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If you could go any where for a month, where would you go?

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I really think I need a vacation.


My husband doesn't like to travel so once again it will be just the kids and I.


I want to go some where warm and tropical, safe, and family friendly.


I'm thinking about Belize or Costa Rica would be really nice.


I'm trying to get up the nerve to take the kids by myself.


Last year I tried something safe just to see how I managed by myself with the 3 kids and we vacationed for 3 weeks in Florida and the Bahamas.


Where would you go if you could go somewhere for a month?

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Europe - southern if I wanted warm :) - maybe Southern France, Italy or Spain. I'd find a vacation rental in a small town where I could make short day trips to the sights. Depending on when I was taking the trip, I'd personally want to go to central Europe - Switzerland, Austria, maybe the Czech Republic.


I'd also be very, very careful in Central/South America, as some locations can be dangerous for Westerners, especially children. kidnappings/child slave trade is fairly rampant - my sister and her family went to Columbia not too long ago and brought my parents along so someone could keep a constant eye on the kids.

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I'd go to Costa Rica, back to this hotel. When we were there a few years ago it was just beautiful, quiet, peaceful. There wasn't a lot to do at the hotel but sit on the beach or go to the pool. It was a perfect hideaway, if there were seven people on the beach it was a crowd. You could hear the howler monkeys, wild iguanas roamed the property. The hotel was great about scheduling stuff, including a snorkel excursion, horseback riding through the country and on the beach. We didn't even have a car but got rides to the neighboring town and a wonderful little out of the way restaurant where no one spoke English. My basic Spanish came in very handy.


The road used to have limited accessibility in the rainy season.

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Turkey - specifically Izmir. 3rd largest city in Turkey, on the Aegean, close to Ephesus and other historical sites, a plane flight or bus ride to go to Istanbul or Antalya or anywhere else. The people are incredibly friendly, it's easy to get to Greece if you want, and you could go to Cesme for the week or more if you want a beach.


Also DH's hometown. :)

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I would go to Italy. For sure.


BUT, I could not take my 3 kids there alone. Gosh, I don't even take all 3 of them to Target. :lol:


I guess what I would do is find an all inclusive type of resort, or at least a place that had a lot to do so we didn't have to go far if we didn't want to. A month, wow...I don't even know what to suggest. Definitely somewhere warm!!


How about St. Lucia or Bermuda?

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We go to Hawaii every year in winter for about 2-3 weeks. The area around Hanalei on Kauai is one of my favorites. Maui is nice, too. We like to swim in the ocean, snorkel, hike and just chill out. Hawaiians are very accepting of keikis, too (kids).

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