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Does anyone just read certain subjects outloud and not do any hands on activities?


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I do Sonlight for history, and it's reading, mapwork, and timeline work. It seems to work very well for my DD, who is more than capable of coming up with the idea of constructing a miniature Roman Village on her own, and for whom copywork and a small amount of writing practice is about all she can handle physically.


I'm tempted to go that route with science too, at least while the projects mostly use materials that ARE available at home, and see how she does, but I haven't gotten up the courage yet.

Edited by Dmmetler2
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Mine are 5 and almost 4 so take this for what it is worth, but that is the direction we are heading with FIAR. I keep pulling my hair out and they are sending the message loud and clear that they don't want to cut, paste, or make notebooks or lapbooks. So we are going to read and discuss. We find things on the map, watch a relevant video or two, make something in the kitchen, act something out, but no cut and paste. That said, I am just shooting for exposure at this point.


Good luck!

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My big girl learns very well with just read aloud sort of stuff. We use the 4 day Sonlight Science K and rarely do the scheduled experiment on the 4th day...mainly because it usually has nothing to do with what you were learning that week.


I usually just make up my own hands on project stuff when it seems fun to do with a lesson.

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This is all we have ever done with history until this year (MFW ECC). We have done a little (meaning one lapbook and one small notebook) bit of lapbooking/notebooking with science, but never a formal science curriculum, just reading Apologia Elementary science books. I should add that it hasn't all been read-alouds though. In fact, it's probably been 50/50 read-alouds and independent reading. My dc, especially my oldest son, tend to remember more when they read things for themselves. I think it's perfectly fine to just read for history and science up to 6th grade. I think it helps develop more of an interest in those subjects before having to really dig in to them.

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My boys never did enjoy coloring ...maybe just a little pasting but it got old quickly (for them). They LOVE cooking in the kitchen, or molding things with clay. They do like to let me dump a bunch of "materials" on the tables and let them just "create".


So we aren't doing too many crafty things. It has to be something really cool and intriguing. Ironically....mine LOVE to write or draw on the white board. So I've bought them individual ones with lots of different colored markers.


We skipped nearly all of the activities in OPGTTR and did totally fine. I've played the SOTW on CD for them and done none of the activities, And we've done math U see with barely touching the blocks.


Hope that helps.

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That's what we're doing right now with Sonlight and I don't really feel like it's enough in history. We're going back over things we've already studied but I feel like Becca isn't picking up much in that subject. She doesn't seem to bring her school work into her play, though, which may be why I feel like it's not working for her. YMMV.

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We don't do a lot of projects in history.. just ones that strike my fancy. We do weekly science projects, but they are always simple ones taken from Janice Van Cleave.


I think it depends on your kids. Some kids just love projects... most of mine don't. Mine are the type of kids that refuse to use math manipulatives... I have one child who HATES projects so that factors into my decisions as well. Truth be told most of my kids would rather snuggle with me on the couch with a book than do a project. That's probably why I don't go to the trouble of putting together a bunch of projects... it's just not worth it for my crew.


Now... my bf's daughter is completely a project girl! I think she'd do a project for every subject if she could! She'd die in this house! :lol:

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