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How sick would you have to be?

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We are supposed to go see family for Christmas. The kids are so looking forward to seeing their cousins and other relatives. Unfortunately three of us have colds right now. Just the normal stuffy head, runny nose, and mild cough. Among the family we will be spending time with is my sil who is a couple weeks away from her due date with her first baby, and elderly grandparents who don't get over colds quite so easily. I don't want to give this cold to any of them, but I also hate to disappoint my two oldest sons. They are the ones most looking forward to this and they feel fine. My oldest told me that they will go and the littles and I can stay home :glare::lol: If we don't go now, we probably won't see them for at least a month to make sure everyone is well and to give them time after the baby is born.


What to do, what to do? Stay home so you don't spread the germy love or go because it is "just a cold" and it is Christmas (the season of giving, right?) :tongue_smilie:

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Last Christmas I was 4 months pregnant. I tried to convince my dh that we should have stayed somewhere other than where our sick family was staying. He wouldn't agree to it and I ended up with a miserable cold for about 2 weeks or maybe 3 that there were very few drugs that were safe to take to make me feel better. It was awful. He regretted putting me through that as well. Please don't do this to your loved ones.


I could not imagine being sick like that and having to deliver a baby.

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Is there any chance that everyone will be well by Christmas? It's still two days away, so if you're on the tail end of it, maybe it will be gone (or maybe the rest of you will have it by then... :( )


If it's just the adults that have a cold, you might be able to go, as long as you're very careful and wash your hands every time you blow your nose or touch your face, but little kids aren't particularly careful, and could end up making everyone in the house sick.


Personally, I know that I would be really annoyed if a family with colds showed up at my house on Christmas, especially if there were elderly guests or a pg one, but even if it was just my dh, ds, and me, I wouldn't want to worry all day that ds was going to end up getting sick after playing with the other kids.


I would stay home. Your kids won't mind that much -- If Santa was good to them, they'll want to play with their new toys, anyway, right?



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colds wont/cant stop our family. There are about 60 of us and there is not a day out of the year that we are all perfectly healthy (theres about 20 some kiddos)


barfing or fever is a different story. A cold is no big deal. I would call and ask the preggo person adn the elderly and see what they think

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I will probably stay home. I just don't like it. I was looking forward to having a great weekend with family and to watching the cousins all run around together. I would feel really bad if I got everyone sick, though. Reading that other people feel the same way makes me feel a little less grumpy and disappointed about it.

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in our family we stay home only for fevers and throwing up...never a cold...unless there are people who don't want us there...or there is a newborn...or a very elderly person...otherwise, this time of the year...someone will have a cold...it is almost impossible not to have a cold...I just would tell my kids not to cough or sneeze on anybody and not to share beverage holders or food.

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I wouldn't go with a cold especially considering there is a pregnant woman and elderly people in the company. It is wrong to knowingly put yourself or your children in the position to expose anyone (fit or otherwise) to potential illness. What may seem a simple cold to some can pose serious consequences to those that could be immunity challenged.

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I usually feel miserable with a cold... So with that in mind I wouldnt go with a cold. Especially since there is a mama so close to delivering. Childbirth really takes it's toll on me and I couldnt imagine dealing with all of that with a cold added to the mix.

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colds wont/cant stop our family. There are about 60 of us and there is not a day out of the year that we are all perfectly healthy (theres about 20 some kiddos)


barfing or fever is a different story. A cold is no big deal. I would call and ask the preggo person adn the elderly and see what they think



Same here, just too many of us so it there will always be several with a cold. We make sure there is a lot of hand sanitzer and tissues are available. If the cold is making us miserable then we stay home.


If no major symptoms other than just the sniffles and light cough, we usually get together. Typically we are past the contagious stage though.


We make sure everyone knows about any illness so anyone who wants can dose up on Vitamin C and avoid hugging the sickies. If there is anyone who really shouldn't be exposed, then we would stay home. But usually it is my family who shouldn't be exposed as the kids and I have asthma (mine is severe) ...

Edited by AnitaMcC
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I called my MIL yesterday and told her that my son had just tested positive for the flu. She said bring him anyways. This morning he woke up throwing up, so he isn't going anywhere today. As it is a very small get together, I am sending the non sick ones with DH. I usually try to warn people and give them the chance to shoo us away, but our gatherings are smaller in nature and most of the time they still want to see us. I am now hoping puking kid (pretty sure that was more because of the Tamiflu), is better and no one else goes down with it by Christmas as we are the hosts!

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colds wont/cant stop our family. There are about 60 of us and there is not a day out of the year that we are all perfectly healthy (theres about 20 some kiddos)


Same here. It would not occur to anyone to stay home for a common cold, or to want someone else to stay home. Of course, it's also considered perfectly fine for the more cautious to just yell a greeting from across the room! "Merry Christmas, don't touch me!"

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