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Dr. or Chiropractor?

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So last week I helped out with a presentation for my kid's co-op. I was the conductor. :tongue_smilie:


Fast forward a week. From the middle of my neck on the left side, down my arm and down my back, again on the left side, I can hardly move. It hurts to just exist. I have no range of motion.


Would you go to the doctor first or chiro, or both? I have ins coverage for both, although I only get 24 visits to the chiro/phy. therapy/OT per year.



Nothing is touching the pain and I think lying down makes it worse. Any ideas?



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Do you have any other symptoms besides pain? Is there numbness, tingling, or dizziness? Any nausea or blurred vision? was this sudden or came on gradually over the week?


There is definitely numbness and tingling, but no dizziness, nausea or blurred vision. The initial soreness began the day after the presentation. It has gotten worse over the week.

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In my experience, a reg doc will put you on meds and fix the symptom but not the problem. A good chiropractor will do wonders but it may take a few visits.


I wouldn't mind some meds but do realize that it will only deal with the symptom. I like the whole body approach. I need to function, hence the meds, but I want to resolve the underlying cause as well. [of course that would probably take diet, exercise and overall taking care of myself. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm going to go out on my own here and vote for physical therapy. My husband has his doctoral in physical therapy and says many of his patients go through chiropractors before going to physical therapy because they only feel better for the short run - no long term relief. Generally, chiropractors treat symptoms while therapists treat the cause. Again, this is my husband's own personal experience - not trying to bash any chiropractors out there :-)

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