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Our daughter is giving a goat an injection - help, please!

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I've no experience with goats. But have given myself penicillin injections into the muscle. Do you have a specific needle for this injection? If so - it is probably the correct length. I would put it all the way in.


If you're going into muscle, and you've found a muscular area - shouldn't have to go too far.


Good luck.

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You guys ROCK! Thanks so much. We couldn't get a hold of a goat owner we know, my bil OB-GYN or the vet, but I knew YOU would come through. :D Daughter is almost 15, an animal-lover, milker-of-said-goat but just didn't know for sure what to do. She balked at pushing the needle in but I told her "Just do it!" Now she's proud of herself.


<adrenaline rush>


The 5-6 month old goat had chewed on some wire overnight, and gotten it stuck in her cheek. DH had to cut her free this a.m. and pull the wire out. Vet said to get some penicillin.

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If she has to do another, tell her I hold the needle in my right hand and tap the (horse's) neck twice, pretty hard then on the third time I plunge in the needle. They never seem to notice. Goat butt might be easier, but since horses kick I use the neck.


This is exactly how I do my horses too! One, two, .....THREE!

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but since horses kick I use the neck.

:lol: This just brought back a very funny (to me) memory. Dh, not so much! Luckily it was a big wheel barrel full of manure that got kicked but dh was on the receiving end of what came out of the barrel...down on his knees getting some gauze and alcohol out of a box. I used the neck the next time and dh stayed in front of the horse.:lol::lol:

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You guys ROCK! Thanks so much. We couldn't get a hold of a goat owner we know, my bil OB-GYN or the vet, but I knew YOU would come through. :D Daughter is almost 15, an animal-lover, milker-of-said-goat but just didn't know for sure what to do. She balked at pushing the needle in but I told her "Just do it!" Now she's proud of herself.


<adrenaline rush>


The 5-6 month old goat had chewed on some wire overnight, and gotten it stuck in her cheek. DH had to cut her free this a.m. and pull the wire out. Vet said to get some penicillin.





The first one's the toughest. For future reference, penicillin can just be given subcutaneously (under the skin). Just find a loose bit of skin and massage it a bit after. Easier than a muscle shot since you pich a fold of skin and just slide the needle under. My favorite spot was near the shoulder or base of the neck. That way I could stick their head between my legs, face it's rear, and give it myself.

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The first one's the toughest. For future reference, penicillin can just be given subcutaneously (under the skin). Just find a loose bit of skin and massage it a bit after. Easier than a muscle shot since you pich a fold of skin and just slide the needle under. My favorite spot was near the shoulder or base of the neck. That way I could stick their head between my legs, face it's rear, and give it myself.


:iagree:No need to put it in the muscle. We give it SQ too.



From Fiascofarm.com: *Due to the nature of how goats are put together by nature, and how they metabolize things, Sub-Q shots work just as good as IM in almost all cases.. The general reasons some shots are given IM and some Sub-Q is because IM gets into the system faster, this is due to the blood flow through the muscles. Sub-Q shots will get into the system slower because the blood flow through this area (under the skin) is slower. Goats have a high metabolism and not a huge amount of muscle mass. Because of this, shots given Sub-Q will get into the goat's system almost as fast as IM.


Why would your want to give shots Sub-Q as opposed to IM? IM shots are usually more painful and can also cause tissle damage. If you do not have to, why cause more pain, discomfort and stress than you have to? I care about my goats emotional health as well as physical health. I care if they are stressed. Part of holistic health care is keeping stress to a minimum. If I can give a shot with less pain, I will.


For the future, here's the best goat info on the web. You can learn how to do ANYTHING and treat ANYTHING with goats from these articles, mostly originally written for Goat World magazing. I consult them regularily and I've been raising goats for 4 years now.



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