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Under ONE WEEK till NaNo!

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I'm not ready either. I'll be typing by the seat of my pants this year.:D


That's me too. I'd like to have a well defined plot but instead I think I'm just going to kill a person or two and see what happens. Um ... in my story that is. It's a murder mystery. Wow. I think I could have phrased that better.

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So I had decided to revisit the plot I started to use last year, before dh's cancer diagnosis caused me to fold. I was planning to start with fresh writing, knowing I had all the outlining notes on my computer.


Until last night. I forgot we had....issues.... with our technology since last November. All my notes are now floating around the house somewhere on a teeny tiny flash drive that will likely never be seen again... :glare:


So I guess I've got seven days to conjure up something new. More like five, since I've got an overnight on Friday/Saturday. Wait, more like two since I am suppposed to finish a painting by Wednesday's deadline for a fundraising auction.


Looks like I'll be hanging with the pantsers this time around!!!!

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That's me too. I'd like to have a well defined plot but instead I think I'm just going to kill a person or two and see what happens. Um ... in my story that is. It's a murder mystery. Wow. I think I could have phrased that better.



No, you couldn't have. Your Internal Editor is officially off duty until December 1. Don't forget it!!!!

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I'm not ready, either. SOOOOO not ready. I checked the site last night and realized there were all these write-ins scheduled and then realized that I can't make any of them and then realized how nuts my schedule ALREADY IS and then contemplated quitting my job just for NaNo.


All I know is that I want to write a story about a bipolar teen coming of age and finding her way and realizing her parents aren't as horrid as she once thought. Fingers crossed.

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Ack!!! OK, I think I am going to cheat. I hate to be that way, but I scheduled a trip to see my sister Nov. 1st through 3rd, and I don't see how I'll get to write during those days. I might go for a marathon on the 31st, then not get to write those three days. That counts, right?

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My concern is--if I'm too swamped to find time even to outline, how on EARTH can I find time for 50,000 words????


(And yet MIRACULOUSLY I can still find a way to spend hours here at the boards. Must be that crazy new math.)



For us, it's the crazy new video lessons we've added to our curriculum. I can post away while they're doing a lesson, but still need me there to answer questions or administer tests & quizzes. But I can't do creative writing with that many interruptions. I really need solitude to write.


Staying off the general board will be my challenge in Nov. I am going to try to only allow myself to participate in nano-related threads.


Unless of course I have a question that needs answering. Then you know the old sayin'.... faster than google....

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OK, now I'm paranoid that everyone will think I'm a big stinky cheater if I write on Oct. 31 to make up for missing the 1st-3rd. Am I a big stinky cheater?


While I won't think less of you, it technically is cheating. You could pretend you're in another time zone, one around the world, for a part of the day. ;)

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