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Keep or toss? Purging for upcoming move.

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I am cleaning out our attic, trying to pack and declutter since we will be moving over the next six months. My kids are 9yo and nearly 14yo.


There are some toys in the attic that my kids never, ever play with. I have held on to them specifically for when their cousins come to visit (holiday parties and so forth). My daughter is the oldest of the younger generation, and there are a LOT of cousins in the family. When the cousins come, the boys usually play with my ds (legos and that sort of thing).


There is one girl cousin who is dd's age, and three girl cousins who are much younger (first and second grade). When the little girls are here, we have had some issues in the past with them messing with dd's stuff--by this I mean both playing with things without first asking but also actually being destructive to things that dd values. They're not bad kids at all--just young and silly. To entertain them and keep them from dd's stuff, I have held onto the following:


--Box of plastic horses with a purple plastic stable

--Huge plastic dollhouse with assorted furniture and plastic figures. This isn't a pretty-pretty dollhouse--it's solid and utilitarian, and the plastic figures are big and chunky.

--Really cool pink reclining stroller


Dh wants to get rid of this stuff but I am struggling with whether to hold onto it a few more years for the little girl cousins. I am also really charmed with the doll stroller and keep toying with holding on to it for grandkids??


One thing to consider--I am NOT a good housekeeper and do NOT enjoy having stuff to care for. In many ways I'd love to ruthlessly get rid of everything, but my thrifty side thinks it's easier to hold onto the stuff rather than find myself wanting it and spending money on things in the future.


I cannot decide what to do with these silly toys. Tell me what to do.

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I'd keep the horses and stable if they're small. If they're big and bulky--out they'd go.


I'd get rid of the big dollhouse.


I'd keep the stroller if it has sentimental value or because you love its charm.


Then, after the move, I'd go out and buy SMALL toys for the cousins to play with. Polly pockets or whatever small things little girls like (I have boys, so I don't know.) Stuff that would easily fit inside a shoebox or two.

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Why don't you gift them to the cousins before you leave? I would not hold onto them or save for the grandchildren because there is no saying your children/spouses of children will want them. (I think we have seen enough "my MIL gave us a bunch of junk" threads here to make that a possibility.) ;)


I love purging though, and would do it ruthlessly if I was in your place. :D

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I'm in the same situation. If I were you, I would get rid of the big dollhouse and keep the stable and horses. It is nice to have things for the cousins to play with. My ds's insist that we keep a bin for my 2yo and 4yo nephews b/c it keeps the destructo boys away from their room.


I keep enough toys to fit in one bin. The bin is stored in the back of the coat closet, so it's easy to get to, easy to put away, and easy to reach to replace straggling items that are inevitably left around my house by toddlers.

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Are you moving out of state?


No, we are very thankful to say we are merely moving from the big city to the suburbs. It took dh nearly nine months to get a new job--in that time we seriously considered moving to Iowa, Wisconsin, New York, and even came within inches of moving to Canada. The day before dh was set to accept the Canada offer, he received an offer from a different company that would allow us to stay in this state, close to family. We were really, really attracted to Canada and feel a little sad about it, but overall are happy to stay close to dh's family and to my little cousins.

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No, we are very thankful to say we are merely moving from the big city to the suburbs. It took dh nearly nine months to get a new job--in that time we seriously considered moving to Iowa, Wisconsin, New York, and even came within inches of moving to Canada. The day before dh was set to accept the Canada offer, he received an offer from a different company that would allow us to stay in this state, close to family. We were really, really attracted to Canada and feel a little sad about it, but overall are happy to stay close to dh's family and to my little cousins.


Well, I'm sorry you're disappointed about Canada, but I'm glad you're staying. :001_smile:

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OR, dump it all and when you're moved, pick up some toys at garage sales this spring.




At least around here, in one good yard sale weekend I could pick up some appropriate toys for a few dollars, tops. It wouldn't be worth my time to pack it all up and move/keep it. Although, I wouldn't just throw it away either, I would try to give it away which takes it's own amount of effort! (that's just me though).

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I would not keep toys around just for visiting children to play with (unless you are a grandparent or have the children on a regular basis). Your nieces can bring their own toys from home to play with....that's what I have my girls do. If there are issues with things in your DD's room getting destroyed, I'd lock the door before company came over.

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