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Singapore users....how long does a lesson take?


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Our experience has been different. I'm using Standards 2A, and I usually assign one of the extra practices from the topic the day before as review in the morning. Then I introduce the next topic in whatever way the HIG suggests, then do the textbook problems to make sure my son understands the concept, then assign the next set of practice problems. In total we probably spend at least 30-45 minutes on math each day.

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We are doing 2a/2b also with the text/work. I also have the HIG and HOd guide that I get ideas from. We generally spend 20min or less on math. My ds is pretty fast though. I usually do the test book with him and or hands on things. He then does the workbook with me near by if he needs help.

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We're doing 2A/2B this year with this year being our first using Singapore. I have the HIG, but really only use it as a guide for me. By the time we do our drills or oral mental math, work problems on white board from textbook then do a couple of pages from the workbook, it takes us a minimum of 30 minutes. I add at least two games per week to make it fun, too. We often take 45 minutes to get it all done at our leisurely pace. My dd learns better when she gets time to let it sink in so I try not to rush her. I bought the IP and CWP and we've not yet used them. I'm thinking they'll be my review of 2A when I start 2B.

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Yep...that is the CM way of doing the lessons and, believe it or not, it works! My kids love math because the lessons are so short. We have done the math curricula with longer lessons and my kids hated it...even my older son who is very mathy.


Singapore 1A book work is taking about 5-15 minutes a day depending on the assignment. We do the hands on activities planned in the Beyond guide and those can take as much (or as little) time as we want.


For Singapore 4A, the lessons are longer and take my older son anywhere from 15-30 minutes with no "hands on" lessons. The work does get more in depth as the levels go up, but there is no reason math has to take 45 mins to an hour a day to complete. That doesn't make it "better"...just longer!

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I spend at least 30 minutes a day introducing material and working through problems with them on the whiteboard. Then we always do a math game, which sometimes takes 15 minutes(or more!). Then we go through the textbook problems and then I assign the workbook pages and I work with them. In total it is at least 1 hour. I really want them to get this stuff. And, thankfully they are! They think math is a really big game! :)

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Yep...that is the CM way of doing the lessons and, believe it or not, it works! My kids love math because the lessons are so short. We have done the math curricula with longer lessons and my kids hated it...even my older son who is very mathy.


Singapore 1A book work is taking about 5-15 minutes a day depending on the assignment. We do the hands on activities planned in the Beyond guide and those can take as much (or as little) time as we want.


For Singapore 4A, the lessons are longer and take my older son anywhere from 15-30 minutes with no "hands on" lessons. The work does get more in depth as the levels go up, but there is no reason math has to take 45 mins to an hour a day to complete. That doesn't make it "better"...just longer!


For the 4A level, do you feel like you are missing out on something by now having the HIG? We're only on 2A and there have been a few pages I felt like we just sort of fumbled through....I was wishing I had a little more teaching instruction. Don't get me wrong, the HOD activities have been awesome. But sometimes I feel like I need a little more guidance. :)

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Oh no, my son spends about an hour on math, I'm talking about the explaining/teaching part taking 10 minutes. I guess I'm confused by what the OP is asking.


We do use the CWP and IP books. I also add in MEP worksheets from time to time. We play math games too.


Sorry, I guess I'm asking how much time one lesson takes from start to finish using the HIG-textbook-workbook combination. I'm not talking about extra stuff like CWP or IP. :)

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We've done both HIG plans and HOD lessons. The HIG plans definitely take more time, but I think they are more thorough. We rarely finished a lesson from the HIG in under 30 minutes...if I went any longer, we'd carry the lesson to the next day. That usually happened when we hit a new topic. The HOD lessons take us 10-20, depending on whether there is a lesson or not. My DC are in 2a and 1a.

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We've done both HIG plans and HOD lessons. The HIG plans definitely take more time, but I think they are more thorough. We rarely finished a lesson from the HIG in under 30 minutes...if I went any longer, we'd carry the lesson to the next day. That usually happened when we hit a new topic. The HOD lessons take us 10-20, depending on whether there is a lesson or not. My DC are in 2a and 1a.


May I ask which one you are doing now (HOD or HIG?) and which do you prefer?? Thanks! :)

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We use the HIG and I am doing 4A with ds10 and ds about to be 8.


Last year ds younger did 2A just about through 3B. I 'taught' maybe 10 min per week if a new topic came up and other than that taught as he needed me. He basically just did the workbooks plus some CWP. It took about 30-45 minutes a day.


Last year ds older did 3A through most of 4A (finished over the summer). We followed a similar protocol. When he went to take the 4A test he bombed it. DH and I decided to back up, redo 4A with him while teaching younger ds 4A as well AND tutor him in the evenings to get 4A under control. We are on week 2 of this plan and math is now taking about 1 hr to 1 hr 15 min in the morning because I am spending at least 15 minutes using the HIG to lecture at the board and the material is finally challengin for younder ds. I never did that before. If they both had to do every problem in the Wkbk and text it would definitely take over an hour each day to teach, work the problems and stay on their schedule, but we don't do that because I also require facts and mental math practice as well as some word problems.


So my point is, it's really going to depend what level you're at and what level of hand-holding your particular child requires.



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May I ask which one you are doing now (HOD or HIG?) and which do you prefer?? Thanks! :)


I know this wasn't directed at me, but I prefer the HIG. We finished the workbook for 2a/2b with HOD and then I had my dd take the Singapore placement test for 2b as an "exit" test. She bombed it totally.

I bought the HIG with 3a and we are doing much better. I am not out to just complete a workbook and move forward. I want them to truly understand the math.

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3A, probably 30-45 minutes, and that's consistent. Most of that is not teaching time. If it takes up to 45-60 minutes, it is because my child is seriously dawdling and wasting time.


Often the textbook and teaching will be done in a block in one day, so we go through the text for, for example, exercises 1-4 if it is all covering a single topic in different levels of depth. Then ds will do 1-2 exercises per day until we reach the next topic. We don't do all the review exercise pages that the textbook provide; instead, we move to the IP and CWP, but we would do this on other days.

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I know this wasn't directed at me, but I prefer the HIG. We finished the workbook for 2a/2b with HOD and then I had my dd take the Singapore placement test for 2b as an "exit" test. She bombed it totally.

I bought the HIG with 3a and we are doing much better. I am not out to just complete a workbook and move forward. I want them to truly understand the math.


I'm so glad you posted this. I had my ds take the 1B exit test today (we're doing 2A right now) and he pretty much bombed it too. I'm really starting to doubt the HOD activities are enough on their own.

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My son is in 1a. Our "session" takes 45 minutes, 2 or 3 times per week.


I USED to implement the textbook & CWP. When I was using that, I felt that ds found it "too easy" but I had a feeling (I'm a INFJ, btw) that he really was not Understanding.


So I ordered the HIG. I started using a combination of the HIG, text and CWP. I concluded that the text was not a good use of our time because the HIG covered it. I also concluded that I would stop using CWP until I had enough evidence that he Understood.


I now solely use the HIG & throw in a couple of MEP worksheets.


I write a LOT on my HIG. If he shows a strength in an activity, I'll indicate that. If he shows a weakness, I'll also indicate that so that I can use a different strategy for the next session.


I like to go deeper than just 'getting things correct'. I'm also interested in his learning style....what works best and what doesn't work so well.


I really believe that if I pinpoint the best methods for teaching him math NOW, he will be a stronger math student years from now.


That's why it takes us 45 minutes. Oh and ds likes to make up his own math games too and instruct me on how to play it :lol:

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