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The Meyers-Brigg Personality Test...

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Hmmm, apparently I am "rare" 1-3% of the population make-up....


" Keirsey referred to the INFJs as Counselors, one of the four types belonging to the temperament he called the Idealists.[/url]One of the rarest types, INFJs account for 1–3% of the population."


I am INFJ as well, and I think the description fits me very accurately :001_smile:

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How does that work? I am an ISTJ married to an ESFJ and it works out great. But I wouldn't want to marry someone the same personality type as myself. Maybe they use the base type to match people, SJ, SP, NT and NF. I do think that S's and N's probably have an easier time if they marry someone who is another S or another N.

I'm not exactly sure, but I don't think they're matching people who are the same personality types because, to your point, they may be too alike to be compatible.

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INTJ here. Largest % on the "J" - that gives me pause. Wonder what the % determine in terms of behavior?? Or if there is any correlation. I took this test officially about 30 years ago for a sales job and got it - must have changed over the decades:confused:




Edited to add % which make me really curious now... Introverted (44) Intuitive (25) Thinking (1) Judging (61)

Edited by OLG
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I am an ENFP and have been since I first took the test in high school. Every time I take it, without fail, I'm labeled as such, so it must be true!


My husband is an ISTJ, we are opposites but I think we complement each others strengths in parenting.

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I am an ENFP and have been since I first took the test in high school. Every time I take it, without fail, I'm labeled as such, so it must be true!


My husband is an ISTJ, we are opposites but I think we complement each others strengths in parenting.


I'm an INFJ and my husband's an ESTP and I love how our personalities complement each other's.

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I am an ENFP and have been since I first took the test in high school. Every time I take it, without fail, I'm labeled as such, so it must be true!


My husband is an ISTJ, we are opposites but I think we complement each others strengths in parenting.


I am an INFP and my dh is an ISTJ. We complement each other AND completely misunderstand one another, lol.



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I am an INFP and my dh is an ISTJ. We complement each other AND completely misunderstand one another, lol.




Yes, this is true for us as well. I spent a lot of time making fun of him yesterday when he went outside with our kids and a neighborhood child and took apart their snow fort they had been working on for a couple hours with one of those snow brick makers. He determined that the right angles of the corners were off and if he reassembled it, it would be more structurally sound. :lol: I think we may have an ice fort that could double as a legitimate igloo out in our yard and it probably won't be able to fully melt until March! The kids thought it was great that he got so into it, though!


This is just one example in a long line of many. I am more of a process/experience person and to him, the end result and its quality is the biggest priority.

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I ended up ISFP. The last time I took another M/B I was ISFJ. Funny, ds just came in the room right before I took the test (he is taking a class called Personality Theory at college) and he said I was not a J, just look at the house!! :)


Added: I took the other test, it came out ESFJ...... anyone else come out that different on the two tests?? Well, the SF is the same...

Edited by Susan C.
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I ended up ISFP. The last time I took another M/B I was ISFJ. Funny, ds just came in the room right before I took the test (he is taking a class called Personality Theory at college) and he said I was not a J, just look at the house!! :)


Added: I took the other test, it came out ESFJ...... anyone else come out that different on the two tests?? Well, the SF is the same...


It could be that your introvert/extrovert tendencies (and your P/J) are balanced enough that you get different scores depending on the test.


I always score INFP. I know I am very strong NF. But I am a borderline introvert, and while I always score slightly on the P side, my P/J difference isn't far apart, so the INFJ description also fits me pretty well.



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