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Woot! My microwave died!

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I gave away ours before we moved here 2 years ago. This house came with one. :glare: But, this morning it is failing to function - as evidenced by lack of a clock. Checked the electrical outlet, and it works. Checked the microwave in another outlet, still no clock. :hurray:

It is wiped down (the top was dusty from being up high where I can't reach), and prepared for it's send-off. I moved my counter-top oven onto the microwave shelf, and now have empty counter space where the oven used to be. I will have to re-train my brain to look at one of the 4 other clocks in the kitchen. I can do that. Happily!!!!!


Now, hopefully no one will get the brilliant idea that I want a new one for Christmas. :blink:

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Ours died about a month ago. We had a very nice over-the-stove model with all the bells and whistles.


I knew I didn't want another microwave. For the last couple of years I had been getting increasingly creeped out by the whole concept of microwave cooking.


We did buy a Breville Smart Oven toaster oven for quick reheating and for when we don't want to heat up the house with our oven. Everyone has adjusted wonderfully to no microwave.


I don't miss it at all.

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you're HAPPY that your microwave died??


i'd be lost without mine ~ it's used several times a day..warming up leftovers, warming up food that got cold on a slow eater's plate, thawing meat, cooking tv dinners, thawing out other frozen foods (we save stuff like leftover casserole and freeze it in single serving size tupperware dishes), warming up coffee that went cold, etc etc.


ok now i should go give mine a pat & tell it how much i appreciate it before it gets any bright ideas. :laugh:

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you're HAPPY that your microwave died??



ok now i should go give mine a pat & tell it how much i appreciate it before it gets any bright ideas. :laugh:


I haven't wanted one, and have used it rarely. DH didn't want to get rid of a functioning appliance, that technically is part of the house (we rent). So it sat and collected dust for the last 22 months.


This past weekend my inlaws were here, and bought microwave popcorn for us. They thought we needed some. Mind you, they don't buy microwave popcorn, themselves. :confused: We don't have their fancy-dancy-full-size-movie-theatre-style popcorn popper, but a pot on the stove has worked fine for us, and avoided allergens for a couple years already.


Now my counter-top oven sits on the shelf, along side my kitchen jar candle. The counter underneath is clean and uncluttered. I love open space! :D


Feel free to enjoy yours - my mother thinks I am a nut case, and would never live without her microwave, either.

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Our microwave died 2-3 weeks ago, and I do miss it. The cost of repairing it could be anywhere from $40 to half the price of a replacement (replacement would be up to $350 including delivery and installment). The microwave is less than 2 years old but only had a 1 year warranty. So we have been doing without it, but it's a pain. I will be happy when we get it repaired (which is probably the route we'll go).

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I gave away ours before we moved here 2 years ago. This house came with one. :glare: But, this morning it is failing to function - as evidenced by lack of a clock. Checked the electrical outlet, and it works. Checked the microwave in another outlet, still no clock. :hurray:

It is wiped down (the top was dusty from being up high where I can't reach), and prepared for it's send-off. I moved my counter-top oven onto the microwave shelf, and now have empty counter space where the oven used to be. I will have to re-train my brain to look at one of the 4 other clocks in the kitchen. I can do that. Happily!!!!!


Now, hopefully no one will get the brilliant idea that I want a new one for Christmas. :blink:


I hear you! When we moved into our current house, 8 years ago, we left a built in microwave and didn't replace it. I never missed it!!


However, my guys must have decided I was being deprived of some luxury, because they bought me one for Christmas a couple of years ago.


I didn't have the heart to tell them I was happy without one. Now I have a really big clock sitting on my countertop. :( OK, I do use it for potatoes, and for reheating coffee.


Enjoy your space and make sure your family knows how happy you are without that appliance!! :)

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Mine primarily gets used to keep food away from the dog. :tongue_smilie: I lived for years without, but our house came with it. It's over the stove, so at least it's not using counter space.


Mine was used to store bread, baked goods, and made a really great place to rise dough, oh, and for a clock.


DH asked me "You REALLY don't want a new one???":001_huh:


I think he might ask me a few more times, just to make sure I wasn't having a moment of temporary insanity.:lol:

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Same thing with us! We had been using the built-ins from when the house was built. They were like 20 yrs old and finally the oven died and the micro door handle just fell off. We got new appliances. It was like Christmas! Love my oven! Now I want my dishwasher to die. It's getting there. :)

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We have been without a mic now for about 6 yrs. After I saw what microwave water did to a plant I decided I didn't want that for my family and gave away a nearly new, very nice mic. I have never regretted it. You have to rethink a few things but once you get used to it, I think it is actually faster in many cases.

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you're HAPPY that your microwave died??


i'd be lost without mine ~ it's used several times a day..warming up leftovers, warming up food that got cold on a slow eater's plate, thawing meat, cooking tv dinners, thawing out other frozen foods (we save stuff like leftover casserole and freeze it in single serving size tupperware dishes), warming up coffee that went cold, etc etc.


ok now i should go give mine a pat & tell it how much i appreciate it before it gets any bright ideas.:laugh:


I haven't wanted one, and have used it rarely. DH didn't want to get rid of a functioning appliance, that technically is part of the house (we rent). So it sat and collected dust for the last 22 months.


This past weekend my inlaws were here, and bought microwave popcorn for us. They thought we needed some. Mind you, they don't buy microwave popcorn, themselves. :confused: We don't have their fancy-dancy-full-size-movie-theatre-style popcorn popper, but a pot on the stove has worked fine for us, and avoided allergens for a couple years already.


Now my counter-top oven sits on the shelf, along side my kitchen jar candle. The counter underneath is clean and uncluttered. I love open space! :D


Feel free to enjoy yours - my mother thinks I am a nut case, and would never live without her microwave, either.


our current one belongs with our rental as well ~ pretty much all of our appliances, dishes, and furniture all do..


popcorn! i forgot to put that on my list. we have an air popper (i have no idea how you do it with a pot on the stove?) but neither dh nor the kids will eat it that way...they like the flavoured microwave stuff - dh often buys this stuff with little pouches of nacho or bbq sauce.


in about fifteen minutes i'll need it to heat up the baked potato and leftover pork chop that ds12 wants for breakfast ~ yeah i know, strange breakfast - but that's what he wants! :laugh:

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We have been without a mic now for about 6 yrs. After I saw what microwave water did to a plant I decided I didn't want that for my family and gave away a nearly new, very nice mic. I have never regretted it. You have to rethink a few things but once you get used to it, I think it is actually faster in many cases.




Really people shouldn't be using their cell phones either. If you don't use a microwave do you use a cell phone? or no?

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I can't wait for mine to die. I wouldn't bother to replace it, as the only thing I use it for is to heat water for my morning tea. I really want the space to add a second oven.

Neighbor did send over microwave popcorn with her child the other day and my son was so excited over watching microwave popcorn pop! Didn't realize he didn't know such a thing existed until then. :lol:

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Really people shouldn't be using their cell phones either. If you don't use a microwave do you use a cell phone? or no?



I think you are probably right about the dangers of cell phones. One of my main contentions with my microwave, is that it was a hideous beast that took up valuable counter space. But, I also think there is solid evidence that at the very least we don't know enough about the negative effects of microwaving. I rarely talk on my cell phone so at least I'm not radiating my skull. Oh, and my kids don't use a cell phone, but they did use, stand near, and eat the altered food from our microwave.



PS I reheat my coffee in the coffee maker. It takes a few extra seconds, but it's not big deal.

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If only I could be so lucky... I've been waiting for mine to die for years now. It blows fuses about 50% of the time it is used. I don't use it at all, but mil uses it when she visits and I get tired of running out to the garage every day to flip the switch for her instant coffee. Once this microwave finally dies she can start using my teapot to boil her water. Dh also said that then he will get me a double wall oven! But this thing just doesn't want to give up. :glare:

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PS I reheat my coffee in the coffee maker. It takes a few extra seconds, but it's not big deal.


how do you do that?


i'm just trying to picture it and it's not working for me.. unless maybe you drink your coffee black and you're the only one who drinks any? if i make a pot of coffee, i pour a cup & add flavoured creamer... the rest of the coffee is sitting in the pot... so if my cup goes cold, i can't very well pour my (used and creamered) coffee BACK into the coffee pot with the other stuff to warm up. :laugh:


black coffee? nobody else drinks from your pot? what?

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