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Guy Fawkes

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A traitor to the Crown by his action,

No Parli'ment mercy from any faction,

His just end should'st be grim,

What should we do?

Burn him!

Holler boys, holler boys,

let the bells ring,

Holler boys, holler boys,

God save the King!




Do they still burn the Guy much? I have not been in the UK on 5 November for a while but given today's p.c. lunacy I could see the powers that be trying to stop it.

Edited by pqr
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Remember, remember the Fifth of November,

The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,

I know of no reason

Why the Gunpowder Treason

Should ever be forgot.

Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent

To blow up the King and Parli'ment.

Three-score barrels of powder below

To prove old England's overthrow;

By God's providence he was catch'd

With a dark lantern and burning match.

Holla boys, Holla boys, let the bells ring.

Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King! (Or Queen, depends who is on the throne)

And what should we do with him? Burn him!



I loved Bonfire Night as a kid.


We would have potato pie with pickled red cabbage, black eyed peas, treacle toffee and parkin.

Edited by Pooh Bear
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Guest CarolineUK

Yes, we'll be celebrating. It's also DH's birthday (51 today), and the anniversary of the day he proposed to me thirteen years ago (think he hoped I couldn't refuse him on his birthday). So always big parties here.

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We don't celebrate it, but many times people ask me why because they think our homeschool (Fawkes Academy) is named after Guy. Then I have to tell them "No, it's named after Dumbledore's Phoenix from the Harry Potter books"

My neighbors would probably freak out if did have a bonfire and burn an effigy, they already think we're nutters.

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I loved Bonfire Night as a kid.


We would have potato pie with pickled red cabbage, black eyed peas, treacle toffee and parkin.

Ahh, now I want to come up with a traditional meal for our family for this holiday. :) I'm not sure what's for dinner tonight, hmmmm. We won't have an actual bonfire, just a small fire in our fire pit. I think I'll have the kids draw pics of Guy to burn though- they'll love that. I'm off to think about dinner now. :D

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