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Am I ever going to stop having acne?

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I'm 41 and have had acne since I was 10. Lovely...


I use "AcneFree" and it works well. My cycle week is always difficult. I actually have a giant Zit (too big to be a pimple) right now!


I think "Proactive" is one of the best products out there, but "AcneFree" is cheaper and available at Costco.


I guess God's just trying to keep us humble:D!



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I resisted buying ProActive for years and years. I just couldn't accept that my skin wouldn't get better as I got older. One night, my husband and I were watching a movie, and we saw an informercial for ProActive. He said, "Why don't you just try it. Who knows?" Two years later, my skin continues to be the best it's ever been. I'd say it's 98% clear all of the time. Hormones and stress still get to me, but even then, it's NOTHING like it used to be. I use only the basic 3 products and do not need a new shipment as often as they recommend. I go about one and a half times as long between shipments, which dramatically cuts the cost. My only regret is that I didn't try it sooner!

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I tried Proactive and it worked for awhile, but it really irritated my skin. I started using ANEW CLINICAL Advanced Retexturizing Peel about 6 months ago and it has really improved my skin. I still have breakouts, but it clears them up quickly. I have sensitive skin, so I usually only use it once a week. For bad weeks I use it every other day. If you don't get reults with proactive, I suggest giving the Avon a shot.



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I often have breakouts when using certain conditioners. When I omit those, everything's much better :001_smile:


Unfortunately - the best products for my hair are also the worst for my face.


I used to have that problem too. I started washing my face with Nurtogena Face wash in the shower as the very last thing I do. I don't dry my face with a used towel (to avoid any residue left the previous day) and it helps a lot. By washing my face last, it helps to wash off any product clinging to my skin.

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It's just not fair to have big, red pimples all over the lower part of my face, while I now have fine lines around my eyes and forehead.


I still break out all over my back too, and even on my chest. Just lovely.


I alternate nightly use of benzoyl peroxide gel and salicylic acid gel. I use the Acne.org bp gel, it's the best. I use a Neutrogena sa gel, get it at Target.


These two products have helped a lot, but nothing totally eliminates my pimples, and I still have VERY oily skin.

Michelle T

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Strangely enough, Mary Kay is the **only** thing that works for me. The times I have tried other things over the years (Proactive, Clinique, others) I have had terrible breakouts. I should have realized long ago not to deviate from what works for me, but every time we move I don't look for a rep.


The other thing that really helps is to change my pillow case every other day or so. Even though I usually sleep on my back. I also stopped sleeping with my face (skin to skin) on DH's shoulder. I pull the sheet up between my face and his shoulder (TMI I know ;)). I also avoid touching my face, resting my chin/jaw on my hands, and I keep the phone from touching my face.


My skin is much better than in the past, but can you tell it was pretty bad?

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