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Jennifer, how's Margaret doing?

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Awwww. Seriously. You guys are SO sweet!!!! She's currently cuddling up with dh watching Rattatoillie on disney Channel.


I'm upset. She had Tylenol 2 hours ago and her fever is STILL at 103!!!!! I gave her the first dose of antibiotic about 4 hours ago. I'll give her another dose of Motrin in just a bit.


She looks SO sad. Her eyes look SO sick. They're black and blue. She is drinking juice and peeing a lot, so I know she's not dehydrated.


I'm just in tears here so thankful that you remembered her. Thank you. Please keep praying!!!

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Thank you all! We had a VERY fitful night. She was SOOOOO hot.


This morning after the Advil had worn off, her fever was just at 100 and she's acting MUCH better. I did give her more Advil just because I don't want her fever to spike again. It's now down to normal.


Now, she's got a slight rash on her trunk. It's slightly red and a bit raised. I need to get out my childhood diseases book and see what comes with a rash!

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Thank you all! We had a VERY fitful night. She was SOOOOO hot.


This morning after the Advil had worn off, her fever was just at 100 and she's acting MUCH better. I did give her more Advil just because I don't want her fever to spike again. It's now down to normal.


Now, she's got a slight rash on her trunk. It's slightly red and a bit raised. I need to get out my childhood diseases book and see what comes with a rash!


Thanks for posting. Prayers for your little one!!

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Probably Roseola. My DD3 had this a few months ago and her fever was 105 for a couple days and would only come down to 103 with piggybacking tylenol and ibuprofen. Then the fever broke after 3 days and she broke out in a rash that started on her neck and trunk and then moved out to the rest of her body. Once the rash shows up, they're no longer considered contagious even if they do look scary. I got some crazy looks when I took my very spotted DD to the grocery store, but it was either take her or not have anything to eat.:lol: And just in case you find this to happen with her, while all the websites say that the rash will go away in a day, my DD's rash seemed to linger on her face. I would say it took 1-2 weeks for her face to completely clear up.

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Probably Roseola. My DD3 had this a few months ago and her fever was 105 for a couple days and would only come down to 103 with piggybacking tylenol and ibuprofen. Then the fever broke after 3 days and she broke out in a rash that started on her neck and trunk and then moved out to the rest of her body. Once the rash shows up, they're no longer considered contagious even if they do look scary. I got some crazy looks when I took my very spotted DD to the grocery store, but it was either take her or not have anything to eat.:lol: And just in case you find this to happen with her, while all the websites say that the rash will go away in a day, my DD's rash seemed to linger on her face. I would say it took 1-2 weeks for her face to completely clear up.


This is what I came up with after a Google search. Does the rash sort of fade and then come back? She definitely had it this morning. Then, it seemed to fade a bit. And, now, it's back. Her fever has been SOOOO high too. I stopped taking it when I saw 104.8 and she got hotter after that. For three days, her fever would come down to 103 or so too after both meds. This morning, she is just acting SO much better. No fever, but that was after Advil.


Weird thing - I think she had this when she was about 9 months old. I wonder if one can get it twice?


Oh - and my ds had Fifth Disease and had a TERRIBLE rash that lasted (off and on) for over a month!

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Thank you all! We had a VERY fitful night. She was SOOOOO hot.


This morning after the Advil had worn off, her fever was just at 100 and she's acting MUCH better. I did give her more Advil just because I don't want her fever to spike again. It's now down to normal.


Now, she's got a slight rash on her trunk. It's slightly red and a bit raised. I need to get out my childhood diseases book and see what comes with a rash!


You did say they didn't test for strep, right? My dd always gets a rash with strep. Only one of the girls does this, but she always does.


:grouphug: Hope she feels better soon!

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You did say they didn't test for strep, right? My dd always gets a rash with strep. Only one of the girls does this, but she always does.


:grouphug: Hope she feels better soon!


No - they didn't. Our doctor said that his treatment for strep would've been the same as for tonsillitis (which she does have). So, he didn't want to put her through the test (she's VERY scared of the doctor!).


I'm off to Google search a strep rash.

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Ummmm. . . I shouldn't have searched! Her rash looks like the scarlet fever rashes, which is consistent with her symptoms. Roseola rashes usually come on after the fever has broken. Strep rashes come on before the fever breaks. Hers definitely came on before the fever broke.


I'm SOOOOO glad we went to the doctor and got antibiotics!!!!

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Just a thought. Has your dd had this antibodic before? Is it a penicillin based antibodic? Only reason I am asking is because my dd started getting a rash after an antibodic. We took her back to the dr to have him check and sure enough she was having an allergic reaction to penicillin. She had the same antibodic several times before with no reaction.


I hope that is not the case with your dd, but just wanted to pass on my 2 cents.


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Big hug and prayers coming your way. I'm glad she has the antibiotic too, and pray the rash and fever disappear.



:grouphug:Poor kiddo, and mommy too.:grouphug:


Thank you Tammy.


Just a thought. Has your dd had this antibodic before? Is it a penicillin based antibodic? Only reason I am asking is because my dd started getting a rash after an antibodic. We took her back to the dr to have him check and sure enough she was having an allergic reaction to penicillin. She had the same antibodic several times before with no reaction.


I hope that is not the case with your dd, but just wanted to pass on my 2 cents.



I thought of that. My ds10 had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic and it was a very different rash. This one is really rough - like sandpaper. They look like tiny little pimples almost. Ds's rash was more like a typical allergic rash - more like hives.


She's on Zithromayacin (I know I spelled that wrong). She's only been on an antibiotic once before and it was this one.

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