now we have bushfires here that have destroyed 60 homes already, right on the edge of the city, 45 minutes drive east from me but also north and south. And the fires are still going. Very sad.

What is it this season?


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It seems like everyone gets their turn to get the bejezus knocked out of them from time to time and unfortunately this seems to be Oz's year. :( I'm so sorry you all are suffering so much. I pray that the fires go out and that you all can get a break of some NICE weather. :grouphug:

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While the clean up after the cyclone is happening in Queensland, the storm clean up in Victoria, and floods are still happening in NSW..... WA got off relatively lightly from its recent cyclone......but now we have bushfires here that have destroyed 60 homes already, right on the edge of the city, 45 minutes drive east from me but also north and south. And the fires are still going. Very sad.

What is it this season?



Just horrible! I just saw it on TV. I also saw all our food crops have been flooded in Vic, add that to the QLD floods and cyclone and we have some serious food shortages and expensive feeding the family coming up!




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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It seems like everyone gets their turn to get the bejezus knocked out of them from time to time and unfortunately this seems to be Oz's year. :( I'm so sorry you all are suffering so much. I pray that the fires go out and that you all can get a break of some NICE weather. :grouphug:


Big fires happen every summer, but the floods and cyclones have surely been worse than usual. :( Not that I'm tossing fires aside as being trifling matters, but they are normal for this continent.




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Big fires happen every summer, but the floods and cyclones have surely been worse than usual. :( Not that I'm tossing fires aside as being trifling matters, but they are normal for this continent.





Its true. Fires are normal, though still devastating.


The thing about the fires here though is that they were fanned by the winds from Cyclone Yasi which is incredibly bizarre because that hit the coast in QLD days ago now, we are west and south of QLD on the opposite coast thousands of kms away and the weather shouldn't be coming this way, and whats a cyclone in QLD getting over here for anyway? Its incredible. We have had very strong winds. However central Australia has had some great rain so that is a good thing (its all desert).


Also, the houses burned here were really on the edge of the city in virtual suburbia- it came as a shock that there would be a fire right there but no one predicted the winds, which also kept changing direction.


Also we will have food issues here as well, just like Sandra was mentioning in Victoria and QLD- because the cyclone that fizzled before it hit Perth the week before Yasi hit QLD, actually did hit inland and devastated many farms.


Thanks Amber...I dont know any farmers but will keep it in mind.

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