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Long shot question for Sci Fi fans

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OK, my son is *very* specific about the books he likes to read. He is also a somewhat reluctant reader, so believe me, I jumped when he said he'd like to read, are you ready for this, "books about ghost space ships". He further clarified that this means "ships that have been attacked in space, floating in a dead zone, and rumored to be haunted" :001_huh::001_huh:.


Any Sci Fi fans have ideas? I'm at a loss.

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I actually have read a book like that. No earthly idea of the title or if it's appropriate for kids.... If I can come up with the title I'll post. I think the book itself would have been written in the 80s or 90s... I'd have read it in the 90s and I think it was a contemporary author (so not pulp days)...


Good luck! And there is at least one book out there like that!

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i have *no* idea if this would interest (or be suitable for) a (your) ten year old boy, but i was curious and googled.. led me to this:


Spacewreck ~ Stewart Cowley


and a review with some photos ...


seems to be part of a collection ....


like i said though, i have no idea if it would be what you'd want... i was just curious what would turn up when a person googled 'books about ghost spaceships' :p

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The 3rd book of the Exiles trilogy by Ben Bova, the children think there are ghosts on the ship, and call part of the ship "the ghost place." You have to read the first two first, though, and it is a pretty high reading grade level. It is appropriate for children, although there is mention of violence and war, but nothing graphic. It is a fascinating trilogy, I have re-read it several times.

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He might like Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama. It's not exactly like that but kind of a similar theme - its about a spooky abandoned alien space craft being explored by human astronauts. Lots of mystery.


It's an award winner but I read it a long time ago so don't know about the difficulty level or if its age appropriate.

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I couldn't remember the title of the one I read either, but thanks to Wookieepedia I found it.


The Eye of Palpatine is one of the extended Star Wars novels, and takes place after the Luke films. Luke travels to an abandoned ship and discovers a female Jedi spirit on board. I can't remember if there was any inappropriate content, as it's been years. I read it for the same reason you'll probably be reading the titles on this thread. :D


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