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my heart is breaking for my poor baby...

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As I posted earlier my 10 month old daughter has a fractured arm from me falling while holding her. The pain is now minimal between the splint and the motrin. But she is not allowed to use that arm or put weight on it. What that means in practical terms is my daughter, who LOVES to crawl and explore and pull up can do none of those things. She is so frustrated and wants to get down on the ground. I had hoped she could at least sit on the floor and play some but as soon as I sit her down she tries to use that arm, splint or no splint. So she is confined to my arms or a highchair for what could be months. And it's my fault. She should be learning to cruise and walk and instead will be stuck in a cast unable to play. Her birthday is February 3rd and she may very well still be in a cast. I can't believe she can't greet me each day standing in her crib grinning at her achievement....I have to rush and get her before she tries and hurts herself. I know there are much worse things, I really do. But right now I'm so sad, and can't believe I did this to her. :crying:

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That is just heartbreaking. Try not to feel bad. You're right-it could have been much worse. Will she stay in a sling or carrier like an ergo? I'm just curious-is there a reason it's in a splint and not a cast?

I was wondering this too--surely the benefits to her to continue to be mobile would outweigh possible drawbacks? What's the doc's reasoning?:grouphug::grouphug: mama--don't beat yourself up. She will recover fine, and will never remember this short period.:grouphug:

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That is just heartbreaking. Try not to feel bad. You're right-it could have been much worse. Will she stay in a sling or carrier like an ergo? I'm just curious-is there a reason it's in a splint and not a cast?


She will tolerate the sling for a while, but then starts squirming that she wants down. I'm trying to just keep distracting her, rotating from nursing to the highchair with snacks, to car rides to walks in the stroller, etc. Thank GOD she is nursing because it calms her and keeps her still!


It is splinted because there could still be more swelling and if it was in a cast it could end up being too tight as the arm got more swollen. I don't know if they will put a hard cast on it on wednesday when she goes for her recheck. If they do I don't think that will change much. I'm hoping I'm wrong.


I am going to get her some vitamins to take that have vitamin D and C in them to help with bone growth, and more homeopathic stuff. I've already got her taking Arnica, but the local store didn't have the other remedy I needed. She's also getting Motrin and just had her first dose of Tylenol with Codiene. We believe in complementary medicine here!

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Doorway jumper?


We tried the exersaucer but the bouncing and jumping meant she was smacking her arm around, which isn't good for the healing.


But I have a friend with a walker I can borrow. I'm going to go pick it up tomorrow. I am really hoping that the extra mobility and exercise will help her.

I just thought of the walker and she is more than willing to lend it to me. thanks!

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As I posted earlier my 10 month old daughter has a fractured arm from me falling while holding her. The pain is now minimal between the splint and the motrin. But she is not allowed to use that arm or put weight on it. What that means in practical terms is my daughter, who LOVES to crawl and explore and pull up can do none of those things. She is so frustrated and wants to get down on the ground. I had hoped she could at least sit on the floor and play some but as soon as I sit her down she tries to use that arm, splint or no splint. So she is confined to my arms or a highchair for what could be months. And it's my fault. She should be learning to cruise and walk and instead will be stuck in a cast unable to play. Her birthday is February 3rd and she may very well still be in a cast. I can't believe she can't greet me each day standing in her crib grinning at her achievement....I have to rush and get her before she tries and hurts herself. I know there are much worse things, I really do. But right now I'm so sad, and can't believe I did this to her. :crying:

:grouphug: I'm so sorry... try to forgive yourself. It was an accident. You are not doing her any good by not forgiving yourself. You can still help her explore the world. Now is the time to get creative and flop on the floor with her, read to her, play with her. I bet when this is all over you will have made some wonderful memories, just spending time together. :grouphug:

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In addition to a doorway jumper, what about borrowing an exersaucer or jumperoo? Heck, even a walker might do, even though I don't normally recommend them. In this case, she could at least explore and not be confined as much.


Yeah, I don't normally like walkers either, but I agree, in this case it would be better than nothing. I just talked to a friend and she says I can pick hers up tomorrow! Yay!


I think that will really help. The exersaucer just made her mad because she would bounce and that hurt her arm. The walker will be better. And we have a one floor house, so no stairs to worry about.

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My youngest was diagnosed with plagiocephaly when he was @ 6 months old and had to wear a helmet for 7 months.

The circumstances were such that I felt I had caused this and my heart ached when I held him and couldn't cuddle his sweet head because that horrible helmet was in the way.

He's 4 and a half now, and you would never know he had to wear a helmet.

I know it's not the same thing as a cast, but it is this ugly thing on your baby, and I just want to tell you, it's going to be ok in the long run.

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