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I'm Loving TOG!


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OK, I don't have a question, I just feel the need to express myself. :001_smile:


I did SL P4/5, SL Core K, and started Core 1 this summer for 2G. I did the first 10 weeks of History Odyssey (which I liked too) along with some of the SL history because I like the mapwork and hands-on. By the end of the 10 weeks of Ancient History, I was so confused with how to align biblical history that I was getting really frustrated. I found my way to TOG and decided to take the plunge mid-stream. We started with U2 and are nearing the end of it.


I know this curriculum would definitely not please some but I LOVE IT. I LOVE the integration of biblical history. I'm learning so much. I love the geography. We're finishing our first salt map (of Canaan), learning about the 12 tribes and the neighboring cultures. My dd (7) begs for geography and is always ready for me to read history. I like how I can alternate books and be flexible in what and how much we read. I like that I'll be able to use it for both of my children (starting next year). I'm sure there's more that I like but....my kids are ready for lunch. :D


I'm just now feeling like I'm starting to put the different pieces together and it's so rich. It's time consuming but, good grief, do I ever wish I could have been taught this, like this, when I was a kid.


So, if anyone is teetering and you're wanting an amazing program that weaves biblical history throughout world history AND you don't mind preparing lessons, I highly recommend TOG.

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I know this curriculum would definitely not please some but I LOVE IT. I LOVE the integration of biblical history. I'm learning so much.


I'm there with you taffnus!! We picked up TOG last year and I am just amazed at how much my dd (and I) have learned. TOG has literally changed our lives, and we are so thankful.



I'm just now feeling like I'm starting to put the different pieces together and it's so rich. It's time consuming but, good grief, do I ever wish I could have been taught this, like this, when I was a kid.


So worth it, so very worth it! And after you get the hang of it, it becomes less time consuming. I agree with you also that I would have loved an education like this when I was a kid. And I have adult children that were not homeschooled....what I would give to go back and raise them with TOG. That will always be a huge regret for me.



So, if anyone is teetering and you're wanting an amazing program that weaves biblical history throughout world history AND you don't mind preparing lessons, I highly recommend TOG.



I teach part-time at a private classical Christian school, and I have to say that TOG is top notch, very, very close in comparison to what students are being given at the school. If a family is going to homeschool and desires a solid classical Christian curriculum, TOG is a wonderful way to go.




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:hurray: We love TOG, too. I was a life changer for us, also. It makes a huge difference in our day and the quality of what we learn. :party:


Since you know you'll be using it next year, you can knock out a lot of planning over summer break and then you'll have less to do during the school year. It makes a difference. In fact, I've started printing out our materials for next year so I can be ready to go and will only have to pick books over the summer. It is fantastic! CONGRATS!:cheers2:

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Good to hear you are enjoying TOG :).


Yep, we switched from SL also and are enjoying TOG immensely. TOG has been exactly what I have been looking for but I am truly glad that we started from SL. I loved the Cores we did and SL helped me as a new homeschooler when I needed it. However TOG is so much more suitable for our hands-on family... but that is not the only reason of course ;).

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts on TOG. We are planning to start with year 1 this fall. I researched TOG and many other choices for months before deciding because it was such a huge decision. But I am so excited after looking through the material and it is wonderful to hear feedback from people who use TOG and enjoy it.

If anyone TOG user blogs about their studies please share your blog link. I'm starting preparation for fall and I'm a little nervous with all the info and with getting started.

So for those of you who already use it, please share some of your best starting tips! We can't wait!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts on TOG. We are planning to start with year 1 this fall. I researched TOG and many other choices for months before deciding because it was such a huge decision. But I am so excited after looking through the material and it is wonderful to hear feedback from people who use TOG and enjoy it.

If anyone TOG user blogs about their studies please share your blog link. I'm starting preparation for fall and I'm a little nervous with all the info and with getting started.

So for those of you who already use it, please share some of your best starting tips! We can't wait!


We just started this year so I don't know how helpful our blog would be but I do have one post that I talk a little about how I set up TOG in our home. I don't blog lessons because first of all I find that they are unique in each family and second because I don't have the time anyway :tongue_smilie:. I do however post some of the activities we have followed. For us our blog is about sharing the visuals rather than the step-by-step ;). You can check it out if you like. Links in my siggy, one directly to my TOG posts.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts on TOG. We are planning to start with year 1 this fall. I researched TOG and many other choices for months before deciding because it was such a huge decision. But I am so excited after looking through the material and it is wonderful to hear feedback from people who use TOG and enjoy it.

If anyone TOG user blogs about their studies please share your blog link. I'm starting preparation for fall and I'm a little nervous with all the info and with getting started.

So for those of you who already use it, please share some of your best starting tips! We can't wait!


You could check out this thread on starting out tips. Here's a blogroll that hopefully has a few more soon.

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Good to read. I have just bought it. I have bought year 2, unit 4. We are doing SOTW 3 this year, and I am going to try TOG for that part and see how it goes. I am excited, if it works for us it will make things much easier when dd hits K and I am working with 2 kids. I also like that I will be able to use it 3 times.

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