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Just wondering: has anyone put their completely hs'ed HS'er in to PS at 11th grade?

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A homeschooling friend did this. She has 4 sons, homeschooled from the start. Son #2 really wanted the brick-and-mortar high school experience plus he wanted some of the types of classes the local charter high school offered. After a lot of debate and discussion, prayer, and checking out various school options, his parents gave permission, and he went to school for the first time starting in 11th grade and graduated from the charter school. (Sons #1 and #3 are homeschool grads, and son #4, now in 10th, also wants to be completely homeschooled.)


Another homeschooling friend has 2 sons, 1 grade apart, who were in school for just a very few years early on, and then homeschooled all the way into the later years of high school. Again, after much prayer and discussion, because basketball was their passion (and because the local rules re: homeschoolers playing popular sports on public school teams had changed and required students to attend the school to be able to have any chance of actually court time as being part of the school's team), the family decided to allow the boys to go back to school for 12th gr. (older DS) and 11th and 12th grades (younger DS) so they could play basketball.


In both cases, while it was not what the moms would have preferred (there are cons as well as pros to going to a school), all of the boys made the transition pretty easily, as they had a good foundation from homeschooling and they really wanted to be at the school for their unique reasons. None had any social or academic issues. It did require the moms turning in a transcript with grades to the school.


The only potential "hiccup" was for the boy who started as a senior -- the school would not count his community college foreign language credits (he had taken 1 year/2 semesters) as 2 credits done in one year. But the school didn't care that the classes were college level and that 1 semester covered as much/more than their 1 year at the high school level -- they only looked at how many days he was sitting in the classroom as what counted for 1-year credit!! So that son had to take the next year of the foreign language at the high school in his senior year to "jump their hoop" for graduation.



One last homeschooling friend debated about putting her 16yo 10th grader into private school this year, but opted for 3 classes at the local cc and the other 2-3 classes at home, as it was much cheaper (about $1000 for 3 cc classes, vs. $8200 for the private school!) -- AND he is getting dual enrollment credit. It has been a bit rough, but that is more due to the student's learning issues which he has always had.


BEST of luck, whatever you decide! Warmly, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
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I'm not a fan of dual enrollment - esp. if a student is immature in some ways.


I just put my completely homeschooled very young (just turned 16yo, Sept 2nd bday) 11th grader in private school this year. This daughter is also very late puberty-onset. She is our first student (2nd born child) to attend "traditional" school. We have done 2-3 co op classes per year during 9th and 10th grades. I am very happy we have been in co ops. I hope to co op every year of high school with my remaining three as the (good) socializing has been a definite plus!


Academically, she is doing very well. She is struggling with organization but improving every week! Her academics are solid and top of the class in most cases. Socially, it has been troublesome. This private Christian school tends to have the "we've all been together since kindergarten" student groups. This daughter is very late puberty, serious, overly judgmental, quiet, studious and slightly overweight. It has been a difficult transition, socially. She wants to "fit in" (while keeping her uniqueness) but she doesn't know how to do the give-and-take.


It has been a good decision so far. i am wondering if the "social" will get easier.


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Just tossing some ideas around...and this may be best choice for ds...even if we go back a grade. He is a very young 11th grader...



What are your goals it doing so?

Is this the one best plan to achieve that goal?

There might be other ways to achieve what you are seeking .... that's why I am asking.





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I'll throw this out in case it helps. 11th grade was hard for our ds, who was also young in his grade. With his approval, we made that 10th grade, backed up all previous grades by one, and made a new 11th grade at home. Since he was young in his grade, he said he always had to push very hard to understand his work. He even backed up knowing he wouldn't graduate with his entire group of homeschool friends. He said his new 11th grade was the first time that his school fit and wasn't too hard. The question I asked that brought all of this about was "are you ready to go to college in a year." It freaked him out, he said "no." So he was very happy to have the extra year at home. The only thing he wanted was to learn guitar because he had been so swamped with schoolwork that he didn't have time. So one of his classes was music, and he went to guitar lessons.

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What are your goals it doing so?

Is this the one best plan to achieve that goal?

There might be other ways to achieve what you are seeking .... that's why I am asking.






Nah...I was having a momentary freak-out...what if session....Ds is giving me a real run for my money. He is not disobediant or even rebellious. It's just that we had such a rough time health wise this year and last year (both him and I and now Dad is having health issues) that I was thinking a change in his environment might help. Due to a swimming injury, he will not be training as hard or accomplishing his goals there...which tend to upset him....so...I was thinking a year or 2 at high school, maybe running track or doing another sport, meeting new kids, might actually help him out of his funk. It might help me out of mine as well.


I know there would be serious hoops to jump to get him into the PS as this is NY and a highly regulated, HS unfriendly area. The High School he is designated to attend has a 30% drop out rate and drugs and teen pregnancy is rampant. There are also some really great kids who go there...there IS only ONE high school within a 30 mile radius. he is not eligible to go to the other high schools within driving distance and I just wouldn't be able to afford or bear him away at boarding school yet. There are only 2 private schools in the area (within driving range) and they are in a sad state academically.


I think we will just need to see where God leads and what He provides as far as opportunities for this guy. He is an awesome young man and my heart is breaking for him. I just want to go out and buy him presents and hug him and tell him it will all be OK.....


Faithe...who will get this all figured out one day...and then I will write a book.:D

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I'll throw this out in case it helps. 11th grade was hard for our ds, who was also young in his grade. With his approval, we made that 10th grade, backed up all previous grades by one, and made a new 11th grade at home. Since he was young in his grade, he said he always had to push very hard to understand his work. He even backed up knowing he wouldn't graduate with his entire group of homeschool friends. He said his new 11th grade was the first time that his school fit and wasn't too hard. The question I asked that brought all of this about was "are you ready to go to college in a year." It freaked him out, he said "no." So he was very happy to have the extra year at home. The only thing he wanted was to learn guitar because he had been so swamped with schoolwork that he didn't have time. So one of his classes was music, and he went to guitar lessons.


THIS may work for this guy! We never finished 10th grade due to his illnesses last year, so we are still doing 10th grade this year...and will not be finishing until Christmas...11th will start after the New Year. I figure he can take some CC classes in the spring semester after 12th grade. I have never sent my older kids to college early. For our family, that was the best choice.



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My son was started in PS a year earlier than children with similar birthdays. All his preschool teachers said he should start in kindergarten but his birthday would have made him wait another year. We went ahead and found a private school who would take him. He did fine academically but was always slightly immature then kids in his same grade. By the time we got to highschool those immaturity issues began to surface even more and I really began to regret having him start school so early. Last year (his senior year) he really had trouble with. We discussed backing up a year but he said no he wanted to push on. Early in this year we began discussing his plans. He said he did not want to go off to college because he felt uncomfortable with the idea of going to college and only being 17 plus he didn't really know what he wanted to do. Again I suggested holding back but he really wanted to graduate and he felt that to his friends who weren't homeschooled it would make him look stupid. So this is what we decided and is also something to consider. He really wanted to get his instructors certificate in the martial arts hes trained in and he couldn't do that until end of November and he would have to teach some of the classes to meet the requirements to test. So we had him take 3 classes at the CC and he helped instruct 4 classes at his studio. It has given him an easy fall so far but he has matured greatly and now that he has had time to think and feel more secure about himself. He wants to take 4 classes next semester and he has applied to his school of choice and been accepted for next fall. We are both glad we chose this route.


If you are having a lot of stress in your family your son might be better off with you and just take school slowly for the year. He's going to feel your stress and if he's been ill himself adjusting to a new environment will increase his stress level. At times like this is when we really need each others support and we must come together as a unit. We've had a few years like you describe and it would have been easy to put them into public schools but we realized that they knew what was going on and they already were worrying about me. By being at home they at least knew what was going on. If we put them in PS they'd worry how I was doing during the day and it would end up being more stressful for them. The best thing we could do for each other was support each other and come together. It really did help and now that kids are older. They remember those times but are very grateful they were there to help me through them.

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What about an online option if there is one in your state? Here kids that are doing the public school online are allowed to do sports with their home school district... or maybe a part-time enrollment for 1 or 2 classes and sports would be enough of the new environment without eliminating homeschooling altogether.


Thanks for posting this. I am trying to figure out what to do with mine as we would like to put them into public or private for high school, but the local public school is 10-12, with 9th grade at the junior high, which means he would have to start in 9th and move schools the next year, OR maybe do public online for 9th and then transfer for 10th. Which would be a good time to start as the junior high kids don't all feed to the same senior high. The private school is K-12 so starting in 9th would be fine, but expensive and possibly adding a lot of exposure to snobbiness. The public school on the other hand sounds like there is still some snobbiness and a lot of sexually charged behavior. Dilemma!!!


Faithe, I hope things are going ok for you and your ds. I am smiling at the irony of you posting this thread two months ago, which if I am not mistaken led to the condemnation (not from you, but from others) and eventual thread removal of another poster sharing her positive experience in putting her kids into public high school after homeschooling through junior high. Funny how things work!

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Have you thought about shaking things up with a bit of fun? When was the last time you took a vacation? What about just taking a break from homeschooling and having some down time, some field trips, some good together time. Since he's young for his grade, you can do this and then just start next year refreshed and with him as an 11th grader officially. Let him pursue some of his interests as was posted about the son who added music and took guitar lessons. Let him try out different sports and see what he likes. There are many which don't need a high school team in order to participate or even to compete. After what you've shared, it just doesn't sound, to me, like a great school to send him to if you have a choice.

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What about an online option if there is one in your state? Here kids that are doing the public school online are allowed to do sports with their home school district... or maybe a part-time enrollment for 1 or 2 classes and sports would be enough of the new environment without eliminating homeschooling altogether.


Thanks for posting this. I am trying to figure out what to do with mine as we would like to put them into public or private for high school, but the local public school is 10-12, with 9th grade at the junior high, which means he would have to start in 9th and move schools the next year, OR maybe do public online for 9th and then transfer for 10th. Which would be a good time to start as the junior high kids don't all feed to the same senior high. The private school is K-12 so starting in 9th would be fine, but expensive and possibly adding a lot of exposure to snobbiness. The public school on the other hand sounds like there is still some snobbiness and a lot of sexually charged behavior. Dilemma!!!


Faithe, I hope things are going ok for you and your ds. I am smiling at the irony of you posting this thread two months ago, which if I am not mistaken led to the condemnation (not from you, but from others) and eventual thread removal of another poster sharing her positive experience in putting her kids into public high school after homeschooling through junior high. Funny how things work!


I know...and I am always sorry when things get ugly around here. That was never my intention. I have always felt we all need to do what is best for our own kids, and I have to admit those public school successes somehow leave me insecure in my own choices for my kids. It is not easy living outside the box all the time...plus, we do not have any IRL support as I do not know ANYONE who homeschools their high schoolers. My peers kids have grown and moved on or their kids are in PS and Private schools...leaves a girl a bit unnerved...and my 16 yo ds may need another venue....thus my question.


I am still very determined to continue homeschooling. I am just looking at all possible solutions for my son.


I do not think I was condemning. I hope I have never made anyone feel like that...I just somehow would like to believe, just like we all want to believe, that the decisions we make for our kids were well thought out and the best for that child at that particular time. I am not sure why the thread was removed.


My son will not be going to PS, nor will he be going to CC earlier than 18. I have my own reasons for that. The PS around here is not homeschool friendly, nor is there an online option. (We would have been happy to take some advantage of that considering the exhorbitant taxes in this area.)


My own health issues and those of others in my family have had me a bit weepy, tired and unfocused lately. My son has been having terrible health issues for the past year. This has left us all exhausted and somewhat un-sure-footed.


I am praying to find some worthwhile pursuits for my son as we finish up his homeschool studies and as we get him back to health.



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I'm not sure I should respond or not. I just read this thread and then sort of skimmed the linked thread. I have a hot pot of tea on and this is just the sort of chat I could have with my cuppa, slippers, and a glowing fire (ok....I don't have a fire;))


Ok.......I just deleted everything I had typed out.


I'm just not sure this is the place to ask the question and expect an answer that gives any reasonable insight. This is a huge decision and no one can really understand all the implications other than your family. And the only people that have to deal with whatever results from the decision are you and your family. We can share what we think, but no one here even knows the color of your shoes, forget about having walked in them.


(My only suggestion would be that I think I would have this as a very serious discussion with your ds and find out where both your hearts are on this issue. :grouphug:)

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Have you thought about shaking things up with a bit of fun? When was the last time you took a vacation? What about just taking a break from homeschooling and having some down time' date=' some field trips, some good together time. Since he's young for his grade, you can do this and then just start next year refreshed and with him as an 11th grader officially. Let him pursue some of his interests as was posted about the son who added music and took guitar lessons. Let him try out different sports and see what he likes. There are many which don't need a high school team in order to participate or even to compete. After what you've shared, it just doesn't sound, to me, like a great school to send him to if you have a choice.[/quote']


I agree and I love this idea. However, he is only one of my 4 kids and we really can't afford to take more time off. We can however, slow down. I decided today to back up and have ds remain a 10th grader until January. We will finish up the work that he is behind in due to his illness without any pressure. January is PLENTY of time with lots of extra time for reading books and pursuing interests. Then, we will just complete 12th grade mid year and he can begin CC for the Spring semester...at 18. Ds likes this plan. My kids really love being homeschooled. They are big homeschooling advocates. they love their freedom to learn. My grown children are so happy they were homeschooled and I would love my youngers to have that same experience.


Anyway, thank you all for your thoughtful responses and all your support during these past few months. I have been homeschooling for so long, but this has really been the first year where I have felt so off kilter. Maybe i am having my mid-homeschool life crisis:tongue_smilie:


Thanks again....time to do some research...



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I'm not sure I should respond or not. I just read this thread and then sort of skimmed the linked thread. I have a hot pot of tea on and this is just the sort of chat I could have with my cuppa, slippers, and a glowing fire (ok....I don't have a fire;))


Ok.......I just deleted everything I had typed out.


I'm just not sure this is the place to ask the question and expect an answer that gives any reasonable insight. This is a huge decision and no one can really understand all the implications other than your family. And the only people that have to deal with whatever results from the decision are you and your family. We can share what we think, but no one here even knows the color of your shoes, forget about having walked in them.


(My only suggestion would be that I think I would have this as a very serious discussion with your ds and find out where both your hearts are on this issue. :grouphug:)


8, I am always interested in your thoughts and I always take your advice and insights seriously. This has been quite the year for my family with tons of ups and downs. We have had some pretty serious health issues..Dh has just been diagnosed with diabetes, ds is battleing Lyme disease...and now probably is re-infected. I have some chronic health issues which have flared up (these are genetic...oldest dd was just diagnosed with the same disease and now my 2nd dd was also diagnosed.) The drama continues. It has been a HARD year.


I am having some real wonderful talks with him, with his older siblings and with his dad. Right now, I think he is just exhausted and needs some recoup time, and lots of love and understanding.


Thanks for your ear and your thoughtfulness....


Oh, and my shoes are usually black clogs!:D



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I completely agree with finding the right path for each child -- I am not necessarily committed to homeschooling all the way through like many others, but dh and I are committed to trying to make the right decision each year for each child. If it ends up being hs'ing through 12th grade, I'll do it happily and I can see many advantages. Right now we suspect that public or private is in our future so I'm trying to make sure that we can make a good choice and a good transition if necessary.



It is not easy living outside the box all the time...plus, we do not have any IRL support as I do not know ANYONE who homeschools their high schoolers.


I can totally understand this!!! I don't have any local support either and it is a major bummer!


I have to admit those public school successes somehow leave me insecure in my own choices for my kids.



:grouphug: I can see you are troubled and conflicted and I'm so sorry about that. I hope you find the right path with your son and can move confidently ahead, whatever it is.

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