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How to keep rooms without windows smelling fresh?

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Two of the bathrooms in my home have no windows, which irritates me to no end. Neither are on exterior walls so this is not something I can change. :glare:


I do run the bathroom fans after each shower/bath so moisture is not an issue. I also use the fans regularly to keep the air moving and fresh since they are bathrooms afterall. ;) I also change diapers in one so keeping things smelling fresh is key. Thing is, I find the fans are running all the time and I'm probably spending a lot in electricity.


My biggest issue is when I disinfect the bathrooms (I usually use Lysol or a bleach solution) and the bathrooms smell like bleach for hours. :ack2: I know I don't *need* to use such harsh chemicals all the time (and I don't unless there's serious illness or my littles had a potty accident). I would love to just open a window and air out the chemical smell but since this is not an option, what can I do to get a fresh smell back in the bathroom after using Lysol/bleach? I find even toilet bowl cleaner leaves a smell for hours if I don't run a fan.


I don't want to buy commercial air fresheners- either the spray or the plug-in ones as I find them really fake and the artificial smell is gross in its own way. Unless there's a new plug-in type one that I haven't heard of?


I could burn candles in the bathroom- is this a good idea? Would dollar store candles work or do I need expensive, scented ones? That would not be very cost effective either. I do have essential oil burners and used to burn lavender in them but lavender gives dh a headache. The only other ones I use are Eucalyptus (would smell too institutional if I used that outside of illness, IMO,) and Tea Tree Oil. Maybe Cinnamon, but in a bathroom?? Not all my kids like Cinnamon so I'm not sure that would be a great idea either.


Using the bathrooms that have windows more often is not really a viable option since they're not as conveniently located.


This is the first time I've ever had bathrooms without windows (it's usually a big priority for me but we didn't have the luxury of being overly picky in some areas this time around) and I'm not loving this. :glare: Help!

Edited by plain jane
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We use Bac-Out to clean the bathroom (and used it in the cloth diaper pail too). It has a nice natural lime smell that doesn't hang around too long. I feel your pain on the windowless bathroom, btw. It's an enzymatic cleaner such as people use on carpets after pet accidents, so it eats the icky stuff away. I find that my bath has smelled better since using that than at any other time ever. :) HTH!

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I don't want to buy commercial air fresheners- either the spray or the plug-in ones as I find them really fake and the artificial smell is gross in its own way.




I agree with you about Glade and other spray air fresheners. :ack2:



Have you ever tried Orange Mate? I don't know if they make a plug-in version, but the Orange Mate (and Lime Mate, Grapefruit Mate, and Lemon Mate) spray air fresheners are wonderful! They're made with just the pure oil from the fruit peel, and they're highly concentrated. Just a tiny spritz will totally clean the worst smells from the air. I seem to remember them having "good" propellent, too, not harmful to the environment in any way. I love them. A spritz of Orange Mate is just like peeling a fresh orange!


I'll see if I can find a link for you. I got several cans from a food co-op years ago, and I still haven't used them up! I'm not sure where to get them now. I'll look. . .



Here are some links to various Orange Mate webpages:


For history and information about Orange Mate:



The Orange Mate website (you can order cases here. I'm going to go back and order a 4-pack, mixed with my favorites)



You can also order from Amazon, and various health food websites. Here's a link to Amazon, but you can google "Orange Mate" to find more. They may even have it at your local health food store.


Edited by Suzanne in ABQ
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What about decorative potpourri? I hate almost all of the Glade smells but I do like the apple cinnamon one. Maybe get some essential oils and make your own mix to put in a little bowl? We have a bathroom with a picture window that doesn't open so I run the fan every morning for about 4 hours too. I have to agree that a squirt in the toilet of a good cleaner does make the whole bathroom smell quite nice!

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Keeping the toilet clean and keeping the garbage can clean are paramount in my tiny, windowless bathrooms. I look for hidden bacteria--the boys are often the culprit; I clean esp well around the base of the toilet, when I do their bathroom. I use bleach in the tub and sometimes in the toilet, but I like Mr. Clean lemon for the floors. I also try to keep the towels fresh--I even keep a roll of paper towels in there instead of a hanging towel for hand-drying, if I have houseguests.


I do like a certain spray--"Beach" by Yankee Candle. A tiny spray bottle lasted almost a year, and it only took one spray to make the room smell so much better after using the bathroom.

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Our bathroom has a window for light, but it doesn't open -- and no fan, either. What I have found that really works I stumbled upon accidentally. Flylady recommends using some shampoo for the daily swish in the toilet..... and I have noticed that a nice squirt of that can leave the room smelling pretty great all day. I buy some cheap shampoo (something by White Rain that has a waterfall on it), and it lasts about a month for the bottle. I also use Febreeze fabric refresher on the bath rug between washings and I add baking soda to the bag lining the bathroom garbage when I change it. I like the idea of adding a plant!

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