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Is soy estrogenic or not?

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In the past I have read that soy increases estrogen. Now I see this article and it's saying it can lower estrogen. http://jn.nutrition.org/content/132/3/570S.abstract


Which is it? Is this just a soy push because it's the American Society of Nutrition? I just received in the mail a food pyramid from MyPyramid.gov (US Dept of Agriculture). It states that we need to get our "liquid oils such as corn oil, soybean oil and canola oil". I find this ridiculous because I will eat olive oil any day over any of these.

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Yes, it is.


I see a holistic nutritionist who has many degrees; in Biology, Nursing and Nutrition, she's one smart cookie! Everything she has told me, I have researched, and found to be true. Every thing she tells me to eat or not eat, b/c of "X" reason, works.


I am on a STRICT, not an OUNCE, of soy diet b/c it raises estrogen levels and I have PCOS/Insulin Resistance.


I also have to greatly lower my wheat and dairy intake b/c they also can raise estrogen levels, just no where near the levels that soy does.

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This is such a timely post. I was literally just discussing this minutes ago with a friend. My mother had breast cancer 2 years ago and her doctor told her she couldn't have any soy because it increased estrogen. (Her cancer was estrogen fed) I am very interested in getting a definitive answer to this as well.

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This is such a timely post. I was literally just discussing this minutes ago with a friend. My mother had breast cancer 2 years ago and her doctor told her she couldn't have any soy because it increased estrogen. (Her cancer was estrogen fed) I am very interested in getting a definitive answer to this as well.

:grouphug: This is from a wikipedia link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrogen


Recently researchers have discovered that the common table mushroom has anti-aromatase[24] properties and therefore possible anti-estrogen activity. Clinical trials have begun in the United States looking into whether the table mushroom can prevent breast cancer in people.[25] A recent study has highlighted the importance of this research. In 2009, a case-control study of the eating habits of 2,018 women, revealed that women who consumed mushrooms had an approximately 50% lower incidence of breast cancer. Women who consumed mushrooms and green tea had a 90% lower incidence of breast cancer.[26]


I read that you should cook mushrooms due to a carcinogenic property.

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:grouphug: This is from a wikipedia link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrogen


Recently researchers have discovered that the common table mushroom has anti-aromatase[24] properties and therefore possible anti-estrogen activity. Clinical trials have begun in the United States looking into whether the table mushroom can prevent breast cancer in people.[25] A recent study has highlighted the importance of this research. In 2009, a case-control study of the eating habits of 2,018 women, revealed that women who consumed mushrooms had an approximately 50% lower incidence of breast cancer. Women who consumed mushrooms and green tea had a 90% lower incidence of breast cancer.[26]


I read that you should cook mushrooms due to a carcinogenic property.


Thank you for that. I'm going to pass that along to my mother. I love mushrooms and cook with them a lot. I'm glad to know I'm doing something right. I'm so scared of getting cancer too, but I don't know if I can force myself to drink green tea though. Yuck. I really hate the taste of it. My two of my maternal aunt's have had breast cancer too. One was just diagnosed last month and had a double mastectomy. :(

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Thank you for that. I'm going to pass that along to my mother. I love mushrooms and cook with them a lot. I'm glad to know I'm doing something right. I'm so scared of getting cancer too, but I don't know if I can force myself to drink green tea though. Yuck. I really hate the taste of it. My two of my maternal aunt's have had breast cancer too. One was just diagnosed last month and had a double mastectomy. :(

I know you can get green tea capsules. Tea has tannins so I wouldn't take it near iron if you need iron badly. I'm sure you could find mushroom capsules or extract. I'll look around.

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I know you can get green tea capsules. Tea has tannins so I wouldn't take it near iron if you need iron badly. I'm sure you could find mushroom capsules or extract. I'll look around.


Thanks. I think I would have to go that route. I have tried and tried to get used to green tea because I know it's so healthful, but I just can't get past the taste of it. Mushrooms I like a lot though and eat them often. :)

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Thanks. I think I would have to go that route. I have tried and tried to get used to green tea because I know it's so healthful, but I just can't get past the taste of it. Mushrooms I like a lot though and eat them often. :)

:) Ok here's an example of capsules for those who don't like to eat them http://www.bioessence.com/browseproducts/Agaricus-Blazei-Mushroom-capsule.html

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I have been advised by my dr to avoid soy because it's estrogenic.


Thanks. I think I would have to go that route. I have tried and tried to get used to green tea because I know it's so healthful, but I just can't get past the taste of it. Mushrooms I like a lot though and eat them often. :)


I have to laugh because I read this really fast and read "I have tried to get used green tea because ....." I thought first ICK "used green tea" and second if used tea tastes different just use it once yourself? :lol: Then I reread it...

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I have been advised by my dr to avoid soy because it's estrogenic.




I have to laugh because I read this really fast and read "I have tried to get used green tea because ....." I thought first ICK "used green tea" and second if used tea tastes different just use it once yourself? :lol: Then I reread it...


:lol::lol::lol::lol: I needed that laugh. hehe

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Thanks. I think I would have to go that route. I have tried and tried to get used to green tea because I know it's so healthful, but I just can't get past the taste of it. Mushrooms I like a lot though and eat them often. :)


Are you drinking it hot or as iced tea? I thought I wouldn't like it, but don't find a whole lot of difference between regular iced tea, and green. Plain green tea to me just has a milder flavor. Sometimes I make a gallon w/ two green tea bags, and one reg. hth

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Are you drinking it hot or as iced tea? I thought I wouldn't like it, but don't find a whole lot of difference between regular iced tea, and green. Plain green tea to me just has a milder flavor. Sometimes I make a gallon w/ two green tea bags, and one reg. hth


I've only drunk it hot. How do you make it iced? Do you add the sugar while it's hot or after? I confess I haven't tried it iced. :blushing:

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I've only drunk it hot. How do you make it iced? Do you add the sugar while it's hot or after? I confess I haven't tried it iced. :blushing:


OMG, I drink Iced Green Tea like it's going out of style!! I'm drinking some RIGHT now, LOL!


I use 17 bags (from Tarder Joes) per Gallon. Add lots of lemon juice. (Partly for taste, but also, putting lemon juice in tea makes the health benefits last longer) And I sweeten with liquid Stevia, b/c sugar is worse for PCOS/Insulin Resistance than estrogen!


I notice a HUGE difference in my symptoms when I consume green tea :)

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I've only drunk it hot. How do you make it iced? Do you add the sugar while it's hot or after? I confess I haven't tried it iced. :blushing:


I must confess, that I drink my iced tea, w/out sugar. :lol: But, I brew it or make sun tea w/ it. If I were to add sugar, I would do so while hot, then pour over ice or refrigerate until cold. I use 4-5 reg sized green tea bags, and 1 family sized tea bag for a gallon of iced tea. If I'm in a hurry, I put the bags in the coffee pot and run the water through, then add water to make a gallon. :D

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OMG, I drink Iced Green Tea like it's going out of style!! I'm drinking some RIGHT now, LOL!


I use 17 bags (from Tarder Joes) per Gallon. Add lots of lemon juice. (Partly for taste, but also, putting lemon juice in tea makes the health benefits last longer) And I sweeten with liquid Stevia, b/c sugar is worse for PCOS/Insulin Resistance than estrogen!


I notice a HUGE difference in my symptoms when I consume green tea :)


I must confess, that I drink my iced tea, w/out sugar. :lol: But, I brew it or make sun tea w/ it. If I were to add sugar, I would do so while hot, then pour over ice or refrigerate until cold. I use 4-5 reg sized green tea bags, and 1 family sized tea bag for a gallon of iced tea. If I'm in a hurry, I put the bags in the coffee pot and run the water through, then add water to make a gallon. :D


Thanks for the tips ladies. I'll have to try it that way. Maybe I'll be able to tolerate it iced. :)

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Yes, it is.


I had a breast thermogram done a few months ago. I had been eating far more soy than usual. They could see that I had. Told me to stop and gave me pics showing the difference in when people stop taking it. Amazing.


I see a holistic nutritionist who has many degrees; in Biology, Nursing and Nutrition, she's one smart cookie! Everything she has told me, I have researched, and found to be true. Every thing she tells me to eat or not eat, b/c of "X" reason, works.

I am on a STRICT, not an OUNCE, of soy diet b/c it raises estrogen levels and I have PCOS/Insulin Resistance.

I also have to greatly lower my wheat and dairy intake b/c they also can raise estrogen levels, just no where near the levels that soy does.

Please, please, please share what she tells you. :D

I'm also on the same diet - no soy whatsoever. They also told me to avoid flax, as well as giving me a non-synthetic, all-natural, organic progesterone cream. I know that milk is very bad for raising estrogen levels and increasing breast cancer risks. Milk is not good, for the most part. Pretty bad for anything. And I love the stuff, but hardly ever have it anymore.

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I read that tumors use iron to promote their growth. I would use a multi without iron. I found something saying 100 grams of mushrooms is good.


Iron is a double-edged mineral for women. Menstruating women lose iron-rich blood every month, plus pregnancy, nursing, and strenuous physical exercise dramatically increase the need for this mineral.

But later in life, excess iron, which accumulates in the body after menopause, may increase women’s risk for cancer and heart disease.

Iron supplements may be used by tumors to promote their growth.

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I want to add that excess copper is bad for women. I would use a multi without copper or iron.


UniKey makes a great multi without either.

Excess copper – found in tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, water pipes, and soy – leads to estrogen dominance

You can lower estrogen levels by slashing your copper intake.

Copper keeps estrogen levels high.

How do you know if you have too much copper? Brown spots on your face or skin are a good sign. This means the liver has filtered out so much copper it is depositing the excess amounts in your skin. If your nipples turn from pink to brown, that’s another sign of copper poisoning. Of course, a Tissue Mineral Analysis (TMA) is a good way to know for sure, but expensive.

Many of us are severely toxic with copper. Birth control is one reason. Copper is a primary component of the Pill since it helps control the ovulation cycle. There are other sources of copper poisoning. Copper pipes also leach the metal into drinking water. If you have a swimming pool, your green algicide is pure copper. And if you love your copper pots, guess what? They’re seasoning your food, too.

Here are the aches and pain of copper toxicity:


  • Frontal headaches

  • Depression

  • Fatigue

  • Constipation

  • Emotional volatility

  • Weight gain and food cravings


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I spent a LOOOOONG time researching all this. The last few pages of this thread have all that I came up with for anyone who may be interested. :)

It's all very long, but it's all there - diet, supplements (types of mushroom extract), lifestyle, etc. I tried my best. If there's anything I'm wrong about or forgot to add, please let me know.

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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I am allergic to green tea. I have been wanting to have green tea in my diet due to health benefits but when I drink it I get very dizzy(vertigo) and get really bad headaches. So they deemed that I am probably allergic to green tea.


I do drink black tea unsweetened. Is that good enough?


I have been trying to get my hubby to see that soy is bad. He is not a firm believer yet.


I enjoy reading this thread and will subscribe to it!!



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I have been trying to get my hubby to see that soy is bad. He is not a firm believer yet.


That is understandable. Not all soy products are equal and not all soy is bad for everyone. There are benefits to fermented soy products, for example. The book I have here: says that studies published in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research have shown miso to fight breast cancer. http://www.amazon.com/Miso-Book-Art-Cooking/dp/0757000282/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1294524144&sr=8-1


I've only read this one book, and I don't read papers published in Japanese medical journals, so I do not profess to know everything! But that book would be interesting reading for those interested in the topic.



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I am allergic to green tea. I have been wanting to have green tea in my diet due to health benefits but when I drink it I get very dizzy(vertigo) and get really bad headaches. So they deemed that I am probably allergic to green tea.


I do drink black tea unsweetened. Is that good enough?


I have been trying to get my hubby to see that soy is bad. He is not a firm believer yet.


I enjoy reading this thread and will subscribe to it!!




Have you ever tried Yerba Mate? It is healthful too and I think may have more anti-oxidants than green tea. It might work for you. :)

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Iron is a double-edged mineral for women. Menstruating women lose iron-rich blood every month, plus pregnancy, nursing, and strenuous physical exercise dramatically increase the need for this mineral.

But later in life, excess iron, which accumulates in the body after menopause, may increase women’s risk for cancer and heart disease.

Iron supplements may be used by tumors to promote their growth.


Do you think that taking iron supplements only during menstruation would be wise?

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Do you think that taking iron supplements only during menstruation would be wise?

I don't know. :confused: I never like them since they make me constipated. I'd rather get my iron from food and/or other sources - spirulina, yellow dock, etc. Lots of threads here on iron. Sorry to be so rushed ...

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Could soy help someone who is having periods that are too long/too close together? Isn't that caused by having too little estrogen? Just wondering...


ETA: Nevermind- I just read your link and realized long irregular periods are a sign of too MUCH estrogen. Thanks for all the info on how to lower it. I think caffeine might be my problem, LOL.

Edited by grace'smom
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I have been trying to get my hubby to see that soy is bad. He is not a firm believer yet.




Maybe telling him this tidbit might help ;)


Japanese women feed their husbands un-fermented soy if they think the men might become unfaithful because un-fermented soy lowers testosterone levels and reduces sexual function in men. Buddhist monks traditionally eat a lot of soy to decrease their sexual desires.

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