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How much time...

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do you take for Christmas break? And how does that effect your over all school schedule? I had full intentions of doing school for 3 days this week...mainly because for 2 weeks after Christmas we will be on our annual Christmas trip to visit family...but that hasn't happened...and honestly, there were many other days during Dec were school didn't happen for one reason or another...always Christmas related. Granted, I planned for some of that...but not quite so much, maybe...so I was just curious what others did.

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My original plan had been to take this week and next week off, but we have taken too much time off this month and last. So, today is our last day for the week and we will have next week off. We go back on the Monday after New Years. In years past, when I was not working, we took off almost the entire month of December.

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Well, we didn't take off any and schooled through last Friday. We're off 2 weeks right now. We finished up week 16 before breaking. I normally finish week 17 by Christmas break, but the timing for school start was weird this year. It looks like we'll be done May 26 if we take a week of spring break, or a week earlier if we don't....

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We took last week, this week off and we're also taking next week off. :001_huh: It's a lot, I know and I'm not thrilled about it but *I* was at the point where I needed a break so here we are. I'll deal with the repercussions in January but until then, I'm not even going to worry about it. I will pick myself together and start my planning for next semester during the week next week but that's about it. My plan is to feel really good about things and start up in January with renewed enthusiasm.


We finished up week 15 before breaking so while we're a week or two "behind" due to starting late, we're not so far behind that I feel stressed about it. I figure we can make up a week or so as we go along by doubling up on a few lessons here and there.

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completely off? ha ha, my kids wish!!

But I am their teacher after breaks and their brains become like a white board with a good spray and wipe down!


Home school light schedule:


I have them doing math worksheets daily (Mon thru Thursday)

and reading time DAILY, before going out!

Music lessons daily also!

If my logic books arrive, those will be a daily also!

The public schools are off for 3 weeks!!

We can not do that!

So after 2 weeks, then we will be back full time.

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Ugh, I'm so glad you posted because I'm feeling like such a homeschool failure this week. I fully intended on having 4 days of school this week and taking next week off. We have barely done anything this week. TBH, I have struggled the last couple weeks with getting it together.


Part of my problem is that I feel very unorganized. I need to get our school stuff organized. I can never find what I need when I need it. So I am planning on doing that next week. I also want to get a school schedule down, so I have something to follow.


Today, my youngest is watching Between the Lions. That is counting as reading. We are going to make sugar cookies and watch a Christmas movie. :001_unsure:

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We're desert dwellers. Summers are so hot here that we only take 2 weeks off in August for me to get next year's curriculum ready. So, we take a large break this time of year, 7 weeks. Our break starts the week of Thanksgiving and goes through New Year's. We play outside, go hiking, have extra park days, in addition to all the holiday stuff.

We have a 42 week school year. We take 7 weeks nows, 2 weeks in August, 1 week each in February and May for the boys' birthdays.

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We normally take off 2-3 weeks around the holidays. This year has been chaos we've had off 3 weeks in Nov, 3 in December. We're starting back first Monday in January. :glare:


We're in our seventh year of schooling and we've found that, for us, having defined breaks works better, instead of trying to muddle through 1/2 days or doing lessons hit or miss. We tend to focus better when we come back.

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We're taking two weeks for Christmas break, except that my physics class will meet on the Thursday between Christmas and New Year's. We have a lot of material to get through before the AP test and we need to have several weeks to spend specifically on studying for the test after we finish the text. I'll start this class the 1st or 2nd week of August the next time I teach it instead of starting the same week as ps (4th week of August).

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