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I think I need to take dd9 to the Dr. I am trying to hold out because we are down to one car and DH has it. Dd has been complaining of a sore throat for 2 days. Today she sounds scratchy and swollen. Temp is 99 and she says it hurts to swallow. Cough sounds a little "barky". If her temp goes up anymore, I'll take her in, but in the meantime, what can I do to help the pain? She tried the warm salt water gargle and is drinking hot tea.

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Guest ME-Mommy
I think I need to take dd9 to the Dr. I am trying to hold out because we are down to one car and DH has it. Dd has been complaining of a sore throat for 2 days. Today she sounds scratchy and swollen. Temp is 99 and she says it hurts to swallow. Cough sounds a little "barky". If her temp goes up anymore, I'll take her in, but in the meantime, what can I do to help the pain? She tried the warm salt water gargle and is drinking hot tea.


I honestly wouldn't go to the doctor for the symptoms you're describing. I'm more of a "wait-and-see" gal...I don't head to the doc until the temp is 101+ for an extended period of time and doesn't come down with OTC treatment.


I'd alternate hot and cold for the throat...a cup of tea, then a popsicle or something else cold. Also, I use honey to coat the throat.


Do you have any Vitamin C or similar immune-boosting supplements? We've been known to use Emergen-C and Airborne.



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**barky cough > be on the lookout for croup (especially in the middle of the night, when it's often at it's worst - think 3 am - also, second night is usually the worst of the three nights of croup)**


At this point, I would not go to the dr unless I suspect strep, or if croup was bad enough to warrant steroids (as in, a few steam showers don't do the trick, or your child is otherwise struggling to breathe, retractions, grunting, many breaths per minute, etc.)



-many-time vet of croup here; it almost always freaks me out:tongue_smilie:


ETA: I see she is 9, which probably makes strep more likely than croup generally speaking, but strep is usually separate from a viral respiratory infection (as in, they are unrelated). Listen to her back - is there wheezing or crackling? That would lead me to take her in. Ask her whether she's having difficulty breathing.


Otherwise, ibuprofen for sore throat pain, honey for the cough.

Edited by wapiti
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I honestly wouldn't go to the doctor for the symptoms you're describing. I'm more of a "wait-and-see" gal...I don't head to the doc until the temp is 101+ for an extended period of time and doesn't come down with OTC treatment.


I'd alternate hot and cold for the throat...a cup of tea, then a popsicle or something else cold. Also, I use honey to coat the throat.


Do you have any Vitamin C or similar immune-boosting supplements? We've been known to use Emergen-C and Airborne.





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My kids have all had the exact same symptoms this past week, along with about half our homeschool group. I thought it was strep at first (one dd's throat didn't look pretty at ALL) but none of the other typical strep symptoms presented. Turned out to be a virus, and it takes about a week to recover. My homemade chicken noodle soup worked wonders ;)

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My kids have all had the exact same symptoms this past week, along with about half our homeschool group. I thought it was strep at first (one dd's throat didn't look pretty at ALL) but none of the other typical strep symptoms presented. Turned out to be a virus, and it takes about a week to recover. My homemade chicken noodle soup worked wonders ;)


Do you deliver???? :D

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a minimum of 3 days sickness here for us before we consider the doctor. It takes your body awhile to fight things off. That is what the fever is for. I control the fever by meds, lots of fluids etc and keep an eye on them. If by the fourth day the fever is still there we take a trip to the doc. If it is a virus by that fourth day the kiddo usually seems to be heading in the right direction and the fever usually has broken. Even if it is strep you'll be okay for a couple of days.

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