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Kidney infection... ouch...

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I have a pretty bad kidney infection... I suspected it last week-- then Monday I started having UTI symptoms too. I currently do not have a fever, but I am a bit queezy--I finally got in to the Dr yesterday (Wednesday)... my test was instantly positive...


Anyways... besides drinking cranberry and blueberry juice, avoiding sugar and carbs, what else can I do???


Dr said if I have not responded (decreased pain) by Friday afternoon he may send me to the hospital!!!


I have not had a UTI in over 20 years-- this is my FIRST kidney infection.


Words of wisdom?

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I am so sorry. Use no soap anywhere near the area. Drink plenty of water and hopefully the med will work . However as a fallback med if the first does not work they could try Levaquin or one of the other quinolone antibiotics. I have been there , done that ... I eventually had to use a medication for about six months called prosed. Best wishes for a pain free evening and total healing.

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My mom had problems for years with recurrent kidney infections. They were greatly reduced when she began taking cranberry extract and probiotic pills daily.


Also, Dr. Kayla Daniels recommends using a rinse of kefir after you bathe to try to get good bacteria in your urinary tract from the other end. =) I don't know anyone who has tried this.


Beware the overuse of medicines that treat the discomfort of UTI's and kidney infections. The pain is there to let you know you have a serious problem. Permanent kidney damage is a real possibility if you don't treat these things.


I hope you feel better soon,



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Ugh, Jann. That sounds so painful. We have Cystex (mentioned before) for pain and it seems to work. I use it for the kids with lots of water at the first hint of discomfort and it seems to nip it in the bud (for a common UTI).


But I don't think that Cystex would get rid of the infection -- I hope the Dr. has you on antibiotics. Also beware of side effects from the antibiotics - have some yogurt also to prevent diarrhea. I always seem to forget and then get hit with the double whammy.


I'll pray for you to get some relief soon and have a quick recovery. :grouphug:



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for uti's i use cranberry pills and acidophillus pills right away, a lot of liquid (like when i'm trying to flush a kidney stone... 3 litres or so a day). if it makes it to the kidney, i add in antibiotics and yet more acidophilus... its just no fun, and potentially quite serious.


good luck!


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