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Rental Car without a credit card oh and an airline question also

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Okay, I have heard that there is no issue getting a rental car with a debit card. However, when I was working for the travel insurance company, I had a number of people call and tell me they didn't get the car because they only had a debit card.


So how does this work REALLY?


My daughter and I need to go to Houston. When I'm looking at the flight deals, I can actually get a cheaper situation if I get a rental car also. And that would mean my mom wouldn't have to drive us around which would allow us to not go around her schedule for arrival and departure (though otherwise, we'll probably spend the time with her). But we don't do credit cards.


Also, are the airlines going to allow my daughter (18 last week) to board a plane without a current ID? One of the reasons we're going to Houston is to renew her driver's license which went out on her 18th bday.

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We've had no issues, but, I would call ahead and talk with them before booking the ticket/car rental just to make sure because I'm sure that some companies are better with that than others. I wish I could remember which company we used, but, I don't.


As far as her needing a current id, again, I would call the airline before booking the ticket. I remember leaving for a trip and having to make sure my driver's license was current before leaving. It was a good thing that I did, it wasn't and I needed to renew it before leaving.

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I had to rent a car a couple of weeks ago. They put a "hold" of $250 on my cc. They were doing the same to the woman in line next to me, except the hold of $250 was on her debit card linked to her checking account, and she was pretty upset about it. (these holds were even though the rental amount was for much less...in my case, only a one day rental.)


So if you have a debit card, and enough money in your account to cover any additional holds they put on the card, you should be fine.


Here are the ID requirements for flying - the ID must have an expiration date, which I assume means they check it? But it doesn't say specifically. :(


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I had to rent a car a couple of weeks ago. They put a "hold" of $250 on my cc. They were doing the same to the woman in line next to me, except the hold of $250 was on her debit card linked to her checking account, and she was pretty upset about it. (these holds were even though the rental amount was for much less...in my case, only a one day rental.)


So if you have a debit card, and enough money in your account to cover any additional holds they put on the card, you should be fine.


Yup. They will put a pretty significant hold over and above your rental fee on your account. This is to cover any late return charges or any damages to the car while in your possession. I certainly would consider the loss/damage waiver if I was using a debit card. Or ask your insurance if your full coverage insurance covers damages to a rental car. You don't want the rental company zapping your debit card for $1500.


I think she would be "17" for the flight to TX. And, no she doesn't have a permit yet. :p


Yes, her expired DL is gonna be a problem. I just don't know how big of one it will end up being.

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Hate to throw a monkey wrench in the works but your daughter probably can't get a drivers license in Texas because you are now residents of Virginia. I can't remember if you've mentioned intending to return to Texas in the near future, but if it is indefinite, then she should get a Virginia drivers license. Most states have a requirement to get a drivers license in their state after you've been residing there for a certain period. Your hearts may be in Texas, but your bodies are in Virginia :001_smile: If she can't get a driver's license quickly because of the under 19 requirements, I believe Virginia has a non-drivers ID you can get.




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for what it's worth, i flew last year with an expired drivers license - i hadn't realized it was expired (by a few months even) until about 3 days before the flight. i just passed it over as usual and nobody said a thing - i think they really just look at the photos because there are soooooo many people to get through.


(that said - diff country, diff airlines. same sort of rules though - ID for those who are over 18.)

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Also, are the airlines going to allow my daughter (18 last week) to board a plane without a current ID? One of the reasons we're going to Houston is to renew her driver's license which went out on her 18th bday.


There is no way Texas will renew your liscence if you are living somewhere else!



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Also, are the airlines going to allow my daughter (18 last week) to board a plane without a current ID? One of the reasons we're going to Houston is to renew her driver's license which went out on her 18th bday.


Can't speak to the rental car on debit card issue (I've always used credit cards for that).


However, at 18, your dd will definitely require a valid ID to board the plane. I wouldn't take a risk with that - the airlines are erring on the side of caution these days, so anyone who appears to be around that age (whether you tell them she's a different age or not) is going to be asked for ID. If you chance it, you could very well end up in a situation where you get to the airport that day and dd is not allowed to pass through security and you miss your flight.


It COULD work - but personally, I wouldn't risk it...


ETA: One solution might be to go the DMV prior to your trip and get her a state ID card (not a DL - just an ID card). In our state, you just go and fill out the application, show proof of residency, pay $10, and they issue it to you right there. I don't recall how long you've been living in your current state, so perhaps that won't be an option for your dd (due to the residency requirement). But just thought I'd throw it out there...

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Dd went to the dmv here because though it would cost more, it would be easier to get a license here and then just change it again when we finally get out of here (lol, can you tell I'm not adjusting well?). The DMV said she couldn't get one here because we didn't have a permanent address. Now that we have the rent house, we probably fixed THAT problem, but now we don't have any of the FOUR forms of ID the state requires for a driver's license, including the "non-expired" drivers license from another state. We got the house the day after her birthday as that was the day it was listed in the paper and we took it the same morning.


It's really a pain. However, we didn't want to do that because though we're here now, we just got here a month ago and if we turn around and leave in a month or two, then....I mean, I'm not willing to change state of residence every 3-6 months as we travel all over creation due to this stinky economy, ya know?


But I guess we have little choice on the things that require us to do them in person. It's just going to end up costing us...seems awful to take even more (even if it's just $15 or $25) from people who already have lost everything.


Sorry for my pity party. Dd will call dmv (she went down there the first time) and see if there is ANY way they will work with her.

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Okay, because our insurance has the Richmond address, we are HOPING they will take that as Virginia residency. I think we EVEN have an envelope showing it being forwarded to Wise County.


Then she has a record of birth which should be possible to use though we don't have a regular birth certificate (something that never came when we changed her name so this is an official document the county gave us).


We have a rental agreement and though it looks like it was typed up and I added the children to it, we'll hope it'll work (it does have landlord's phone number so they can verify).


And she does have the social security card.


So hopefully they won't give us any trouble as they said they can take the birth certificate, soc. sec. card, rental agreement, and insurance card.

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but now we don't have any of the FOUR forms of ID the state requires


isn't it crazy sometimes? i remember when my cousin moved provinces the dmv gave him a heck of a time because he didn't have any "proof of residency" - no proper lease (he was sleeping on a friend's couch), no utility bills with his name on them (just a cell and they didn't accept that)... his friend finally made up a fake lease on his computer. (cousin NEEDED the license changed or he was gonna lose his job)


it's not like the guy didn't have valid id - he had his license, his old health card, his SIN card, credit cards, even workplace id cards. they threw fits over proving residency with leases and/or bills. :glare:

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but now we don't have any of the FOUR forms of ID the state requires for a driver's license, including the "non-expired" drivers license from another state.


I'm still using my MA license even though I have been to the DMV 4 times to get a PA license. The latest hold up for me is that I don't have a US Dept of State-issued birth certificate. The Air Force one and the German one are not good enough. Before that, I didn't bring two pieces of business mail addressed to me at home (cannot be junk mail, personal mail, or mail addressed to DH accompanied by our lease and our marriage certificate). Well that was hard to get because I don't get business mail -- DH does, and no mail addressed to me would work. So I put the electricity and Direct TV in my name and waited for business mail. I don't recall what happened the first two times -- I didn't have something they needed, before they even got to the birth certificate and mail requirements.


So I paid $50 for a State Dept birth certificate, and I am waiting for it to come in the mail.


Meanwhile, the DMV says this is due to Homeland Security regs. This makes sense because in all the decades I've had a drivers license, I've never had a problem getting one until now. It is frustrating because I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who I am, except to the DMV.

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