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Spelling Test Sentences

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Do you make up silly sentences to go with the words on a spelling test? This morning we had the spelling word "special" - so I made the silly sentence "Today's special is Octopus and Pig Lips." Dd immediately responded, "That sounds like what Grandma would serve!" (The thing is, she's right. . .:lol: :001_huh:)


What kind of sentences do you give for spelling tests?

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This is making me miss the days of spelling tests.


I do, though, put in one goofball option when I make multiple-choice questions. My triumph was when the dopiest possibility was actually the correct answer (the question was about how a particular king had died, and the truth was he expired hunting hippos).


My high school computer science teacher once gave a multiple choice exam right before winter break, and it had odd letter choices (rather than the usual a-d); it didn't take long to figure out that the correct sequence of answers spelled out, "Get out of here, you animals." He loved us. :)

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