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Is it generally standard that dc are doing multiplication in 2nd grade?


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Well, there is working on multiplication... and then there is WORKING on multiplication.


Most curricula I've seen do introduce the concept of multiplication in 2nd grade... using it as repeated adding, skip counting 2's, 3's, 5's, usually they don't get beyond 0-5, very simple. In 3rd grade, they begin really working on multiplication 0-12 facts, growing beyond skip counting and the concept of multiplication as repeated adding. Similarly, Division may be introduced in 2nd grade as an equal grouping concept, but not much done with it. Division is usually worked on more in the 3rd grade after multiplication facts.


By 4th grade curricula, they are starting to work on "long multiplication & division." What is actually done in a curriculum will depend upon the scope and sequence of the curricula... and the approach.

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According to the chart on the Singapore website, 1b/2a are considered 2nd grade for "average" students and 2a/2b are considered 2nd grade for advanced students. So I think it's hard to really base a general standard using Singapore since it's not leveled cohesively.

Edited by MissKNG
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Miquon starts it in first, as repeated addition. I remember doing times-tables drills in 4th in PS (long time ago). My sister told me my nephew was working on multiplication & memorizing tables in PS 2nd (last year) - they'd drill one set over & over until mastered, then move on to another, but no expectation that they'd know them all by the end of the year.

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I don't know off hand when it's taught in the PS here. But I remember starting to learn it in 3rd grade, but might have been 4th.


I use MUS with my oldest for K-2 then switched to MEP for this year. If we had stayed with MUS she would have been learning multiplication most of this year. But after I looked at MEP it seemed that it was interduced in the last half of year 2 and year 3 assumes they know the basics of it already.

Between that and the other differences in how it's taught I decided to start fresh with year 2.

So a lot of the topics are review but they are presented in a different way then dd is used to.

Each curriculum will be a little different and each child will be ready to learn it at different times. :001_smile:

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Well our local district uses new math so I really do not know when they cover facts. My fourth grader has been practicing her division (from Saxon 5/4) at church on Wed nights and we've had several teachers and students comment that they don't have to memorize any facts since they get to use calculators for everything. I do not agree with that approach to math and I'm now really seeing the results of her hard work to memorize the basics. They are really cemented in her head and she's learning how often she'll use them on a daily basis. She used Horizons math from K-3 where skip counting starts in first and basic multiplication concepts start in second with a lot of focus in third. HTH

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I thought Singapore was ahead in doing mult. in 2nd grade, but I just looked at my school district here in the Northeast and they have them doing it in 2nd grade too. Is this pretty standard?


I think it is standard to begin in 2nd with 2's 5's, 10's and maybe 3's. I think it is more standard to hit them in earnest in 3rd with mastery by the end of 3rd.



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