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What to get?

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Not sure what the budget will look like yet..but..if we can do some bigger gifts:


Eldest - iPod

Yo - Flip video camera

Nugget - iPod

Doodle - American Girl doll


If we can swing only one big gift, it's Yo's turn and he'll get the Flip. (I know some are probably scratching their heads at that..'what do you mean only one of the kids gets a big gift...I'll explain later if needed...it's just how we work around here, it's all good ;) )


I've already gotten some smaller things though.


Snap Circuits

DS game

magnetic dress up doll (what do you call those? like paper dolls, only, wood and magnets)

dinosaur figures

sword/shield sets

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My 12yo son wants some cooking equipment. :D

We'll get more Kinect games by trading in a bunch of dh's old games.

Probably a Flip camera for the big kids to share.


I'm thinking iPod Shuffles for the girls, since they're always "borrowing" my iPods.


Board games, books, art supplies, undetermined science stuff. Webkinz and Littlest Pet Shops for various kids.


My 3yo son wants a Barbie, so there's that. He's really the one stumping me this year. He has enough "junk", and is still a bit young to appreciate "non-junk", so I don't know!

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For dd3.5: A doll with snaps, buttons, zippers, etc; a zoo version of Candyland; some more animal figures for her collection; new socks and underwear.


For new baby: legwarmers....and to just get here safely! (5 days until C-section).


Usually I get Loverboy a robot (to assemble and play with dd3.5), but I haven't found anything inspiring this year. Maybe I will get him a remote control car. Any suggestions?

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My son will be getting a video camera and some software to edit it.


My daughter is big into Ramona Quimby right now, so she has been asking to do the "longest picture in the world" -- for Christmas we're going to get her a ridiculously long roll of butcher paper, lots of new paints, and about 30 of us relatives to help her get it going over the course of an afternoon (brunch, painting, dinner).


They'll each also get some kits - he likes rockets, she likes horses.


And underwear. Every year they get new socks and undies :D

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Both of my DD's are very into Disney princesses, Tinkerbell, the new Rapunzel movie, and Toy Story. So yes, Disney gets our money from both vacations and Christmas gifts as well LOL. I just received a box from the Disney store online yesterday. It has Rapunzel shirts, a Jessie shirt, a Tinkerbell shirt, and four sets of toy figures (Beauty and the Beast, Toy Story, Dalmations, Bambi). I'll probably get them a stuffed animal each too.


We're really cutting down this year. Last year they had a big Christmas with art sets, iPod Touches, etc. I'm cutting Christmas down to 3 gifts each (which is what Jesus got from the Wise Men), stocking stuffers, and a couple of gifts from Santa.


Stocking stuffers include books, a Mario DVD each,


Family members are getting them Rapunzel dresses, Rapunzel bowls/plates, lip balm, storybooks, etc.

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We're still trying to finalize ds#2's birthday presents, but on the short list for Christmas ideas are:



Play Mobile

Yo-yos (the older two want a real one; ds#3 wants a new Yo-Yo ball as his broke)

Nerf things

Think Fun games (especially the Solitaire Chess for ds#2 - he LOVES chess)

Easy Bake Oven (for ds#3 - he loves to help cook, and he loves "little" things ... he was bummed when I told him the play kitchens in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog were just for play and didn't really work)


We usually get one collective item for them all - we are thinking either a new microscope with some prepared slides (the Sonlight one) or making the Play Mobile stuff a group item. Then they usually each get something individual that is "big" and then a couple smaller things/stocking stuffers. Oh, and usually something to wear (clothing, pajamas or slippers) are wrapped. :)

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Our kids are so similar in age!! My dd is 13, ds is 7, and dd is 3. Dd 13 is getting some new decorative bedroom stuff, an iPod (refurbished), and some little thing like CD's, oh...and I'll admit it, a few Twilight dolls. DS 7 is getting a little video camera (not an expensive one, but he loves making movies), Star Wars Lego's, Spy Gear stuff, World of Zoo for his DS, etc. Dd3 is easy:). She loves anything crafty, books, shoes (odd, I know!). Nit sure what her big gift will be yet:)

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Since mine are teens, they are asking for:


fancy cell phone (14 dd)

acoustic guitar (19 ds)

Playmobile Eygptian pyramid (SillyAutismBoy, er Man - also 19)


and one girl, 17, has no idea what she wants (yet). I have told the non-autistic kids that they may only get ONE thing if they insist on asking for costly items!

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