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Teachers' Lounge! 11-4-2010

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Good morning, all! I'm a bit early this morning, as I have a kiddo home from ps today and while he's playing a game on the 'puter, I need to get my shopping list done. But being a bit ADD myself, need something else to occupy my brain so here we are! :)


What's for lunch today? Me: have no idea. It's not time for that yet!


What's thrown a wrench in some of your plans today? Me: sick kiddo.


What is one thing that's done and overwith this week and you are SO glad that it is? Me: Election Day.



Talk to me: :bigear:

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I treated myself to lunch out. My kids are in Florida for the ever-delayed shuttle launch. I even indulged in an adult beverage and appetizer :D.


Thrown a wrench into my plans today is the further delaying of the shuttle launch. It was supposed to be last weekend, so I scheduled a full week of school this week. We're going to be behind, which isn't a problem in and of itself except I like to wrap school up nicely (end of chapters, etc.) before we go into our winter hibernation (no school from Thanksgiving through February). It drives me crazy to go stop school when we're not at a "perfect" place for stopping. I'm anal like that.


Done and over with this week? Icky, wet weather. The sun finally showed its face again!

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What's for lunch today?

Fish Sticks for the tax deductions, and surprise Tuna for me.....again!!


What's thrown a wrench in some of your plans today? Sorry about your illin' chillin'

me:Woke up at 3:54am, went back to bed 6:11, daughter awoke me at 7! aaaaaaaah


What is one thing that's done and over with this week and you are SO glad that it is?

oh I am so with you on the elections!!!


kinda bummed baseball is over...although my team won the series, I was enjoying the entertainment on the radio!


EK: and just in awe that your kids are waiting for the launch...just cool cool cool

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lunch was edamame and curry chicken sticks(kinda like curry chicken in an eggroll)


Wrench---I slept in and then talked on the phone with a friend for 1 1/2 hours instead of getting started with school on time! It's the start of a new quarter and we only have three weeks until Thanksgiving break and then only another 3 weeks until Christmas break. I should be motivated, but I'm not!


Jean in NewCastle---would your son be able to do something with a laptop we have with a cracked case?


Off to do lit with ds.

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What's for lunch today? I have a batch of carrot muffins in the oven so I'll probably have one of those and another cup of coffee. My husband is having lunch with his mom and dad, older son took a turkey sandwich, grape tomatoes and a handful of sugar snap peas to school and younger son will probably make a turkey and cheese quesadilla and a piece of fruit.


What's thrown a wrench in some of your plans today? No wrenches so far today.


What is one thing that's done and overwith this week and you are SO glad that it is? The soccer team's group photo. Because the football team's shoot is Saturday morning and I don't want to deal with two at the same time.

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