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I would love different salad recipes...

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I like berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries), and nuts (pecans, walnuts). If I'm at my girlfriends, I like that same salad with feta or goat cheese (I live with vegans).


Have you ever made fatoosh? Its so good, I had the most amazing recipe for it and lost it. Luckily it's from one of the teachers at my mom's school. I'm planning to ask her for it again.

But, it's one of those recipes that is all around good from any recipe.




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For one of my favorite salads, I use a mixture of salad greens, tomato, green onion, carrot. Then, I take black beans and frozen corn and lay on a cookie sheet. I roast in the oven until you can really smell the corn. After it cools but is still warm, I put it on the salad and top with ranch dressing (not terribly diet friendly). You can also add cheese or tortilla strips if you like.

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A favorite salad around here is baby spinach, sliced strawberries and sliced kiwi tossed with a dressing of oil, vinegar, sugar, sesame and poppy seeds. It tastes so good it is almost like dessert!


similar salad here but with romaine, apples, pears, walnuts plus the oil, sugar poppy seed.Often I skip the poppy seed as I always seem to have torulbe finding it and it tastes just fine.

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One of my favorites is baby spinach topped with crumbled bacon, red or green onions, carrots, tomato, fresh grated Parmesan and homemade ranch dressing...served with garlic bread.


I also loved fresh garden butter leaf lettuce with fresh veggies and any dressing.


To make store bought lettuces taste better, I buy a few kinds then clean and mix them myself. I make a big batch of salad and keep it in a zip-lock unsealed with a paper towel in it. Super easy and just like the prepacked store brands.

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One of our favorites is really a summer salad, but can be made any time of year (if you can find the fresh berries).


Salad spinach

Sliced strawberries


Mandarin oranges

Almond slivers

Dried cranberries

Vinaigrette dressing (I like the kind that comes in the spray bottle)


I spray the spinach with dressing and pile the rest on, then spray it again. It needs salt too. This is soooo good. Indy gets crazy excited when I make this.

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For a meal, chef salad is always well-received around here. Lettuce (lots!) topped with chopped ham, boiled egg, cheese (we like Swiss, or sharp cheddar or gouda), tomatoes, carrots . . . and whatever other veggies we happen to have. Dress as you please. (And you don't need lots of the high-cal ham/egg/cheese - just enough for taste and protein. About an ounce of ham, an ounce of cheese and one egg per person eating the salad.)


Another favorite dinner salad is taco salad: lettuce topped with taco meat and/or beans, cheese (if you like - I skip it usually), sour cream (reduced fat is fine) and salsa, and scooped up with tortilla chips. You can also add black olives.


For myself -the kids don't like it - for lunch I'll have lettuce topped with a can of tuna, a few chopped green olives and tomatoes. The tomato juice and chopped olives kind of make their own dressing. I might add a shake of vinaigrette.


Another lunch-or-snack salad: lettuce with cottage cheese and dried cranberries and vinaigrette. I like the little patches of sweet from the cranberries you get every few bites. (I use the orange-flavored cranberries from Trader Joe's.)


Finally, I love lettuce tossed with tomatoes and an ounce of crumbled blue cheese and vinaigrette. Blue cheese is so strong that you only need an ounce for a huge bowl full of lettuce.


(And, on all of these, when I say "lettuce", I mean about four-five cups of whatever came in our CSA basket, chopped. Red leaf, romaine, chicory, a mix, whatever.)

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Tossed Salad, from "How to Cook Without a Book" by Pam Anderson (a highly recommended book)


Our current salad is chopped romaine, julienned carrots, diced tomatoes, feta cheese and toasted sliced almonds, tossed with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper as directed in the above book. Delicious. My husband takes the leftovers to work and adds chicken for a diet-friendly main dish lunch.

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One of my family's favorites is marinated cucumbers.


Peel and thinly slice several cucumbers (2 or 3 depending on size). Add 1/2 yellow onion, thinly sliced. Add salt, red-wine vinegar and feta cheese. Allow to marinate in the refriderator for an hour or so.


I have made the same salad using tomatos instead of cucumber when the tomatos looked good at the farm stand.

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One of my family's favorites is marinated cucumbers.


Peel and thinly slice several cucumbers (2 or 3 depending on size). Add 1/2 yellow onion, thinly sliced. Add salt, red-wine vinegar and feta cheese. Allow to marinate in the refriderator for an hour or so.


I have made the same salad using tomatos instead of cucumber when the tomatos looked good at the farm stand.



Love this salad..

I do have less of a craving for salad in this cold wet weather though.. these salads sound good in summer. :)

Is there such a thing as a warm salad?

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