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Classical Conversations...

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So they are starting a new group in my area and I went to an informational meeting this morning and I'm intrigued and seriously considering it.


Tell me your good, bad and ugly about this program. My children would be in Foundations but I'm interested in ALL opinions please.



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This is our first year in CC. Only my son is registered in Foundations. He loves it! We are not trying for Memory Master; just get what we can out of the material presented on Tuesdays and then listen to the CD in the car (which reinforces that material). We also drill the Veritas Press timeline cards, but he doesn't know them all, and it doesn't bother me. Whatever he can get out of it is fine with me.


You can look at CC that way, or supplement the materials presented in class at home and really follow their schedule. For us, it's definitely worth the money and the time invested.


My 5-year-old sings the songs along with my son. She's learned a ton just from sitting in the back of the room!

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We did CC last year, also at a new campus. I had 4 kids in the program, and 3 kids in the nursery (I know not all campuses have one but obviously for us, it wouldn't have even been an option if ours didn't have one!) I tutored the 3/4 graders. We did much like a previous poster and mainly reviewed stuff on the CD in the car, as well as just going over the new stuff at home so I could figure out how I was going to present it. It didn't drive our curriculum or anything.


For us, it was too much. I had to tutor to make it financially possible, and that was too much for me. I think if you don't have REALLY good tutors for the younger grades, it makes it hard. The tutors just drill, drill, drill the material, and our tutor for the littlest guys was soooo boring. LOTS of discipline problems. I got frustrated because of the complete randomness of what they want you to memorize, as well as because of some of the attitude of CC people in charge when people questioned some of their facts or logic or whatever (like on their online tutor boards).


My older kids enjoyed some parts of it, but no one was at all sad when I said we weren't doing it again. Not doing it has removed a lot of stress from our lives, LOL. And we are in a very small co-op now where I am in charge of what memory work we do, and I find that makes me much happier. :tongue_smilie: I know tons of people love it, but I just wanted to give a perspective of someone for whom it really didn't work.

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Personally, I would only join for the fellowship and/or if memory work was important to you and you wanted the accountability. I did the CC foundations program at home for a number of years with both of my kids when they were little and they enjoyed it. I briefly joined a coop when my son was in K for the fellowship, but it was an hour away and decided it wasn't worth the drive. Last year, a group opened 5 minutes from my house. I went to the open house and saw lots of behavior problems. Between that and the price, I decided I did not want to join. I was mostly looking for a fun fellowship time for my kids. They did have fun, but I suspected that would wear off about mid-year.



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My son loves CC ;) (Yes, I'm a Director) Now, once the afternoon program hits... no promises... But the Foundations.... (Memory work, Art and Science) he LOVES that.... and he LOVES to talk during their classroom presentations. He just said, after Christmas Vacation, "I can't WAIT to go back on Wednesday and see all my CC friends". The afternoon is writing... and grammar... and I'm sure he won't be keen on that!! Lucky for me, he won't start that till at least 4th grade. So... two more years to enjoy, before the writing...and the grammar :)

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I'm a Challenge A director. I have 4 kids in CC. This is our 3rd year. A few ovservations:


1- The memory work may seem random, but I see a pattern of long term thinking. This year we are learning pronouns. We are learning them in sets based on their function. My littles are not quite seeing that yet, but they will, and it will make English grammar that much easier.


2- Every campus will learn the same material, but will definitely have different flavors.


3- Honestly, CC is spendy, but worth it for MY family. You will need to weigh the benefits of this type of program against the cost/time of it. CC is not for everyone.


It is not a perfect program, but we love it. HTH.

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