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I just can't believe the changes in me since I've changed my diet

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The first week of January I started the candida diet. I have given up dairy, sugar in all forms, including fruit(for now), all carbs (for a period of time yet to be determined), alcohol, coffee. Not only do I feel FANTASTIC, I can't believe what's happening in my body.


First of all, I lost 5 pounds. GREAT! YIPPEE!!! BUT, I look like I've lost a ton more! I was SO bloated before and I thought it was all fat. I *do* need to lose another 25 pounds but really, I'm just shocked at how much puffiness is gone. In the mornings, my stomach is pretty darn flat! I noticed all my rings fit well now and one slides around like it's a little too lose. I noticed that after 7.5 months my ankle, sprained over the summer - BAD sprain, is starting to feel normal. I have fantastic energy! I just FEEL good. But then I was SHOCKED when I went to floss my teeth two nights ago. Normally when I floss my teeth, it's a painful experience, and I have to fight to get the floss in between my teeth because there just isn't enough space in there. Even for me with my big mouth. :blush: There was PLENTY of room in there to floss, and NO PAIN. This absolutely NEVER has happened before.


I'm just so surprised! The teeth thing is what REALLY shocked me. Then I realized how much roomier EVERYTHING was. I'm wearing jeans I couldn't wear before I made this change. And again, I've only lost five pounds!


It's not exercise. I've gone on a couple of power walks and worked with my Kettelbell/hand weights a few times but am hoping to work out more regularly. SOMETHING was making me inflamed and I'm assuming it was carbs. I really didn't eat a lot of sugar, only around the holidays.


I've been reading recently how improperly prepared carbs are bad for you, and we ALL know refined (packaged) carbs aren't any good. I didn't believe it at first but, WOW. Something has made my inflamation go away. Could it really have been the carbs that made me so bloated?


I'm just so shocked by all of this and want to see if anyone has any input. :bigear::bigear::bigear:

Edited by Denisemomof4
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That's so great. I gave up almost all meat and dairy awhile ago, and I've noticed that I haven't lost weight (don't really need to), but that the shape of my body has changed. I'm leaner. I likey! :001_smile:


I was a vegan at one time and I felt GREAT. I hate having to eat so much protein but it really does make me feel well. It's hard for me. I'm SUCH an animal lover and I hate having to eat them. But without protein, I couldn't cure my issues with candida. So I'm having to keep my diet like this for now.

Wow, congratulations!


I need to make similar changes. Can you give me some idea what a typical day's food looks like for you now?


I have eggs for breakfast when I eat it. I don't have it everyday, and I believe eggs are VERY healthy and don't cause issues. I have a ton of low carb veggies for lunch and dinner, seeds (not really allowed on the candida diet) some protein with lunch and dinner, I made a HUGE bowl of absolutely DELICIOUS guacamole that I'm having with my salads (the fats carry me) and I'm having any meat, not just lean, and healthy fats. Carbs feed the yeast. The fats are carrying me. I'm going to become a HUGE fan of coconut oil, I just know it! Mine should arrive shortly and it's just so darned healthy. Sometimes I'll allow veggies with hummus but try not to have too much hummus for now due to the carb content. Carbs feed the yeast.


Here are some links for you to read through. You may not have candida, but the diet is good for anyone. I will not always be fruit and carb free, but I will be MUCH pickier as to which carbs I'll allow back into my diet, will prepare them differently, and will only have them once per day.


Be forewarned. If you DO have candida but didn't know it, starting this diet will make you feel drained, tired, cranky, flu like. I am doing the diet and taking herbs and I'm suffering "die off" symptoms. Some people's symptoms are more mild than others.


Here are some links for you to read through:








and there are three separate articles on candida. I have read multiple books and websites on candida and I'm LOVING what I have read here:



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Is there a good reason to give up yogurt or kefir along with all other dairy?


Do you include butter in dairy?


I'm trying to find the right diet for me so that I can lose weight and have more energy.


If I remember right, kefir and yogurt aren't allowed in the beginning phases of this diet, which I'm doing for health reasons, but also want to lose weight. Good quality butter, organic if possible, is allowed as is ghee. Coconut oil is highly recommended for cooking, too. If you look at the "Bees" link above, there's a lot of information there.


Again, I'm doing this for health reasons but this would be good for anyone. I'm not always going to eat carb free (high carb veggies aren't even permitted)


I just can't believe it caused the swelling in my mouth to go away, swelling I never knew I had. For DECADES even dentists would break their floss trying to get between my teeth. No issues at all now. I haven't worn my ankle support in about two weeks now either. My rings - I usually can't put them on or take them off without soap and water! Now they're loose, and I *am* having salt.

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Congratulations, Denise! I'm glad to hear the diet is working for you, although I must admit that I am always somewhat skeptical of any eating program that doesn't include the all-important Doritos food group. ;)


Which kettlebell workouts are you using? I just bought the Kattleworx at Kohl's, the Kathy Smith kettlebell set from QVC, as well as the Kettlenetics set (which won't be here until mid-week.) I know that serious kettlebell enthusiasts hate the idea of the lightweight bells, but I can't imagine that wimpy me could handle the heavy weights that the "real, certified" instructors use in their workouts.



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Congratulations, Denise! I'm glad to hear the diet is working for you, although I must admit that I am always somewhat skeptical of any eating program that doesn't include the all-important Doritos food group. ;)


Which kettlebell workouts are you using? I just bought the Kattleworx at Kohl's, the Kathy Smith kettlebell set from QVC, as well as the Kettlenetics set (which won't be here until mid-week.) I know that serious kettlebell enthusiasts hate the idea of the lightweight bells, but I can't imagine that wimpy me could handle the heavy weights that the "real, certified" instructors use in their workouts.




I decided not to buy any dvd programs until I viewed my own dvd which came with the kettlebell, and then only when I used it regularly. I also didn't research how much weight to start off with! I bought a 15 pound one and really, I couldn't go any heavier. What I really wanted this for was for my stomach, which sticks out since all my ligaments supporting my uterus were torn when I was carrying my HUGE boys inside of me. I can't do crunches, I *always* hurt my back and neck. (I have a slight scoliosis) I saw a commercial for one of those shows that has people on who need to lose weight, and I saw two people using the kettlebell to work on their stomach. This is why I got it, and it WORKS. I have a thick yoga mat that I use and I sit up about half way, knees bent. I start off with the kettlebell on the floor on one side, pick it up, move it over my stomach, and put it on the other side. I do this 10 times, then I do some hand weights, some leg stretches, then go back to do the kettlebell 10 more times. I'm starting off slow because my dr. scolded me a few years back when I pulled a muscle trying to so sit ups. She sternly told me I had to start off slow "at my age." :blush:


I also did some of the swinging movements and I *LOVE* using my kettlebell! I can't wait to have a routine mapped out so I can blast some fun music while I do it.


I also bought some resistance bands today to use when I'm stretching my legs. My rear end decided to go visit the back of my knees and it's time to go back to where it belongs.:lol: I like the resistance bands!


Can you please tell me which programs you like once you try them all? I'm going to have to get some dvd's eventually so I can learn some more moves. If you remember, please pm me.


Have fun!

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Woohoo for you! That is fantastic Denise! People often find the candida diet SO hard to follow (because candida itself craves sugar and carbs) but when the result is so obvious and worthwhile, as in your case, its inspiring.


the only hard thing about following this diet is shopping for everyone else and watching them eat what I can't have. It doesn't always bother me but it sometimes does. Like when I had PMS. :blush: When you feel this good, you just don't care about the food that was making you sick.

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Be forewarned. If you DO have candida but didn't know it, starting this diet will make you feel drained, tired, cranky, flu like. I am doing the diet and taking herbs and I'm suffering "die off" symptoms. Some people's symptoms are more mild than others.



How long does the cranky, tired part last?

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Can you please tell me which programs you like once you try them all? I'm going to have to get some dvd's eventually so I can learn some more moves. If you remember, please pm me.



I sure will!


I know there are Kettlenetics clips online (on YouTube, I think.) The instructor is Michelle Khai, and she is in great shape.


I think the programs I bought are sort of pseudo-Kettlebell workouts, because the bells are so light. I'm sure the exercises would probably sicken purists, but I think they'll be good for me, because although I used to work out a lot, and teach aerobics and weight training, that was many years ago, and I'm in nowhere near that kind of shape now.


The heaviest kettlebell I have is only 10 pounds, and that's the one that came with the Kettleworx set. (Hey, I had a 30%-off coupon from Kohls, and then there was the Kohls Cash, so although the list price was 59.99 for the set, I think I got a good deal for 6 DVDs and a kettlebell. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Humor me on this, ok? ;))


By the time I get everything I ordered, I'll have 3,4,5,8, and 10 pound kettlebells. The 4 pound one that comes in the Kettlenetics set looks more like a Christmas tree ornament than a kettlebell, but it's really cute. And let's face it, cute matters. :D


I hope I don't hurl any of them through the TV...



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I sure will!


I know there are Kettlenetics clips online (on YouTube, I think.) The instructor is Michelle Khai, and she is in great shape.


I think the programs I bought are sort of pseudo-Kettlebell workouts, because the bells are so light. I'm sure the exercises would probably sicken purists, but I think they'll be good for me, because although I used to work out a lot, and teach aerobics and weight training, that was many years ago, and I'm in nowhere near that kind of shape now.


The heaviest kettlebell I have is only 10 pounds, and that's the one that came with the Kettleworx set. (Hey, I had a 30%-off coupon from Kohls, and then there was the Kohls Cash, so although the list price was 59.99 for the set, I think I got a good deal for 6 DVDs and a kettlebell. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Humor me on this, ok? ;))


By the time I get everything I ordered, I'll have 3,4,5,8, and 10 pound kettlebells. The 4 pound one that comes in the Kettlenetics set looks more like a Christmas tree ornament than a kettlebell, but it's really cute. And let's face it, cute matters. :D

I hope I don't hurl any of them through the TV...




I have this thing about color. I just LOVE color! I have a really crappy working microwave (that I wish we didn't own! HATE THEM!) but it's a GORGEOUS metallic red. I have often times bought an item we needed with junky quality for color. Stupid, I know. Well, I really had to fight the urge to start out with the purple kettlebell. I *love* purple. But I decided not to go for looks since it won't be a decoration and got the 15 pound one. I think you're going to do great with 10 because you'll probably get to do more.


The other ones you will get to use. I wanted the set you got but decided to just try my one and some simple hand weights. I'm really loving my kettle, though, and may get that set after all.


I also worry about chucking the thing through the tv! I also have a sofa table by the tv with my glass collection that I *LOVE* :eek: I clench that thing SO TIGHT!!!

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How long does the cranky, tired part last?


it really depends. IF you have candida, it will depend how bad yours is. And although all my GI issues disappeared on DAY ONE, I'm now having another issue that has gotten far worse. It states that your symptoms can get worse before they get better. The die off lasts awhile. The first time I did the candida diet I felt exhausted and flu like for awhile, I'm sorry I can't say how long. This time I had severe sweating for a couple of weeks and sore muscles (again not from working out) and now I feel good but am having a bad female issue. :glare: I don't know how long this will last as it didn't happen last time.


I just push through it all, knowing I will feel better eventually. If the die off symptoms are too strong for you, you can always make changes. I'm taking the herbs while I do the diet so my die off is happening at a faster rate. I also didn't start off in baby steps, I just went cold turkey from day one.


I think my crankiness/being impatient is starting to really diminish. I'm not as snappy as I was initially.

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I've been reading recently how improperly prepared carbs are bad for you, and we ALL know refined (packaged) carbs aren't any good. I didn't believe it at first but, WOW. Something has made my inflamation go away. Could it really have been the carbs that made me so bloated?




I picked up The New Sonoma Diet book from the library last week and this is one thing they mention - that most of the foods on their diet are "low inflammation" foods. (and they don't allow refined carbohydrates, so it's probably got some similarities to your candida diet, although I haven't compared them).

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I picked up The New Sonoma Diet book from the library last week and this is one thing they mention - that most of the foods on their diet are "low inflammation" foods. (and they don't allow refined carbohydrates, so it's probably got some similarities to your candida diet, although I haven't compared them).


I have never heard of that book. Do they say all carbs are inflammatory?

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I have this thing about color. I just LOVE color! I have a really crappy working microwave (that I wish we didn't own! HATE THEM!) but it's a GORGEOUS metallic red. I have often times bought an item we needed with junky quality for color.


Perhaps you may be the only person on the planet who would understand why I own a pistachio green smoothie maker.


It would have been a wiser purchase if I ever actually made smoothies, but I bought it because it looked like it belonged in a 50's diner. You know, where they were always making smoothies. ;)


Ok, so it was an idiotic thing to buy, but hey, I never could resist those QVC Today's Special Values. I'm pretty sure I even bought a second one as a gift for my brother. (And still, he kept talking to me. Go figure.)


I would have caved on that metallic red microwave, too, and quite possibly the purple kettlebell as well (if I could have lifted it for long enough to heave it into the car.)



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Denise, I am so excited for you!!! Years ago I suffered with candida and had delivered my 5th child and battled allergies and asthma unlike any time previously. I nearly died from an asthma attack! I went entirely off of sugar and I could NOT believe the difference. The energy I had back was remarkable! I remember saying, "How could I have lived being so tired for so long!"


I am now inspired! I keep telling myself to cut out the carbs and sugar... back when I did this before, I wasn't a coffee drinker or a "glass of wine before bed" drinker... I am afraid of going off of the coffee...


But, I know it would be SO worth it. You have got me thinking!!

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