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S/O Spelling errors (Am I the only one..?) - text speak!

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I think I'm getting old. A dear friend - who's not that much younger than me, let's face it - sent me a text recently that I could not read. :blushing: I think I got about one word in every ten - 4=for, U=you, R=are. The rest was (to my uninitiated brain) complete gobbledegook.


Is there anyone else who is perplexed by modern text speak?!

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Yup. I don't get the whole texting phenomenon. If you want to talk to someone call them. If you are in a meeting, pay attention to the subject at and and call when the meeting is done. Leave a voice message if no one answers. Please don't call my phone and expect me to know what your secret code is. I barely understand message board speak.;)

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This is an actual post on my niece's facebook page




qrr. nuthinn tew dew aht ahl tewdai qosh. : / hid uhp dee celly ***-***-**** don't bhe skared




I'm pretty sure it says: "Grr. Nothing to do at all today gosh :glare: Hit up the cellie (cell phone) don't be scared"



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This is an actual post on my niece's facebook page





I'm pretty sure it says: "Grr. Nothing to do at all today gosh :glare: Hit up the cellie (cell phone) don't be scared"




Oh dear! Has it gotten that bad?!


I don't mind it in the occasional text to save letters, but I can't stand text-speak anywhere else. So no, you're not alone!

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Pretty sure she's deliberately trying to be obscure there. :P


:lol: No, I do get that part. What I don't understand is why! Then again, there are a lot of things I don't understand about teenagers, and a lot of things I didn't even understand when I was one. I guess I've always been an old fuddy-duddy :lol:

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Texting has been a live saver for me. And I was NOT a fan of it before I had a phone that could actually text.


If I have to convey info to EX, I can text it immediately and not have to get into a long, drawn-out confab with him.


If I need to get a hold of my son, he can text at work easier than answer his phone.


However, I will not lower myself to using that inane text-speak language.

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I'm pretty sure it says: "Grr. Nothing to do at all today gosh :glare: Hit up the cellie (cell phone) don't be scared"





But...that is scary.



I've already informed my kids that I will happily remove any and all typing devices for the duration of their stay in our home if I *ever* catch them writing "u" or "cu" or "r" or "2" (instead of to or too) or any other such nonsense. Probably sounds extreme, but they know I'm not joking. :glare:

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Just to go contrary to this horrid textspeak, I decided to make this week's PocketMod



(a single sheet you customize, print, fold up, and use as a to-do, etc for the week...try it, you'll like it)


with a Morse Code tutorial on the back cover. In protest, I will learn Morse Code! I always thought it's good to know, in case you end up like Johnny Got His Gun, or trapped in a drainpipe somewhere.

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:lol: No, I do get that part. What I don't understand is why! Then again, there are a lot of things I don't understand about teenagers, and a lot of things I didn't even understand when I was one. I guess I've always been an old fuddy-duddy :lol:


You're *supposed* to understand teenagers? :D

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