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Guest Shanna

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the Evan-Moor Daily Geography program to be exactly what we need. We don't do it daily, but rather do the entire worksheet one day a week. It takes about 20 minutes or so. It covers lots of good mapping skills. They have them for grades 1 - 6, I believe. We also do mapping in conjunction with history and memorization. This year ds memorized all the countries and capitals of Africa and Europe. Now, if he remembers them? I'm not sure! I wish we had some more cultural studies incorporated, but that is going to have to wait. We tried Trail Guide a couple of years ago, but grew tired of the format. And, I don't think ds retained diddly. Just our experience.

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subjects doesn't work at all for our family. Our geography work is done quite a bit in living our daily lives, and now my ds knows his middle eastern ancient geography from sotw I. We have a globe in our dining room, and wall maps and never pass up an opportunity to discuss geography. Also, in view of the post about not missing out on outings and daily extras for our little ones, I'm loathe to add another formal subject. Also, what I have noticed with my ds, is he seems to put on his thinking cap when he knows formal learning is taking place, but if I ask him a question outside of school hours relating to something we've studied, I get a blank stare. So, in the context of geography, I don't want him to memorize some facts out of a textbook, only to have him not know anything about real-world geography questions....

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we are using MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures. I needed something laid out for me and we needed a break from the history cycle b/c there just wasn't any interest. MFW ECC is Christian so I don't know if that's what you're looking for. It includes Bible, Science, Geography, missionary study, etc. I like how the missionary study is included w/ each country studied. Neat projects, great books, etc.

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For physical geography we have been using this website http://home.wi.rr.com/penzky/geograph.htm

(the home page is http://home.wi.rr.com/penzky/angie1.htm there are other good things there).


It hasn't been updated in several years, so you need to check to make sure countries are all correct, but I like the sequence.


We also study it with history, and I think I may add country or state reports (at least for the oldest) next year.

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Sing Around the World from http://www.singnlearn.com and it has been a huge hit. we listen to a song several times whilepointing to the countries then I quiz them afterwards out of sequence of the songs. They retain so much! Other than that we have a large world map on the wall and every time we read a book or learn about a place we put a small picture on the map like a thumbnail of the book cover. That has worked well too.

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We do study geography along with our history, but we also do separate geography study that's not related in any way to history. We've done map skills work in past. This year, we're just using Which Way USA? to cover states geography in more depth. Next year, I'm using a couple of the Holling books, along with BF guide suggestions, and some other things, to cover US geo in more depth.

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1. Galloping the Globe by Geomatters (will be our K year for ds4) with Geography Songs by Troxel

2. Home Geography by C.C. Long (free e-text linked) it is available for purchase printed and bound at Lulu.

3. Weekly mapwork within our history lessons, Tapestry does an excellent job of covering geography and landforms and locating places we're talking about on our laminated World and U.S. maps

4. The Geography Book by Caroline Arnold

5. Great States Junior game, for primary ages, we love this game and will probably get the Great States version.

6. Jane Andrews geography books: Seven Little Sisters who live on a round ball that floats in the air

and The Stories that Mother Nature Told Her Children

7. The Book of Discovery by Synge

8. A Child's Geography of the World by Hillyer


We intend to do all this over the years, we also have Where in the World game but we haven't played it yet.

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