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Has anyone had a miscarriage...

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when they did not know they were pregnant?


I knew my period was way overdue, but I thought it was just my age. Then I started having cramps. I thought, "Wow, menopause is going to be worse than being a teenager."


It wasn't until I actually started passing tissue that I realized what was happening. I feel like such a moron.

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I have btdt with not realized I was pregnant and then miscarrying...twice. You are not a moron. I had a pregnancy right on top of a miscarriage a year ago. I was late and the pregnancy test was positive...then I started bleeding...a lot. I didn't even *think* that I'd be pregnant. It was hard. Praying for your comfort...

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Yes, I've btdt. You are not alone. My cycles have always been a little off, so it wasn't so easy to track, in my case. Sounds like a similar type situation to you (premenopause can make things very unpredictable).


Even though I didn't know, after finding out, I felt like an emotional wreck for a little bit. I guess a mix of the hormones & the wishing for what could have been... kwim? (That was my first pregnancy.)


Hugs to you.

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I'm so sorry. ((( ))))


I had one a few months before I got pregnant with my only ds. The docs had told us getting pregnant wasn't possible because my dh had a low sperm count/low motility.


I had the miscarriage right after we had told everyone, only a few weeks into the pregnancy -- I didn't even need a d&c afterwards. It was really hard because we figured getting pregnant at all had been a total fluke unlikely to ever happen again. I was 39 yo at the time.


The first blood tests had shown I wasn't immune to rubella, so after the miscarriage I went ahead and got immunized for it just in case I'd ever (thinking it would probably never happen) get pregnant again. And I'm so glad I did! But it sure wasn't easy at the time.


I know what you're going through ..... you are NOT a moron; please be kind and gentle with yourself. :grouphug:



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Not only did I not know I was pregnant, but I was beginning to think I couldn't get pregnant. We had tried for years to conceive again after our dd had been born. We were at the point of giving up and looking into adoption. My periods have never been regular, so I couldn't use this as a sign. When I started bleeding, I thought it was my normal cycle, then the pain increased so I couldn't even sit and the bleeding was extremely heavy. It turned out I had an ectopic pregnancy. The whole ordeal went on for several weeks and it was so painful and difficult and emotionally draining.


I am sorry that you are going through this right now. So many of us have had similar experiences - you are not alone :grouphug:

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