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Please tell me I am not the only one....

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Today is just one of those days. I feel like we have been doing school A L L day, yet we still have history left to do! The kids took an hour to do SPELLING this morning. Spelling! 15 minutes TOPS is all it should take. All day long I have been saying, "NO, focus on this task".....15 minutes later I find someone missing from the table. Found her playing in her room. Jesus. Please tell me it's not me and it just happens some days. Pretty please. :)

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I'm sorry! I've had those days, too. DS1 just can't seem to focus for the life of him. I'm sure he'd be labeled something if he were in PS, but now I just stand over him and continue to put my finger on the next problem. If I didn't do that he'd be doing school at dinner time.

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Some days are like that here. Uh.... many days are like that here.


In fact, it's 4:23pm here and we're still going..... :001_huh: In all fairness, though, we do have interruptions here and there which drags the day out, but still. I'm ready to crash. Sigh.


I just have to say that your post made me giggle. My ds is 15y/o and often I think he's doing work, but I find him in the kitchen looking for something to eat. Or I'll be in the middle of a lesson and realize he's missing and is in the kitchen looking for something to eat. Or I'll call upstairs to ask him something and he answers... from the kitchen looking for something to eat. So the part where you 'found' a child upstairs playing just tickled me... especially since my ds just took a break to.... you got it... find something to eat!!


Hope tomorrow is better for you! :grouphug:

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This has been an unusually long day for us too. We just finished dinner and I still need to have ds14 begin his rough draft for an essay. I'm feeling pressured because I wanted to be done with school by Dec. 15th and have a long winter break, but according to my schedule, we won't be finishing until really close to Christmas. Ugh!

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I'm a newbie to all this but here's my two cents... :) On days when it seems like spelling is going to take an hour, at the end of the 15 minutes that it should take, I tell them to put up the books and we move on. If they are being too squirmy, I make them do jumping jacks and various stretches. If they are fighting and/or simply can't concentrate, they can work on cleaning up something. (There's always something that needs cleaning.) At least this way they're accomplishing something with their day. This means that some days we don't get done with every subject. This means that some weeks, we won't accomplish "enough" in history or writing or whatever. But I figure forward progress is still progress. Also, from the start I gave myself permission to not do every little thing in the book.

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