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Where can I find a pizza peel?

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I'm looking for brick and morter stores. I'd like to have it sooner than later, and so would like to avoid buying it online, if at all possible. (and also avoid driving back and forth all across town, hence my asking on here which stores are likely to carry one :D )

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This is good to know. We had one, but I kept it on top of the fridge at our old house, and it fell behind the fridge. Dh was too lazy to move the fridge to get it out before we moved to another state (5 yrs ago :D). I've often wanted one since. (FWIW, it was a wedding present. I wonder what happened to the pizza stone that came with it - must be in the basement.... hmmm... let's make pizza!)

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I found mine at Ross last year for $10. It's been a great purchase! And the best method I have found to get the pizza from the peel to the pizza stone in the oven is to put parchment paper on the peel and slide it into the oven with the pizza. I tried cornmeal and just never got very good at sliding the pie off the peel. And the cornmeal smells weird as it cooks! You can remove the parchment paper after a few minutes very easily.

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